Author Topic: Another DVD Care Package?  (Read 159393 times)

Offline Jimmy

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Re: Another DVD Care Package?
« Reply #720 on: October 16, 2011, 01:35:40 PM »
No need to Pete ;D
We have a disagreement between friend it's not the end of the world and none of us will go "in roids rage" mode because of that. I don't think this kind of discussion is a threat to the friendship we have me and Jon for many years, it's like in real life. We can't always agree with everybody all the time even with our best friends or our familly members. As long as we don't start throwing insult to each other this isn't a big deal.

The funny part being that I told you by PM that those films aren't that good and gave you a list of better one she is in. :laugh:
« Last Edit: October 16, 2011, 01:37:27 PM by Jimmy »

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Re: Another DVD Care Package?
« Reply #721 on: October 16, 2011, 01:54:09 PM »
Yeah... I know. And also funny part... as the Birthday Thread shows... today is Erin "Misty Mundae" Brown's 32nd birthday... should have held off a day watching the 2 I watched yesterday! :P


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Re: Another DVD Care Package?
« Reply #722 on: October 16, 2011, 02:50:33 PM »
No, I do not consider any film with nudity to be pornography, or for that matter any film with explicit sex scenes.
Funny because this is exactly what you have done here

No it is not. In the past I've addressed it in "proper" films like Lust Caution and Praise, and Matthias' well timed link sums it up. It's all about honesty. If the story requires an explicit sex scene then it should be filmed explicitly. Hiding it actually makes it offensive. I thought that was what your point of view always was and why you encouraged people to make an effort to distinguish adult film from porn.

Last night I saw two or three trailers with Misty and while it is clear she is a fundamentally poor actress when compared with the Ingrid Bergmans and Grace Kellys of this world

I hope you realize how this sentence is over the top... So from now on can we say that Steven spielberg is a bad director because he isn't Orson Wells or that Robert DeNiro is a bad actor because he isn't Laurence Olivier? Seriously Jon...

Actually Spielberg is as important a director as Welles, but I'm being pedantic now... I was just making a broad statement. Misty, or whatever her real name is, is a better actress than most would assume, precisely because of the effort she puts into some of her work. I would not expect her or anyone else to be taking that G-String film seriously!

I'm sure you have realized that I don't really write reviews here anymore (except for special occasion) and in the rare time I do it's a "mainstream" movie. The fact I was accused by two trolls of watching only pornographic movies, something I don't, played a large part in this decision. So no I'm not here for that anymore...

Which is kind of my point. Those two treated you unfairly and jumped to conclusions, but they were not by definition, trolls. Sophie for a start is female and a lot of women -especially young, opinionated ones- just see all these sorts of films as exploiting women. I've never agreed with that, however there is a point that most of what I consider porn, and what I consider the Play-mate and G-String films to be, are designed to objectify women for the sexual pleasure of the viewer...

Do you consider "Play-mate of the Apes" and "Lord of the G-Strings" to be valuable films that have something to contribute?
and the point being? Are Spiderman a film that have something to contribute? Are Texas Chainsaw Massacre a film that have something to contribute? Are Necromantik a film that have something to contribute? Are Lord of the Rings a film that have something to contribute? Who cares! If even one person is entertain by them they have contribute something.

Don't be ridiculous. The only reason anyone thinks of making a sexploitation parody of Planet of the Apes or Lord of the Rings is so predominantly male viewers will pay to see naked women in silly situations. Absolutely no talent required, just a nice set of boobs, latex costumes and a big sense of humour. "Diddle Earth"? I wonder which draft of the screenplay finally landed that gem!  :shrug: Good grief, their only value is cheap entertainment, but lets not kid ourselves who the target audience is and how they will be, ahem, 'entertaining themselves' during the film. My point was simply that no-one involved in the production of those films ever gave a thought to genre, narrative, art or longevity. On that basis they cannot be considered valued alongside any of the films you just mentioned and I would argue, against any of the adult films you have taken the time to review. I cannot ever remember reading one of your adult film reviews and thinking, "why is Jimmy trying to make this sound good?".

Wow... I am sorry I even mentioned this gift. Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut this time? To me this is nothing more then a friend giving me a gift of a few movies in a genre I am really not familiar with to check it out. So whether I enjoy them or not I will always appreciate them.

But maybe I am being too simple-minded here and should be more critical?

Oh well... either way I am sorry I mentioned them.

I'm just sorry your thread got trashed! Temporarily, I hope. I like this thread and my original post was because I was so surprised you'd bothered to post it. People have taken the time to donate some fantastic films to you. DVDs that are actually worth something had they tried to sell them, but they didn't, they thought of you instead, which I think is very generous not least because it will introduce you to some that you wouldn't have found yourself. I've lost count of the amount of times I've reviewed a film I thought one of you would like it and wished I had a spare copy I could just send you. Jimmy and I have swapped a couple like that, based purely on that fact we knew the other one would appreciate it.

I wouldn't consider Play-mate of the Apes or any of the others on that disc a gift as such, where someone has made an effort to consider you as an individual. These kind of films change hands between blokes precisely because blokes like naked women. It's hardly a critical decision and not worth your time profiling it.

Of course, if when you watch Lord of the G-Strings, you find you have an emotional connection to Dildo, you worry that he won't complete his quest and you find yourself hoping for a sequel so the well written and acted story can get the attention it deserves, then please, post a review and I'll apologise for ever doubting this epics potential!  :laugh:

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Re: Another DVD Care Package?
« Reply #723 on: October 16, 2011, 04:11:41 PM »
Since we are talking so much about her here... I have a few more of her horror movies coming...

Veteran horror master Brett Piper (Screaming Dead, Bite Me!) unleashes his newest mad creation... a gruesome, grotesque horror comics-inspired monster movie adventure. Shock-O-Rama drips with bone-chilling terror and unearthly monstrosities and delivers it all with the outrageous special FX for which Piper is renowned.

Axed from the movie studio that made her a household name, world famous horror actress Rebecca Raven (Misty Mundae) travels to the country for rest & relaxation - and a battle with a flesh-starved ghoul hungry to turn her into zombie left-overs. Meanwhile, the studio executives rifle through past productions to find a sexy new star for their next film, and two fright flicks grab them by the eyeballs. One of them features killer aliens crash-landed in a junkyard that wage war on its shotgun-toting owner with a 50-foot-tall demon borne of scrap metal and car parts. In the other, an over-sized, under-stimulated hunk of evil brain experiments on beautiful young women for the purpose of experiencing human sensual pleasure. Can these bloodthirsty creatures somehow be real? And will there be a brand new "Rebecca Raven" to send them kicking and screaming back to monster hell?
Bite Me!
A crate of bio-engineered marijuana winds up at a strip-joint after a drug deal gone bad, bringing with it a renegade DEA agent and a swarm of monstrous critters. Just what owner Ralph and dancers Crystal, Trix and Amber need as they struggle to save their club from shutting down. An exterminator is called in to thwart the infestation, but quicker than you can say "roach motel," these oversized insectoids prove they are made of tougher stuff. The club is under attack by a stealthy, skittering invasion of big, bad, bloodthirsty bugs, and there's nowhere to run, no place to hide, and not a lap-dance in sight. And when the DEA heavy falls victim to a hungry horde, you can be sure he'll be back...but he might not be quite human anymore.
"Sinful" marks the fifth screen collaboration between writer/director Tony Marsiglia (Lust for Dracula, Sin Sisters) and renowned 'B' movie actress Misty Mundae (Shock-O-Rama, Spiderbabe).  Together they deliver a dark, brutal and vicious film that is sexually provocative and psychologically intense.  It's a horrifying vision of maternal instinct gone past the edge of sanity - a story literally 'torn from today's headlines'!

Lilith (Misty Mundae) cannot conceive a child no matter how hard she tries and how desperately she wishes.  As her marriage begins to unravel, so does her hold on reality slowly and painfully and dangerously slip away.  A beautiful neighbor who has just become pregnant befriends Lilith, and their relationship ignites a furious envy within her that turns increasingly threatening.  Cursed with a body refusing to bear life and driven mad by psychotic fantasy, Lilith will stop at nothing to experience happiness with a child - any child.  She will become a mother, right this very moment, however monstrous and shocking the consequences might be.

These shouldn't be as bad as those others! :P

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Re: Another DVD Care Package?
« Reply #724 on: October 16, 2011, 04:21:48 PM »
Jon you missed the point completly... This is not about the films at all, Pete can tell you I told him yesterday that those films are awfull...

The point is this phrase
...which basically looks like ten-a-penny soft-core porn.  ???
Yes I'm always pissed off when I read an uninformed comment like that. If it was on imdb I wouldn't care as 90% of the people writing there are trolls who like to read themselves. The fact is that I've repeated over and over what is the distinction between an erotic film, an adult film and pornography... No one like to realize they have wasted their time when the result is an imdb forum comment...

So now you are a porn actor if you appear naked in a movie faking sex or not? I guess Julianne Moore, Chloë Sevigny, Hilary Swank, Harvey Keitel, Marlon Brando, Nicole Kidman, Salma Hayek and a ton of other will be happy to know that...

You know what is the magic word in erotic film and adult film? The magic word is film. Unless we need more than a story for a film to be a film those are. Unless a films is called that way only if it please the bearded pipe smoker critic type...

Anyway I won't change my mind that your comment who made me react was a broad and uncalled-for one. So with all due respect to Pete I won't wrote any longer about this in this thread, but feel free to PM me if you wish. 


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Re: Another DVD Care Package?
« Reply #725 on: October 16, 2011, 05:03:34 PM »
So now you are a porn actor if you appear naked in a movie faking sex or not? I guess Julianne Moore, Chloë Sevigny, Hilary Swank, Harvey Keitel, Marlon Brando, Nicole Kidman, Salma Hayek and a ton of other will be happy to know that...

I've no interest in continuing this further either. It's you that's missed the point because you've become blinkered by years of defending a genre that will always be labelled with sweeping descriptions. Ask a hundred random people on the street what they think porn is and you'll get the same answer. Ask those same people if they think Last Tango In Paris, Boogie Nights and Eyes Wide Shut are porn films, they'll say no. Show them an erotic film starring Misty and ask them if that's porn, you'll get opinions, but largely I think they would agree no, it isn't. There's too much story in the way. Show them Misty in that shite ripping off LotR and they will say, yes, absolutely that is porn. Therefore when I called that crap "soft-core porn" I meant it exactly as it sounded. If I meant an erotic film or an adult film, based on what I have for some extent learnt from you, I'd have said so.


[mass noun]

    printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate sexual excitement.




mid 19th century: from Greek pornographos 'writing about prostitutes', from pornē 'prostitute' + graphein 'write'

Doesn't matter if they're really doing it. To "stimulate sexual excitement" is the point

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Re: Another DVD Care Package?
« Reply #726 on: October 16, 2011, 05:22:06 PM »
When you will have seen one of those movies I will take you seriously... untill than not at all. Your opinion on where is the line between adult film and pornography is as bad as mine is when I talk of the latest 3D-CGI festival appearing on the theatre screens.

With my expertise and experience I'm fully able to see the difference, but it's mostly because I know what I'm talking about and I don't rely on "made sentences" and "slogan".

Doesn't matter if they're really doing it. To "stimulate sexual excitement" is the point

Nice some people are sexually arouse watching animal, so now Animal Planet is a pornographic TV channel?  ::)


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Re: Another DVD Care Package?
« Reply #727 on: October 16, 2011, 05:38:00 PM »
Nice some people are sexually arouse watching animal, so now Animal Planet is a pornographic TV channel?  ::)

For god's sake, Jimmy, you're just being childish now. :-X  Pornography is defined by the maker, not the viewer.

It's time you stopped being so sensitive and accept that this is how most people think. You can help educate people why there is a valued difference from what they consider a "porno", but instead you just go on the attack. What this thread broke down to was Pete saying "Look what I'm getting" and me replying "that looks like crap", except I called a spade a spade and you got upset. It needs to stop now, I've had enough.

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Re: Another DVD Care Package?
« Reply #728 on: October 16, 2011, 08:00:11 PM »
These sound just as bad Jon... but my friend is sending me another set of her movies!  Get a load of these titles...

An Erotic Vampire In Paris Collection
- An Erotic Vampire In Paris
- An Erotic Werewolf in London
- Purgatory Blues

And no... not expecting much from these. Nothing more then something to laugh at. But hey... if I get these in time... at least they will fit in my horror marathon!  :laugh:

I looked up all the movies... and like I said not expecting much of anything. But oddly... I can't seem to find any info on Purgatory Blues.

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Re: Another DVD Care Package?
« Reply #729 on: October 17, 2011, 12:25:47 AM »
No it isn't a continuation of the precedent argument ;D
This is just to let you know, because that kind of situation can be uncomfortable for some, that everything is ok between me and Jon. Just an argument that goes over the top as I told him by PM it's mostly my fault because I'm really touchy those days.

Sorry again Pete for the drama :(


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Re: Another DVD Care Package?
« Reply #730 on: October 17, 2011, 12:39:27 AM »
I've been round the block a few times with discussion forums and what you said earlier was always going to be true where we, or in fact any other of our regular members, were concerned. We can get carried away, but we've known one another long enough that it really doesn't matter. It makes me sad that past events with newbies made you feel you couldn't review such films on here anymore and I'm sorry if our discussion today made you think you and your interests were being marginalised again. You are one of the more important members of this forum precisely because you support the little films.

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Re: Another DVD Care Package?
« Reply #731 on: October 17, 2011, 12:42:36 AM »
All fine here. I was just concerned that something I posted was the start of any type of bad feelings between other members here.

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Re: Another DVD Care Package?
« Reply #732 on: October 17, 2011, 02:27:09 AM »
Not the exactly the same thing as a gift... but I am going to add it here anyway... thanks to a trade with a friend... I will be getting...

How I Met Your Mother: The Complete Season 6
The more things change, the more things get interesting in this all-new hilarious season of How I Met Your Mother. Ted's (Josh Radnor) search for "the one" continues while Marshall and Lily (Jason Segel and Alyson Hannigan) hope to become parents, Barney (Neil Patrick Harris) makes an uproariously awkward attempt to find his real father, and Robin (Cobie Smuthers) finally feels like a true New Yorker. Featuring epic guest stars like Katy Perry and Jorge Garcia as "The Blitz," Season Six is filled with just plain awesomeness.
The Big Bang Theory: The Complete Fourth Season
"Four seasons in, it is still laugh-out-loud funny. Every episode, every week," says USA Today's Robert Bianco about the hit series The Big Bang Theory. Subject his conclusion to empirical analysis by watching all 24 Episodes of Season Four on 3 Discs. This season, the Big Bang gang's romantic universe expands. On the rebound from Penny, Leonard falls for Raj's sister Priya. Sheldon gets a girlfriend - Amy, a dour neurobiologist who declares herself Penny's BFF. Howard and Bernadette heat up; meanwhile, Raj is romancing her in Bollywood daydreams. Observe all the forces of attraction in this genius, award-winning comedy.

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Re: Another DVD Care Package?
« Reply #733 on: October 17, 2011, 03:12:22 AM »
Seems like I am on a heck of a role here.... now looks like I will be getting...

Bloodlust: The Erotic Cinema of Tony Marsiglia
Lust for Dracula
The repressed Mina (Misty Mundae) longs for her husband's love and the happiness a child would bring them - until the arrival of the beautiful and mysterious Dracula (Darian Caine) changes her life forever. A sexy, stylish re-interpretation of the classic Bram Stoker story.

Lilith (Misty Mundae) cannot conceive a child. When a beautiful pregnant neighbor (Erika Smith) befriends Lilith, their relationship ignites an envy that turns increasingly threatening and grotesque in this erotic shocker.

Witches of Sappho Salon
When young, virginal Janet Fontaine stops by a trendy NYC beauty salon run by three sexy witches, she seals her fate as a sacrifice to Satan!

Dr. Jekyll and Mistress Hyde
Controversial therapist Dr. Jackie Stevenson has developed an experimental serum that separates the 'pure' and 'lustful' halves of the female psyche. Experimenting on herself, Jackie roams the streets searching for young women to fulfill her insatiable erotic desires.

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Re: Another DVD Care Package?
« Reply #734 on: October 17, 2011, 10:48:25 PM »
My brother in law came over today... wanting to use my computer and Amazon account to place an order. As a thank you he ordered me a copy of...

Masters of Science Fiction: The Complete Series
From the very beginning, we have struggled to understand time, matter and the infinite universe; who we are, where we are headed, and if we are alone. Great minds - and some of the genre’s most legendary writers and directors - have now imagined the most wonderful and terrifying answers to these questions. Join host Professor Stephen Hawking for these six expeditions into the outer realms of scientific imagination, starring such award-winning actors as Sam Waterston, Judy Davis, Anne Heche, Malcolm McDowell, Clifton Collins Jr., Terry O’Quinn, Elisabeth Röhm, John Hurt, Sean Astin, James Denton, Brian Dennehy, James Cromwell and more.This collection features all six episodes of the acclaimed series, including the two ‘lost’ episodes - Little Brother and Watchbird - never broadcast during its original network run.
Star Trek: The Animated Series
Boldly continuing where 'Star Trek: The Original Series' left off, these animated adventures chart the progress of Captain Kirk and his crew in a universe unconstrained by "real-life" cinematography!

With all characters voiced by their original actors, join Kirk, Spock, Bones and the crew for 22 original adventures: to boldly go where no animation has gone before!


1. Beyond the Farthest Star
2. Yesteryear
3. One of Our Planets is Missing
4. The Lorelei Signal
5. More Tribbles, More Troubles
6. The Survivor
7. The Infinite Vulcan
8. The Magicks of Megas-Tu
9. Once Upon a Planet
10. Mudd's Passion
11. The Terratin Incident
12. The Time Trap
13.The Ambergris Element
14. The Slaver Weapon
15. The Eye of the Beholder
16. The Jihad
17. The Pirates of Orion
18. Bem
19. The Practical Joker
20. Albatross
21. How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth
22. The Counter-Clock Incident