Author Topic: "Due South" marathon  (Read 86802 times)

Offline Tom

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Re: "Due South" marathon
« Reply #135 on: July 26, 2009, 11:35:54 AM »
1.19 Heaven and Earth (1995-03-25)
Writer: Paul Haggis (Created By), Phil Bedard (Writer), Larry Lalonde (Writer)
Director: David Warry-Smith
Cast: Paul Gross (Constable Benton Fraser), David Marciano (Detective Ray Vecchio), Beau Starr (Lt. Harding Welsh), Daniel Kash (Detective Louis Gardino), Tony Craig (Detective Jack Huey), Catherine Bruhier (Elaine), Jonathan Banks (Garret), Ramona Milano (Francesca), Alex Carter (Agent Ford), Djanet Sears (Caroline Wilson), Mark Melymick (Agent Deeter), Karyn Dwyer (Mary Ann), Bill Macdonald (Kidnapper), Ken Quinn (Chili Cook), Roy Lewis (Manager), Jack Jessop (Cook # 1)

A good episode. Though I am not sure if it's a good idea that they did a Johnny Smith here. Also fun is how Ray tries to find out, if Fraser slept with Francesca.


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Re: "Due South" marathon
« Reply #136 on: July 26, 2009, 12:35:57 PM »
1.20 Victoria's Secret - Part 1 (1995-05-11)
Writer: Paul Haggis (Created By), Paul Haggis (Writer), David Shore (Writer)
Director: Paul Haggis
Cast: Paul Gross (Constable Benton Fraser), David Marciano (Detective Ray Vecchio), Beau Starr (Lt. Harding Welsh), Daniel Kash (Detective Louis Gardino), Tony Craig (Detective Jack Huey), Catherine Bruhier (Elaine), Ramona Milano (Francesca), Melina Kanakaredes (Victoria Metcalf), Denis Forest (Jolly Hughes), Shay Duffin (Father Behan), Gordon Pinsent (Fraser Sr.), Paulina Gillis (Maria), David Calderisi (Mr. Vecchio), Vito Rezza (Tony), Sam Moses (Mr. Mustafi), Bruce McFee (Moran), Victor Ertmanis (Staff Sgt. Meers), Kim Ange (Boswell), Sam Malkin (Brown), Arthi Sambasivan (Jasmine), Craig Eldridge (Criminalist), Reiner Schwarz (Peddlar), Bob Fisher (Bonilla)

This two-parter picks up on the story of Fraser's ladyfriend whom he mentioned earlier in the season. This is a more dramatic episode. The only real comic relief here is Fraser's dad ("What happened to your hat?" :laugh:)


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Re: "Due South" marathon
« Reply #137 on: July 27, 2009, 10:20:42 AM »
1.21 Victoria's Secret - Part 2 (1995-05-11)
Writer: Paul Haggis (Created By), Paul Haggis (Writer), David Shore (Writer)
Director: Paul Haggis
Cast: Paul Gross (Constable Benton Fraser), David Marciano (Detective Ray Vecchio), Beau Starr (Lt. Harding Welsh), Daniel Kash (Detective Louis Gardino), Tony Craig (Detective Jack Huey), Catherine Bruhier (Elaine), Melina Kanakaredes (Victoria Metcalf), Denis Forest (Jolly Hughes), Shay Duffin (Father Behan), Lee Purcell (Louise St. Laurent), Joe Lisi (Lennox), Deborah Rennard (Dr. Esther Pearson), Gordon Pinsent (Fraser Sr.), Paulina Gillis (Maria), David Calderisi (Mr. Vecchio), Vito Rezza (Tony), Sam Moses (Mr. Mustafi), Bruce McFee (Moran), Victor Ertmanis (Staff Sgt. Meers), Kim Ange (Boswell), Sam Malkin (Brown), Arthi Sambasivan (Jasmine), Craig Eldridge (Criminalist), Reiner Schwarz (Peddlar), Bob Fisher (Bonilla)

Probably the most dramatic episode of the entire series. The friendship between Ray and Fraser will be tested hard in the following few episodes.


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Re: "Due South" marathon
« Reply #138 on: July 27, 2009, 11:17:47 AM »
1.22 Letting Go (1995-06-01)
Writer: Paul Haggis (Created By), Jeff King (Writer), Kathy Slevin (Writer)
Director: George Bloomfield
Cast: Paul Gross (Constable Benton Fraser), David Marciano (Detective Ray Vecchio), Beau Starr (Lt. Harding Welsh), Daniel Kash (Detective Louis Gardino), Tony Craig (Detective Jack Huey), Catherine Bruhier (Elaine), Melina Kanakaredes (Victoria Metcalf), Laurie Holden (Jill Kennedy), Jennifer Dale (Dr. Carter), Frances Hyland (Fraser's Grandmother), Gordon Pinsent (Fraser Sr.), Joseph Scoren (Kevin), Linda Griffiths (Bernice), Andy Marshall (Resident)

A good episode. It is Due South's take on Rear Window. This episode also deals with the aftermath of the previous two-parter.



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Re: "Due South" marathon
« Reply #139 on: July 27, 2009, 10:42:33 PM »
The Deal
A bit intense I thought. Off character for the series in general. I did enjoy it though. Very much.



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Re: "Due South" marathon
« Reply #140 on: July 27, 2009, 11:42:34 PM »
An Invitation to Romance

Pete was right when he called her irritating. Holy Crap - JUST SHUT UP ALREADY!!!!! :stars: I wonder how many takes they had to do to get some of these scenes.  :hmmmm:

Not only was Ray taking over for Fraser but he was also having a 2 way conversation with the wolf!  :laugh:

A solid episode.
My Rating:


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Re: "Due South" marathon
« Reply #141 on: July 28, 2009, 09:01:22 PM »
Heavan and Earth

I liked this episode. I like the guess star (Jonathan Banks). Used to enjoy him in Wiseguy. I didn't mind the Johnny Smith part of the story. It worked out well I thought.

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Re: "Due South" marathon
« Reply #142 on: July 28, 2009, 11:37:52 PM »
Victoria's Secret - Part 1

From the very beginning you can tell this episode is going to be different. There was some comedy in it, the hat as Tom pointed out  :laugh: I also got a chuckle at the vacuum and the TV Fraser borrowed, both were broken and HE had to fix them before he returned them  :laugh: But it is for the most part all Drama.

I thought Ray acted kinda crappy when he came to Fraser's house to get the money, it did give them a chance for Fraser to leave the appartment
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I guess it worked. It seemed a bit out of character to me though.

The story is pretty predictible but still enjoyable. Great ending. The next episode is beginning right now  :thumbup:


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Re: "Due South" marathon
« Reply #143 on: July 28, 2009, 11:46:25 PM »
I thought Ray acted kinda crappy when he came to Fraser's house to get the money,

I understood Ray here. He reminded Fraser multiple times, that he needs the money back for this evening, otherwise he cannot buy better food and drinks for when the collegues were coming over to play pool. And as Fraser forgot to come, it turned out to be a crappy evening for all.


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Re: "Due South" marathon
« Reply #144 on: July 29, 2009, 06:02:54 PM »
I thought Ray acted kinda crappy when he came to Fraser's house to get the money,

I understood Ray here. He reminded Fraser multiple times, that he needs the money back for this evening, otherwise he cannot buy better food and drinks for when the collegues were coming over to play pool. And as Fraser forgot to come, it turned out to be a crappy evening for all.

I still think he would have (or at least should have) cut Fraser some slack. The guy is basically perfect. The one time he didn't follow through Ray copped a 'tude. It worked for the story but they could have come up with something better I thought.


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Re: "Due South" marathon
« Reply #145 on: July 29, 2009, 06:08:57 PM »
Victoria's Secret - Part 2

Great 2nd part epidsode. Definitely one that will change both characters. They already showed a change in Fraser, when the lady whos purse was stolen went to him for help.

Good performance by yet another good guest star. This show really had some great guest stars over the years. Great ending as well!

@Pete - after these 2 episodes you should be able to make up your mind about the ghost of the dad. He is in them a lot. I loved the scene in the diner where Fraser was having a conversation with him  :laugh:

Rating: Going with the for this one


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Re: "Due South" marathon
« Reply #146 on: July 29, 2009, 07:06:32 PM »
Letting Go AKA = Even Steven  :laugh:

Another good story. Another good guest star. Another good ending to the episode.

Season 1 recap:
I'm really glad I am watching this show again. There are so many things about the show that simply put make it great TV entertainment. I am looking forward to season 2.  :thumbup:

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Re: "Due South" marathon
« Reply #147 on: July 29, 2009, 07:26:00 PM »
@Pete - after these 2 episodes you should be able to make up your mind about the ghost of the dad. He is in them a lot. I loved the scene in the diner where Fraser was having a conversation with him  :laugh:

The best part is, where his dad tells about the time he gave his wife a ticket for speeding:
Fraser: You pulled your wife over?
Dad: No, I was sitting next to her.

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Re: "Due South" marathon
« Reply #148 on: July 30, 2009, 06:35:02 PM »
Heaven and Earth

Another good episode. I personally have mixed feelings about the "Johnny Smith" route they took in this episode. It really didn't bother me much... but much like the father/ghost(?) thing (at least so far)... it just didn't seem to fit in the kind of show I saw this as so far. But then again between those 2 things this shows that they will go the supernatural route. Which my just help me enjoy the whole father storyline more.

My Rating:


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Re: "Due South" marathon
« Reply #149 on: July 30, 2009, 07:25:03 PM »
funny, all the episodes I've watched and I never thought of it as supernatural. Sure, the Johny Smith guy had some supernatural powers (if you want to call them that) but that doesn't define the show to me. Many shows have had a guest with some sort of clairvoyance but to me that usually defined an episode is all.

As far as the dad goes, there is a scene where he is in the pool and tells Fraser "couldn't you at least imagine me with a swim suit on". Telling us all the scenes with the dad are simply Fraser's way of dealing with whatever situation by "talking it out" with his dad. Then they throuw in the "is that a new hat" type things just to keep us wondering... is he there or isn't he.

That's how I see it anyway  ;D