Author Topic: Jimmy's XXX Movies review  (Read 65796 times)

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Re: Jimmy's XXX Movies review
« Reply #30 on: July 08, 2009, 08:44:43 AM »

Title: A Little Bit of Hanky Panky (1984)

Genre: Eighties stuff
Director: David I. Frazer & Svetlana
Rating: XXX
Length: 1h09
Video: Full Frame
Audio: English
Subtitles: None

Ginger Lynn
Stacey Donovan
Jamie Gillis
Ron Jeremy
Jerry Butler

The greatest sex game of them all! Two young, married couples are on a camping holiday on an island. Only Sylvia, one of the wives, knows the island's secret. There are lots of surprises and plenty of pretty girls. Among other things there is a lovely menage-a-trois. Filmed entirely on location in the South Pacific.

My Thoughts:
This was made in the mid-eighties so don't expect a mind challenging movie since it isn't. The synopsis say pretty much all you have to know about the story and like most of the film of this time 75% of it was sex scenes (at least it's better than the ones produce actually were 99.9% of the film is uninspired sex). Don't expect me to write on the acting since it's not really important for those films (even if Ginger Lynn, Jamie Gillies and Jerry Butler are pretty good ones). So I will go with what was important for me as a teenager when it was made... The girls in the film :devil:

Pretty much everybody know who is Ginger Lynn, the all-american girl of her time and one of the most successfull actress of this era with Christy Canyon and Amber Lynn.

Stacey Donovan another 80's blonde girl type who start start her career as a publicity model and was a popular actress before she got blacklisted after her passage at the Meese Commission.

don't ask me why? The picture had no nudity in it ::)
A young Bunny Bleu (before her bad breast surgery) and a young Jacy Allen

And some others nice one a little bit harder to get safe for work screen capture.

So the cast is sure a pleasure for the eyes. For the lady you had Jerry Butler and Jamie Gillies (who aren't too bad looking) and Ron Jeremy who looks less like the idiot he usually is.

The photography is sure beautifull too since this movie was filmed on the island of Maui in the Hawaii States. The musical score isn't too bad also.

Nice time waster if you don't want to think too much.

Rating :

Don't expect that much pictures in my next reviews, but sometimes we have to be different when we have not that much to say about a movie.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 05:14:46 AM by Jimmy »

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Re: Jimmy's XXX Movies review
« Reply #31 on: July 08, 2009, 05:40:16 PM »
Pretty much everybody know who is Ginger Lynn, the all-american of her time and one of the most successfull actress of this era with Christy Canyon and Amber Lynn.

I only know her from "Wing Commander 3: The Heart of the Tiger" (I only learned later that she was a porn actress before). In the game you had a choice to date her character (Rachel), or the red-head Flint. I usually picked Rachel  ;D

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Re: Jimmy's XXX Movies review
« Reply #32 on: July 11, 2009, 10:03:32 AM »

Title: The Presidential Peepers (1975)

Genre: Comedy
Director: Latour Lamour, obviously a fake name ::)
Rating: XXX
Length: 1h04
Video: Widescreen
Audio: English
Subtitles: None

Richard M. Dixon
Tina Russell
Gretchen Mann
Marc Stevens
Helen Madigan

Watergate was only the tip of the iceberg ... here is the full and untold story of the real secret activities of the Nixon administration.

My Thoughts:
This movie was made to have a good laugh at the expense of Richard Nixon after the Watergate. A little bit of history is necessary here, no not about the Watergate, but to explain why he deserved to be laugh at. In 1969 Lyndon B. Johnson had created the President's Commission on Obscenity, the report found that obscenity and pornography were not important social problems, that there was no evidence that exposure to such material was harmful to individuals, and that current legal and policy initiatives were more likely to create problems than solve them. In conclusion it was recommanded that the Federal, State, and Local legislation prohibiting the sale, exhibition, or distribution of sexual materials to consenting adults should be repealed. The first action of Nixon when he was elected was to thrown the report in the garbage. No need to wrote that the Commission conclusion are my thought and are completly logic. On a funny note one of the Commission member was dissident and this charming character was Charles Keating but this is another story.

First thing to denote is that the actor who play Nixon looks a lot like him, in fact he had played the President in 9 films between 1971 and 1977.

The humouristic side of this film is correct and most of it involves Nixon and his anti-pornography crusade. Evidently the film shown him as a two-faced man using for this the lustfull gaze he had at his secretary and the Chinese Ambassador while his rhetoric is always that the pornography is the biggest threat againt the United States security (at one point he says that it's a communist plot). The acting of this guy is good too, but most of the other cast members acting is pretty bad (the worst is certainly the actress playing the Chinese Ambasador, I'm almost sure that she is Ming Toy who was in Captain Lust and the Pirate Women with a different alias). The sex scenes aren't that great with a couple of exceptions and doesn't seem to had a reason to be there beyond the fact that the audience will feel cheated without. Those scenes look more like a recuperation of old loops than anything except for the scenes involving Tina Russell, Helen Madigan and Marc Stevens.

Not a great film and certainly not the best movie of his time (some movies are forgotten for good reason), but the central part of it with the Nixon impressionist is nicely done and entertaining.

Rating :
« Last Edit: July 11, 2009, 10:07:45 AM by Jimmy »

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Re: Jimmy's XXX Movies review
« Reply #33 on: July 13, 2009, 07:53:52 AM »

Title: The Dental Nurses (1973)

Genre: Comedy
Director: Miles Del Monte (yeah it's another fake name :laugh:)
Rating: XXX
Length: 1h14
Video: Full Frame
Audio: English
Subtitles: None

Tyler Reynolds
Veronica Taylor
Sally Dally
John Seeman
David Book

Forget everything you ever knew or experienced at your dentist's chair! Goodbye to pain! Welcome pleasure! Here comes a picture that was banned in the Dental Convention for fear of giving away the secret. A breakthrough in the treatment of...cavities, by a new combination of drill, brush, and toothpaste. A true classic from the golden age of porn!

My Thoughts:
The term "true classic" is certainly a little bit too strong here, but the label usually like to exagerate the importance of their released. What we have here is a quickie, this term means a film that was made in less than a day usually with a budget of less than a thousand dollars (cast and crew salary, film stock, editing and lab cost) and many of them are considered lost. Don't really expect a story here, but most a central idea and the theme here is a dentist office and the doctor dental technics. For a film of this kind this is a good one, I would had been quite pleased if my dentist office would had been like this one :laugh:. The actors had mostly used an alias (Pencil Sharp, Mona Moan, Nag Analf, Les Sek) and many are uncredited (Joan Devlon, Dianne Galke and Desiree West). One of the scene doesn't happened at the office, but this is an interesting one with a lot of vegetables used in a different way than usually ;). The cover is evidently one of those I don't like that had nothing to do with the movie.     

Rating :
« Last Edit: July 13, 2009, 05:52:09 PM by Jimmy »

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Re: Jimmy's XXX Movies review
« Reply #34 on: July 14, 2009, 08:48:03 AM »

Title: Appointment with Agony (1976)

Genre: Roughie
Director: Joe Davian
Rating: XXX
Length: 0h58
Video: Full Frame
Audio: English
Subtitles: None

Vanessa Del Rio
Red Baron
David Pierce
Roger Caine
Crystal Sync

Scumbags capture and humiliate a hitchhiker and a family of four. Davian at his peak of sadistic genius!

My Thoughts:
Looks like a pretty tiny synopsis but that's it. A criminal gang composed of 3 guys and 1 woman captured an hitchiker (played by Vanessa Del Rio) gangrape her and hijack a familly camper after and do the same to them. So it's clearly a film for everyone in the familly... It's an Avon production so it's pretty obvious that it's not for everyone taste. The first part with the hitchiker is the best one since the acting is really convincing (no smiling, no  laughing and played very hard), Vanessa Del Rio performance had a feeling of truth here (don't worry it's only acting). But the movie loose is cinema vérité look when the gang capture the familly, since the girls can't hide their smile and everything look fake. Too bad since this is suppose to be very rough with the gang forcing the 2 girls (Clea Carson and Susaye London) to have oral sex with their father (John Bush), before they sexually assaulted the girls and the mother (Barbara Ames) in front of the father. The film as a good ending since the familly escaped (probably the hitchiker too) and the guys end in prison.

If you like that genre you will like this one, if you don't forget about it.     

Rating :

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Re: Jimmy's XXX Movies review
« Reply #35 on: July 15, 2009, 07:05:12 AM »

Title: All the Devil's Angels (1978)

Genre: Horror
Director: Peter Balakoff
Rating: XXX
Length: 1h38
Video: Full Frame
Audio: English
Subtitles: None

Gena Lee
Peter Balakoff
Diane Miller
Richard Parnes

A Satanist uses a mental asylum as cover for his black magic coven.

My Thoughts:
This one is certainly an oddity as an adult film, since it feels a lot more like a grade B horror TV films made in the seventies than an adult film (of course without the hardcore scene). What I means by this is that at least 95% of this film doesn't involve sexuality (nothing wrong with that since I like my film to have a story). The problem reside in the fact that this isn't really interesting or original (sure it doesn't help that I don't really like this kind of horror movie). The story move slowly and is overly complicated to follow. Peter Balakoff does a good job playing the psychiatrist what is not necessary a surprise since he had appeared in many TV series usually under the name Ted Roter. Gena Lee does an honest job also in her role. The rest of the acting is hit or miss.

I use the R-Rated for this one, but it could have been placed really easilly in my other review thread.     

Rating :
« Last Edit: July 15, 2009, 07:07:11 AM by Jimmy »

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Re: Jimmy's XXX Movies review
« Reply #36 on: July 22, 2009, 06:02:30 AM »

Title: Reflections (1977)

Genre: Drama
Director: Michael Zen
Rating: XXX
Length: 1h25
Video: Full Frame
Audio: English
Subtitles: None

Annette Haven
Kristine Heller
Paul Thomas
John Leslie
Linda Wong

The twisted passions of Uncontrolled Teenaged Lust...Reflect the fantasies of Youth! Bob and Connie and Joan are cousins. Connie loves doing to Bob what Joan refuses to do to Bob. Remembering her younger days when Connie and Bob would send her to her room, Joan chooses her welcome home party to pick and choose from her cousin's friends in defiance of Connie and Bob. Puts a whole new twist on Kissing Cousins!  

My Thoughts:
As usual the synopsis made this film sound sleazier than it is actually, since it's a wonderfull and tastefull takes on the subject. All the film is based on the love that a brother and a sister (Paul Thomas and Kristine Heller) had always had for each other since their childhood and their young cousin (Annette Haven) who was humiliated by them in the past. You can even call it a revenge movie since she wants to get back at her cousins. Like I've said the subject is treated with taste and the script from William Dance is the reason for this (for another good movie based on one of his script you can check Little Girls Blue 1 and 2). The script use the good old teasing trick and plays it greatly, in fact you have to wait almost one hour for the first complete sex act (between John Leslie and Linda Wong). Not too long after you will get one of the weirdest sex party ever filmed : almost everyone wear a mask or a costume, so you have a clown, Abraham Lincoln, a caveman, a lot of scary transparent mask (like the one used in Last House on Dead End Street) and more... At the end the cousin will get her revenge in a real shocking and surprise ending.

This movie is one of the few where Kristine Heller had the first role (ok it's really Annette Haven who had it, but she steals the show), Paul Thomas is as good as he always is and Annette Haven gives a good performance also.    

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Re: Jimmy's XXX Movies review
« Reply #37 on: July 24, 2009, 07:01:43 AM »

Title: Bonde Heat : Case of the Maltese Dildo (1985)

Genre: Detective Story
Director: Tim McDonald
Rating: XXX
Length: 1h30
Video: Full Frame
Audio: English
Subtitles: None

John Leslie
Gina Carrera
David F. Friedman
Richard Pacheco

When a mysterious blonde enters the Hollywood office of private eye Mark Lowe, his sex life changes forever! Looking for the Maltese Dildo, a lost ancient artifact with strange sexual powers, his gorgeous client becomes so aroused she seduces him- and soon he's on the trail of the elusive dildo. During the course of his investigation, Mark finds that the mere description of the dildo arouses the passions of any and all women. needless to say, Mark becomes quite a story teller, and many a listener lend more than an ear to his wagging tongue.

My Thoughts:
Surprisingly this one had a pretty good story considering it was made in the mid-eighties a period where movie with a script were a rare thing. Sure the fact that McDonald is the director is a hint, he had previously made For Services Rendered and Alexandra two story filled movie. The second hint of quality is the fact that it's a David Friedman production, The Mighty Monarch of Exploitation himself ;D

So what we have here is a conventional detective investigation story with some bad guys, murder framing, a man trying to get the detective to work for him (playing by M. Friedman himself) and of course some love interest. The investigation doesn't end has we think it will, so we get a surprise ending. The movie is well acted, but when you have Leslie, Pacheco and Angel in a cast this isn't a surprise. You get a lot of footage of Hollywood since it was filmed there (always great to see some vintage theatrical poster). The film had a lot of funny line also and even if it countains many sex scenes (common it's the eighties) none of them are gratuitious. Since I ain't the biggest fan of Seka (never understand her appeal, she looks like an unnatural trailer trash girl to my eyes), I was happy to see that her role is really small.

A fun way to pass 90 minutes who doesn't look that long

Rating :

This one is specially for Rick and for the other dog lover (BTW the guy in the picture is John Leslie)


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Re: Jimmy's XXX Movies review
« Reply #38 on: July 24, 2009, 12:35:55 PM »
This one is specially for Rick and for the other dog lover (BTW the guy in the picture is John Leslie)

I've never seen him on Blue Peter... :laugh: :tease: :-X

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Re: Jimmy's XXX Movies review
« Reply #39 on: July 25, 2009, 11:52:38 AM »

Title: Oriental Techniques in Pain and Pleasure (1983)

Genre: S&M
Director: Phil Prince
Rating: XXX
Length: 0h53
Video: Full Frame
Audio: English
Subtitles: None

Annie Sprinkle
Mistress Candice
Debbie Cole
George Payne
Ron Jeremy

A woman who has accidentally come into possession of an ancient Chinese manuscript is kidnapped by a gang trying to find the manuscript, and when she refuses to tell where it is, she is tortured, raped and forced to perform in a B&D/S&M sex show.

My Thoughts:
Since this movie is an Avon production directed by Phil Prince I don't think it's necessary to write that it isn't a film for everyone (so why I've written it?). From my precedent reviews of The Story of Prunella, The Taming of Rebecca and Kneel Before Me you have already understand that those movies were made for a limited target audience. Those films are rough and aren't pleasant or arousing to watch, but it doesn't mean that you can't appreciate their historical importance (the Meese commission had used them as an exemple of how all the adult movies were ::)) or the acting performances.

This is the fourth of those that I've reviewed here and I've to say that it's the one that made me feel the more incomfortable while watching (you will understand why later). The story start slowly and the film is kind of boring before the show, sure George Payne gave another good domination act but it's short and not really rough (without mentionning that Ambrosia Fox and Niko are present and do nothing except than watching). So for the first 20 minutes this film is a waste of my time (even more when we consider that the print quality is awfull)... After this the girls (Annie Sprinkle and Debbie Cole) are bring upstair for the S&M show and the film continue to be annoying for a while. Now that where as a guy I was really not confortable (and I really mean it), a poor man (Billy Kirk in it's only role) is bring on the stage to be humiliate and torture. OK here we go... The poor guy is anally fisted (and not just a little bit, since the arm penetration reach the elbow) and like it wasn't enough already after that he is sodomised with a giant wooden phallus. After that you certainly hope that it's finally over with the male torture and you're right at least for him, but... The Mistress wants to have her fun too, but Billy Kirk isn't available anymore probably because he is already at the emergency, so she need someone else. The lucky guy is Alan Adrien who will come on the stage to had his penis hand slappen, hitten with a stick, squizzen, pinched with a lot of clothespin and as a reward Mistress Candice will pissed on him. Finally it's over with a rushed conclusion and by the way we will never discover what is written on the Chinese manuscript or why it is important.

I think that I've given you a good enough description for helping you to decide if this is or isn't a film for you. This is probably the only review that I've written that I can say I'm happy to block from the homepage...   

Rating :

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Re: Jimmy's XXX Movies review
« Reply #40 on: July 26, 2009, 10:20:19 AM »

Title: Bad Girls III (1985)

Genre: Comedy
Director: David I. Frazer & Svetlana
Rating: XXX
Length: 1h26
Video: Full Frame
Audio: English
Subtitles: None

Traci Lords
Jerry Butler
Jay Serling
Rachel Ashley
Crystal Breeze

My Thoughts:
Now this is a more fun one than the precedent... The story isn't really complicated, 2 guys (Butler and Serling) want to have a great summer but they aren't really lucky so one of them get the idea to go to a summer camp for rich teenage girls. But he have an obvious problem since he is a guy, the solution becoming a girl (and not a pretty one :laugh:) and becoming the assistant of the camp owner. It works and his friend will soon get at the camp as one of the teenage campers. This movie is a lot of fun, full of joke and double meaning phrase, well act by Jerry butler (one of the last real actors in the eighties) and Jay Serling. The girl cast is awesome also with Traci Lords (the reason why the film isn't available everywhere), Stacy Donovan, Rikki Blake, Crystal Breeze, Rachel Ashley, Jacy Allen, Cynthia Brooks and Kristara Barrington. You get a laugh everytime that one of them discover that Aunt Patty and Tony aren't a girls (as it wasn't obvious :laugh:). At the end the girls had the last laugh since they have their secret also.

Great way to pass an hour and a half in front of the tv. 

Rating :

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Re: Jimmy's XXX Movies review
« Reply #41 on: July 30, 2009, 06:42:50 AM »

Title: Sodom and Gomorrah: The Last Seven Days (1974)

Genre: Biblical
Director: James Mitchell & Artie Mitchell
Rating: XXX
Length: 1h39
Video: Full Frame
Audio: English
Subtitles: None

Thom Glardon
Jacquie Brodie
Sean Brancato
George S. MacDonald
Tyler Reynolds

My Thoughts:
Now we have an oddity, a pretty good adaptation of a story of the old testament done in the adult way. The first important fact about this film to know is that it was made after the Mitchell Brothers were condamned by a New-York judge in an obscenity trial for Beyond the Green Door who had written in his judgement that the act in the movie were worst than the one in the city of Sodom and Gomorrah ::). Like I've said this is a faithfull adapdation (I think) where we follow the tribulation of Lot and his familly after they had splited with their tribe untill they decide to establish themselves in the city of Sodom. The city is rule by a dictator who to control the wealth and the good lifestyle of the city had decided to control the population expansion. His way : becoming a god who prohibits all the sexual intercourse that can result to childbirth. So I think you know what is the sexual act of choice in the city (anyway the name came from the city name, so it's kind of obvious). The movie in general is well acted even if like all the Mitchell Brother's movies most of the actors are one timer. It doesn't mean that none of them are known since Joan Devlon, Sharon Thorpe, Johnny Keyes, Dale Meador, Ken Scudder, Tyler Reynolds and Ken Turner (he blows himself again in this) are in the cast. The filming location looks a lot like the Middle East (evidently this isn't since it was filmed somewhere in California). At the end Job will flee from the city and survive it's destruction, but his wife will die since she will look the city one last time (I don't think it's a big spoiler since everybody actually know the end of this biblical tale). The only real problem is that this film is way too long, not that I can't appreciate an adult movie with a long running time (Take Off last 1h43 and this is one of my favorite movie) but this one feels long.

This one is hard to find since it was never released on dvd (like many other production of the Mitchell brothers) and I ain't even sure if it had a wide released on vhs.  

Rating :
« Last Edit: March 13, 2015, 06:47:10 AM by Jimmy »

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Re: Jimmy's XXX Movies review
« Reply #42 on: July 31, 2009, 08:31:03 AM »

Title: Morning After (1970)

Genre: Crime Story
Director: Sidney Knight
Rating: XXX
Length: 1h15
Video: Full Frame
Audio: English
Subtitles: None

Patrick M. Wright
Dandy Thomas
Jean Parker
Paul Matthews
Linda Shall

After a night of lovemaking, will you still be there THE MORNING AFTER?
A question all women ask when contemplating the act of love with a stranger. This film seeks to expand on this question delving into the sexual relationship between women and men.

My Thoughts:
After I've highly praised The Debauchers on another website a member who share my taste in adult cinema had recommended this one by the same director to me. I will start by writen a synopsis since the one
above had nothing to do with anything in this film. Our film start when John (Patrick M. Wright) returning from a travel to Houston doesn't find his sister (Jean Parker) in their apartment, thinking that she is always sleeping he go to her bedroom to wake her up. A shocking vision wait for him in the room, his sister was brutally killed. The story will follow his research to find the killer, since the police aren't really helping since she was a stripper.

What we have here is what I call an "in between" film, more clearly a movie made between the end of the golden age of the New York sexploitation genre and the porno chic explosion. Don't really expect an hardcore movie since those movies were made to test the limit of the obscenity law. So no real penetration (that's why an actor like Wright is the lead), no cumshot and no zoom in, in fact the only hardcore moments are the oral sex scenes (that are really short). It looks like nothing, but a couple of year before the idea of showing pubic hair or a man penis in a real film production was something unimaginable. The story is pretty good and is told in flasback when John will question someone about the action of his sister in the last week. Eventually he will find the killer and it will be a surprise for him and the viewer. The acting is decent since you have real actors in the cast (Wright, David Marcus, Paul Matthews and Larry Hunter), but you have a certain ammount of miss line by many actors when they had too much to say. Tina Russell had an uncredited role in the film (Laura Cannon also according to imdb, but it's certainly an error since I was unable to locate her in the film).

Not as good than The Debauchers but a good one, just don't expect a very graphic film. 

Rating :


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Re: Jimmy's XXX Movies review
« Reply #43 on: August 30, 2009, 10:07:33 PM »

I heard the XXX viewing figures are down 35% in the last month!!!!!

The industry are sending out a search party for you buddy  :P


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Re: Jimmy's XXX Movies review
« Reply #44 on: August 30, 2009, 10:36:29 PM »
 :hysterical: :clap: