Hmm, I don't feel like going through all the comics I have (as most I don't care for; I got bundle sets, I didn't get to choose)
so I guess I'll just go over my wishlist

Confessions of a Teenage Vampire: Zombie Saturday Night
Cat Burglar Black
Midsummer Night's Dream
The Amazing Spider-Man: A Short Halloween
(and then a series I wanna collect through trades)
Spider-Man: Mary Jane, Vol. 1 - Circle of Friends
Spider-Man: Mary Jane, Vol. 2 - Homecoming
Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane, Vol. 1: Super Crush
Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane, Vol. 2: The New Girl
Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane, Vol. 3: My Secret Life
Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane, Vol. 4: Still Friends
I haven't gotten new ones in a while, I mainly browse flea markets and pick up random ones idek what they're about until I read. Though I
did manage to pick up a benchmark issue last time.