For me Sting 2, what a flop
I can't agree on Blues Brother 2000. Dan never meant it as an sequal but as an homage to the first one.Neither part one nor part two have a real story. Both have found a way to make a road trip and sing a lot of songs. And in this way the second works as well as the first one. It's a great collection of songs and music genres.
Highlander 2
Quote from: ninehours on November 24, 2007, 10:18:53 AMHighlander 2 Never heard of it. What would it be about after the Gathering?
I think the core problem with the prequels is they are basically pointless. They tell us a story we know well enough from implications and it was better as a mysterious legend, moving even. Nobody was going to be able to embody that powerful image and to even try was silly...I always thought the brilliance of Star Wars was to imply a strong history, without having to produce it. It gave it strength beyond the wooden acting and simple dialogue. By showing that history, wooden and simple is how the whole saga comes across now to people who watch all the episodes in order. Bastards.