My good friend that never forgets my birthday just messaged me telling me she placed the order for my Birthday presents... she said all she will tell me is she picked 3 titles from my list I sent her.
The (long) list included...
- Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem (Unrated Edition)
- The Alphabet Killer
- Awake
- Beetlejuice (20th Anniversary Deluxe Edition)
- Brotherhood of Blood
- Creature from the Black Lagoon - The Legacy Collection (Creature from the Black Lagoon / Revenge of the Creature / The Creature Walks Among Us)
- Cujo (25th Anniversary Edition)
- D.O.A. - Dead or Alive
- Dark Floors
- Dark Water (Unrated Widescreen Edition)
- Dead Mary
- Dead of Night
- Earth 2 - The Complete Series
- From a Whisper to a Scream
- Good Luck Chuck (Unrated Widescreen Edition)
- Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (Single Disc)
- Invisible Man - The Legacy Collection (The Invisible Man/Invisible Man Returns/Invisible Agent/Invisible Woman/Invisible Man's Revenge)
- Lakeview Terrace
- The Last House in the Woods
- Life: Season One
- Masters of the Universe
- Maverick
- May
- Mirrors
- Mortal Kombat
- My Super Ex-Girlfriend
- Nell
- Pirates of the Caribbean - At World's End (Widescreen Edition)
- Perkins' 14
- Prince Of Darkness
- Room 205
- A Reason to Believe
- Roseanne - The Complete Fourth Season
- Scrubs - The Complete Third Season
- Slaughter
- Starhunter - The Complete Series
- Stealing Home
- The Substitute
- Trackman
- The Village (Widescreen Vista Series)
So... she picked 3 titles off that list. This is the same woman that last year gave me that Monster Legacy Giftset... wonder if she will continue with that and ordered me the Invisible Man and Creature from the Black Lagoon sets?