Author Topic: Let the Right One In (R1-US/R1-CA subtitles)  (Read 5056 times)

Offline goodguy

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Let the Right One In (R1-US/R1-CA subtitles)
« on: April 02, 2009, 11:44:05 PM »
Anyone planning to buy a DVD of Låt den rätte komma in should avoid the currently available R1-US (Magnolia) and R1-CA (Mongrel Media) releases. Apparently they contain a dumbed down version of the English subtitles compared to the theatrical release.

I almost had this pre-ordered but found it a bit too pricey and decided to wait. Lucky me.

Comments by Roger Ebert and Jim Emerson. Comparison here.

It seems that Magnolia will make an alternate version with the correct subtitles available once the current pressing has been sold out. (Maybe I should encourage you to buy the current version, then?)

Offline Tom

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Re: Let the Right One In (R1-US/R1-CA subtitles)
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2009, 11:50:06 PM »
I have the German DVD on my wishlist. Though it doesn't have English subtitles.

I really enjoyed this movie at the last FantasyFilmFest.

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Re: Let the Right One In (R1-US/R1-CA subtitles)
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2009, 01:30:11 AM »
Hmm. According to the R2-DE has an audio commentary whereas the R1 has a good but short featurette. Both have the Deleted Scenes.

I do prefer Englsih subtitles for foreign language films, but with that disaster... On the other hand, the German movie title doesn't instill much trust into the translation either...

Offline Achim

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Re: Let the Right One In (R1-US/R1-CA subtitles)
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2009, 06:36:33 AM »
Thanks for the heads up!

I ordered mine already, but luckily it hasn't shipped yet. The ugly part is, I ordered it from Deep Discount and have always had trouble to removed items from orders. Maybe I will try to call them, rather than using e-mail...

Yes, I checked on tehir site and they still don't have an Edit button for open orders. So, I guess a phonecall it is.

Hmmm, the disc is labelled as Backorder, could that mean that they get an updated version already, or will they simply get more crap from the stock pile in the factory? :hmmmm:

For now I proceeded to send them a mail throught tehir contact form, asking them to cancel the item and either credit me the amount until next time (they won't do this) or change it to The Matrix or Hellraiser.

For those who read here but don't click the links in goodguy's post:
The corrected version has already been prepared so they are ready for those future pressings. The corrected version will be easily identifiable, as it will actually show the words "theatrical subtitles" on the cover.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2009, 07:39:55 AM by Achim »

Offline goodguy

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Re: Let the Right One In (R1-US/R1-CA subtitles)
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2009, 07:51:50 AM »
The corrected version will be easily identifiable, as it will actually show the words "theatrical subtitles" on the cover.

Yeah, I should have mentioned that.

As I can't walk that easily into a store on the other side of the pound, the problem is to make that clear to an Online seller. AxelMusic is usually quite good at doing that kind of customized orders, but their prices are really on the hefty side.

I guess I will wait at least until May when the German DVD comes out and comments on that release are available.

Offline Achim

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Re: Let the Right One In (R1-US/R1-CA subtitles)
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2009, 09:13:37 AM »
As I can't walk that easily into a store on the other side of the pound, the problem is to make that clear to an Online seller. AxelMusic is usually quite good at doing that kind of customized orders, but their prices are really on the hefty side.
Good point. I could imagine DVD Empire to mark it in their description or updating the cover image, but I haven't ordered from them in a while as they are rather expensive as well. My usual suppliers are Deep Discount and Amazon and they are not very reliable about their product descriptions :shrug:

Offline Achim

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Re: Let the Right One In (R1-US/R1-CA subtitles)
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2009, 04:13:57 AM »
Aargh. They shipped before I had the chance to call or reading my e-mail :weep:

I'll wait till it gets here now. But if I have the bad version I might actually avoid watching it... If those subtitle changes shown in the link are the norm throughout the film then it will be unbearable to watch the film with that knowledge.

Offline Achim

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Re: Let the Right One In (R1-US/R1-CA subtitles)
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2009, 08:00:36 AM »
Well, it arrived and it doesn't state "Theatrical Subtitles" on the cover :(

I am not sure if I want to watch it.

Offline Tom

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Re: Let the Right One In (R1-US/R1-CA subtitles)
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2009, 05:45:37 PM »
Now that the German DVD is released, did anyone read something about the quality of the subtitles?
I have read the thread at and there they did mention that the German dub is supposed to be of good quality. So there is hoping that the subtitles are good also.

Offline goodguy

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Re: Let the Right One In (R1-US/R1-CA subtitles)
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2009, 12:37:05 PM »
Now that the German DVD is released, did anyone read something about the quality of the subtitles?
I have read the thread at and there they did mention that the German dub is supposed to be of good quality. So there is hoping that the subtitles are good also.

I searched today for quite a while, but found nothing conclusive, except that the German subtitles seem to be NRS. In the end, I ordered the DVD. Hopefully, I won't regret it. The only current alternative seems to be the Swedish release, which has the same extras and supposedly the correct English subtitles. However, the Swedish audio commentary is not subtitled there. The R2-UK from Momentum will be available in August (according to Amazon), but I didn't find any specs. And as I already said, the US/CA releases don't have the AC at all.

Offline goodguy

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Re: Let the Right One In (R1-US/R1-CA subtitles)
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2009, 04:01:19 PM »
I haven't watched the movie yet, but here are the German subtitles that match the comparisons in this article. I used an OCR subtitle ripper, so spelling is a bit off. English subtitles are taken from the screencaps in the article. The article also gives a little context to the scenes and comments on the English versions. Note that the comment on the last scene is a bit spoilerish.

EN Theatrical
- Do you live here?
- Yeah...
I live right here, in the jungle gym.
Seriously, where do you live?
- Next door to you.
- How do you know where I live?
I live here.
Next to you.
- Wohnst du hier?
- Ja.
Ich wohne hier auf dem KIettergesteII.
KIar doch. Wo wohnst du wirkIich?
Neben dir,
Woher weisst du, wo ich wohne?

EN Theatrical
Are you sure
that I want to be your friend?
Do you think
I want to be friends with you?
Glaubst du etwa,
dass ich dein Freund sein will?

EN Theatrical
Forgive me.
Verzeih mir.,.

EN Theatrical
That guy over there just moved into
my neighborhood. He has a kid.
- Should I ask him to join us?
- Sure...
He might pay for a round.
In that case, he's welcome
even if he has cancer.
He moved into my building
the other day. With a little kid.
What the hell?
In that case...
Er zog kürzIich in meine Nachbarschaft,
Mit einem kleinen Kind.
In Jannes aIte Bude.
- SoII ich ihn rüber bitten?
- Ja, mach das...
Vielleicht schmeisst er ja eine Runde,
In dem FaII ist er willkommen,
selbst wenn er die Seuche hat.

EN Theatrical
You don't have to sit here all alone,
join us and have a laugh.
Why sit by yourself?
Come over instead.
Wieso hocken Sie hier aIIein?
Kommen Sie und amüsieren sich,

EN Theatrical
- How old are you?
- 12... more or less.
What do you mean, "more or less"?
Twelve-- about.
What do you mean, "about 12"?
Wie alt bist du?
Und du?
12 Jahre, 8 Monate und 9 Tage.
Was heisst " ungefähr?"

EN Theatrical
- Here. Go ahead.
- Start with the corners.
You have
to start here...
Ja, zeig mal,.,
Man muss mit dieser Ecke anfangen,

EN Theatrical
So do it. Hit back. Hard.
Ab jetzt wirst du das tun,
Schlag zurück!

EN Theatrical

EN Theatrical
What else am I good for?
- Maybe you shouldn't
- Where else would you be?
VieIleicht solltest du es nicht tun.
Wofür brauchst du mich denn sonst?

EN Theatrical
You can jerk off at home.
Time to go home!
He, Matte,..
Wichsen kannst du auch zu Hause!

EN Theatrical
I'm trapped.

Offline Tom

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Re: Let the Right One In (R1-US/R1-CA subtitles)
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2009, 08:28:54 PM »
Thanks for the effort  :thumbup:

Looks like it's definately better than the English DVD subtitles.

Offline Achim

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Re: Let the Right One In (R1-US/R1-CA subtitles)
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2009, 08:59:37 AM »
Thanks for the effort  :thumbup:

Looks like it's definately better than the English DVD subtitles.
Yeah, and it made me even more certain I don't really want to watch the Blu-ray that's sitting on the shelf :weep:


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Re: Let the Right One In (R1-US/R1-CA subtitles)
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2009, 02:19:54 AM »
I wouldn't normally recommend anyone to watch a dubbed feature but the English audio track on the US blu-ray is currently a much better option than watching the film with subtitles.

Offline Achim

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Re: Let the Right One In (R1-US/R1-CA subtitles)
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2009, 06:34:36 AM »
I wouldn't normally recommend anyone to watch a dubbed feature but the English audio track on the US blu-ray is currently a much better option than watching the film with subtitles.

:hmmm:, coming from someone with a Swedish flag below the avatar this sounds like something I may want to do... Thanks; at least I wouldn't have to wait until the release the corrected version (if ever).

Besides: Welcome to the forum!