Author Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Marathon  (Read 27673 times)

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Marathon
« on: November 09, 2007, 04:22:51 PM »
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Marathon
Season 1: Disc 1
1. Welcome to the Hellmouth
Buffy Summers, The Chosen One, arrives in Sunnydale, California trying to forget all the talk about her destiny and the vampires, only to discover that the quiet, small American town sits atop a Hellmouth and a master vampire is about to be brought forth. With the help of her new Watcher, Giles; and new friends Xander and Willow, Buffy tries to do her sacred duty while also leading a normal teenagers life.

My Thoughts:
First part of a 2 part premiere...  does a good job at introducing the characters... love the opening scene. Is an opener that will suck in most people in my opinion.... especially vampire fans. Episode cuts with "To Be Continued" right at the perfect time to make sure people will come back for the second episode. Great start to what I always considered an awesome series!

2. The Harvest
Buffy gradually learns to accept her role as the Slayer and prepares to battle the Master's minions in order to stop the Harvest, a ceremony which will free the Master from his prison in the sewers. Willow and Xander are confided in by Giles about the existence of Vampires and Demons and, although overwhelmed, pledge to help Buffy in her fight.

My Thoughts:
Great continuation to the series opener. Throws in some of the unexpected to keep you guessing. I always thought the vampires was done great for a TV Series. I love how they look when they show their "true selves"... and love the way they burst into dust when they are destroyed. It has been a while since I done this marathon.... I think I will be having a good time!

3. The Witch
When several cheerleaders are involved in strange accidents that cause them to spontaneously combust or leave them without eyes or a mouth, Buffy and the gang suspect that one of the cheerleader wannabes is practicing witchcraft and is trying to eliminate her competition.

My Thoughts:
"The Witch".... even though a good episode has never really been a favorite of mine. I don't even know what it is about it that puts me off... but this one just slightly does. I always liked movies/series about witches before... so it is not the subject matter. I don't know... maybe it is all the cheerleading... as I was never much of a cheerleader fan. I always wondered after this episode if we would ever see Amy's mom again... going from the final scene of the episode one could think it would be possible.

4. Teacher's Pet
When Xander and most of the male population of Sunnydale High fall for the substitute science teacher Miss French, Buffy tries to warn him that she may not be what she seems when she sees the well-proportioned female specimen scare off a vampire.

My Thoughts:
Much like "The Witch"... this one was never much of a favorite of mine. Once again not really a bad episode... but I never liked the whole giant insect monster. but over-all a decent episode... worth the time put into it.

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Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2007, 11:02:45 PM »
Disc 2

5. Never Kill a Boy on the First Date
Buffy sets her sights on the mysterious and brooding Owen and she opts to go on a date rather than help Giles prevent a prophecy about an unstoppable vampire rising to help the Master.

My Thoughts:
This was a good episode... really enjoyed it. Buffy learns a lesson on just how much her being a slayer effects her personal life... and you also see how the outcome can sometimes be less then perfect.

6. The Pack
While enduring the annual field trip to the Zoo, Xander and several other students enter the quarantined Hyena pen and leave in an altered state. Xander begins acting strangely, sniffing Buffy and being cruel to people, including Willow; and Buffy becomes convinced that he has been possessed by the spirit of the wild animal.

My Thoughts:
This episode was just a lot of fun... Xander is in a bit of trouble once again... and of course it is Buffy to the rescue!

7. Angel
After saving her from a gang of vampire warriors, Angel and Buffy's "relationship" grows until he reveals his true self to her. Angel is really 'Angelus', a 240-year-old vampire who has a reputation for being the most violent creature to ever walk the Earth. Faced with the reality that her possible true love is an enemy, Buffy must ask herself - can a vampire really be a good person or must she do her sworn duty and destroy him?

My Thoughts:
Great episode where you first learn a lot about Angel... Where Buffy and the gang first learn that Angel is actually a vampire.

8. I Robot, You Jane
Willow, saddened by Xander's affection for Buffy turns to the chat rooms and meets a charming boy on-line, ignoring Buffy's concerns about Internet freaks. Meanwhile, the rest of the gang discover a demon trapped in the school computer network.

My Thoughts:
This is another one of those episode that while good... is not one of my favorite episodes. And one I really can't put my finger on why I feel that way. It is also the first time we get to meet Jenny Calander.

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Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2007, 02:47:38 AM »
Disc 3

9. The Puppet Show
The new principal forces Giles to run Sunnydale High's annual talent show and Buffy, Willow and Xander have to perform against their will. Things get worse as the talent show proves to be a deadly place when one of the participants is found with her heart removed and the clues all point to one boy and his ventriloquist puppet.

My Thoughts:
This is another of those fun episodes.... the dummy in this episode was just hilarious. So much so... that this one ranks up there as one of my favorite episodes.

10. Nightmares
When strange things begin happening to the students at Sunnydale High, it seems that everyone is living their worst nightmares. Buffy and the gang must hold together to stop the phenomena before reality and the nightmare world become one.

My Thoughts:
Another of my favorite episodes... Nothing like seeing one's nightmare come to life... and if I am not mistaken the only time through-out the series that you see Buffy as a vampire.

11. Out of Mind, Out of Sight
When a seemingly evil invisible force centers around Cordelia, Buffy investigates and discovers that a student who was ignored by all her classmates, including Willow and Xander; became invisible by their perception of her and she plans revenge on Cordelia because of her popularity.

My Thoughts:
A good episode... but one that really isn't anything all that special. Worth the time put in to watch it.... but nothing here to make you think wow!

12. Prophecy Girl
With the help of Angel, Giles discovers an ancient prophecy which foresees that Buffy will die if she fights The Master. Upon hearing of her doom, Buffy is met with the biggest decision of her young life.

My Thoughts:
The final episode of the first season... Was a great episode! I enjoyed it very much Loved the part when Xander brought her back... and she was then all business and jumped right back into the mess. Another episode I consider one of my favorites.

Over-All Season 1 Thoughts:
Well... not to bad... one season in one day!... of course this is a short season... not like I could do any other season so quickly. I am sorry that this is such a short season... as The Master was always my favorite of the "Big Bads"... so I would have liked to see more episodes with him in them. Over-all I would say a strong start to the series... even though I personally don't think the series really took off till the second season.


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Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2007, 03:09:13 AM »
I joked in the other thread about Buffy being the very absolute best TV show period. In reality, you have to have a fairer, more balanced opinion. After all, there's so much stuff out there and you have to keep it in context. So I was wrong and I should refine what I said. It's actually Buffy Season Two. It just doesn't get better. It is utterly sublime. I just wanted to set the record straight! :P

Ahem. Anyway, I agree with your comments about Season One overall. Did you know it was a short season because it was a rushed production? Another show got cancelled apparently and Buffy was the quick replacement. Makes you wonder, how many other great shows are having to rely on dead man's boots?

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Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2007, 11:27:04 AM »
Did you know it was a short season because it was a rushed production? Another show got cancelled apparently and Buffy was the quick replacement. Makes you wonder, how many other great shows are having to rely on dead man's boots?
Buffy was a typical mid-season replacement show. The first season even had a contained story-line. It was surprisingly successful and a second full season was ordered.

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Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2007, 12:36:09 PM »
I have to watch Buffy sometime again. If only my unwatched TV Show pile wasn't so big (about a hundred unwatched season sets  :laugh: ). I did even buy Buffy on VHS in the beginning just to have chance to see it in English.
Buffy and Friends are both great examples for how a dub can lessen the great humor of a show.

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Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2007, 07:48:13 PM »
Season 2: Disc 1

1. When She Was Bad
Buffy's got a new, not-so-nice attitude; the Anointed One plans to resurrect the Master.

My Thoughts:
A good start to the second season. I like how they made it so Buffy had to deal with all that she went through during the end of season 1.

2. Some Assembly Required
Someone is building a woman using body parts from different girls ... and Cordelia's head is on the wish list.

My Thoughts:
Another decent episode... enjoyable... but nothing special really.

3. School Hard
Spike and Drusilla come to town, and Spike invades Parent-Teacher night.

My Thoughts:

Excellent episode! Definitely one of my favorites. The episode that started the Spike craze that swamps the Buffy fans... Even though I like Spike well enough... I don't know why he is as well liked as he is.

4. Inca Mummy Girl
Buffy and Joyce offer to take in a foreign exchange student, but instead get a life-sucking mummy who's taken an interest in Xander.

My Thoughts:
Another good episode. First it is a giant insect... then it is a mummy girl... poor Xander just has no luck what so ever.


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Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2007, 08:17:55 PM »
I liked Spike because he was little bit of British in a very American show. Ok, he was really American too and sometimes his pronunciation would betray him, but otherwise it was an interesting angle and a mine of great lines. I can't remember if it was this or season 3, but he agrees to help Buffy and he mentioned Manchester United as a reason for humans to live!

I know Giles was British, but he was a typical stuffy Englishman (at least in the early days and offset by the Ripper legend), so Spike represented the irreverent punk rebels.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2007, 08:19:43 PM by Najemikon »

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Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2007, 08:54:33 PM »
Spike was my favorite - much sexier than the other male characters! :drooling: See...I do like the British even if though he was only a "little bit of British" and "really American". There's hope for me yet!  :laugh:

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Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2007, 03:43:43 PM »
Season 2: Disc 2

5. Reptile Boy
Buffy accompanies Cordelia to a frat party, but it's not much fun ... they're offered as sacrifices to a reptilian demon.

My Thoughts:
Another really good episode... I kinda like the way the snake demon came out in this episode... it reminds me of a drawing I did many years ago in art class... A drawing that was even displayed in the schools art night showing they had... though it didn't win best sketch of the night... I took 2nd place... they for some reason preferred a scenic landscape instead of a drawing of a demon from a teen's over active imagination.

6. Halloween
Someone from Giles' past wreaks havoc on Halloween, causing Buffy and the gang to be transformed into their costumes.

My Thoughts:
One of my favorite episodes.... I always loved Buffy's Halloween episodes. This is the first one they had... and in  my opinion....probably the best one. I loved how they all turned into their costumes... pretty cool idea.

7. Lie to Me
Buffy's childhood crush comes to town, but he's not looking to reminisce... he's looking for immortality as a vampire.

My Thoughts:
Another really good episode. Buffy's friend from the last school she was at appears in Sunnydale.... dying... and he believes his only hope is to become a vampire.

8. The Dark Age
Ethan returns and Ms. Calendar is in danger when a demon from Giles' darker days comes to Sunnydale.

My Thoughts:
Another episode I enjoyed a lot.This time Buffy must face a demon from Giles' past. I thought the demon was pretty cool... and loved the way they got rid of it.

Season 2: Disc 3

9. What's My Line (Part 1)
As the gang endures career week, Spike sends assassins after Buffy and sets out to cure Drusilla; a new Slayer comes to town.

My Thoughts:
A great 2-parter... with the introduction of Kendra... the new Vampire Slayer. I thought it was pretty smart how they brought in the second slayer... and how they got around the "There can be only one" deal. I also liked how they made it so you didn't know who Kendra was in the beginning...making her look like one of the assassins after Buffy.

10. What's My Line (Part 2)
Buffy must team up with Kendra to save Angel when it turns out that his death is necessary to cure Drusilla.

My Thoughts:
The second part was just as good as the first... 2 different slayers... 2 different styles... one great episode.

11. Ted
Everyone except Buffy loves Joyce's new beau, who turns out to be more than meets the eye.

My Thoughts:
Time for Buffy's mother to fall for someone that isn't human.... another good episode with funny man John Ritter as a robot bent on taking Joyce as his own. I have been a long time fan of John Ritter and is good to see him doing something other then comedy.

12. Bad Eggs
The gang must adopt eggs as "babies" for their Health class, but there's more than yolk inside these eggs.

My Thoughts:
Decent episode... but nothing really special. I did get a kick out of the brother vampires.

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Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2007, 02:36:29 PM »
Season 2: Disc 4

13. Surprise (Part 1)
Drusilla reassembles the Judge, an unstoppable demon; Buffy and Angel consummate their relationship.

My Thoughts:
The first part of a great 2 parter. The first time they have Buffy's Birthday on the show... which becomes pretty much a topic that comes up once each season.

14. Innocence (Part 2)
Angel loses his soul and his demon self takes over; Buffy must deal with him and stop the Judge.

My Thoughts:
A great second part... Angel becomes the "Big Bad" of the season after a night of total happiness with Buffy.  I thought Angel made a great bad guy... very cool. And I must say... I loved the way Buffy dealt with The Judge... not to mention the fight between her and Angel.

15. Phases
The gang tries to save a werewolf from a poacher.

My Thoughts:
Another episode I really liked a lot... I remember when I first started to watch the series... I was wondering if they would touch on werewolves at all... and they really did!... making a werewolf be one of the main recurring characters for a couple seasons.

16. Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered
Things get dangerous when all the women in Sunnydale - except Cordelia - are after Xander due to a love spell gone wrong.

My Thoughts:
This is a good strong episode... but more of a fun episode then anything else.

Season 2: Disc 5

17. Passion
Angel continues to torment Buffy; Jenny tries to curse Angel with a soul again.

My Thoughts:
This one is an excellent episode!... and one where we must say goodbye to a recurring character.

18. Killed by Death
A raging fever sends Buffy to the hospital, where her fever enables her to see a normally invisible monster that preys on children.

My Thoughts:
Another really strong episode... one that I definitely enjoyed.

19. I Only Have Eyes For You
The tortured ghost of a former student haunts SHS, reenacting the murder/suicide he committed.

My Thoughts:
Another episode I liked a lot... and deals with ghosts... another subgenre that I liked a lot... and would have liked to seen Buffy face more in the show.

20. Go Fish
When it appears that something is targeting the swim team, Xander goes undercover to find the truth.

My Thoughts:
This one... even though a good episode... it is not one I would call a favorite. I have no particular reason for it being on a lower scale for me.... but for some reason just did not impress me as much.

Season 2: Disc 6

21. Becoming (Part 1)
Angel prepares a ritual to awaken a demon that will suck the world into hell.

My Thoughts:
The first part of the season finale... which is always good strong episodes... well for the most part.. can think of one finale that didn't make much sense to me... but that will come in a later day. Not only does Buffy and the group find out that they have a chance to restore Angel's soul... but we see the return of  Kendra the Vampire Slayer.

22. Becoming (Part 2)
Buffy's life is a mess when her mother discovers her secret life, and she's expelled from school and forced to make a heart-wrenching decision when both Angel's and Willow's rituals succeed

My Thoughts:
An excellent ending to the second season. We see the ongoing and upcoming changes to Buffy's world in this episode.

Over-All Thoughts of Season 2:
This was a great season... arguably the best season of the series!  I thought Angel made a great "Big Bad" and that David Boreanaz did a wonderful job playing both Angel and Angelus. There is one problem I have with this set... and has nothing to do with the shows themselves... That is the animated menu on these discs... I thought they were very cool the first time I ever saw this set... but it quickly got tiresome having to go to 2 to 3 different screens just to turn on each episode! Way too over done for practical use. Which brings us to another thing I don't like about these sets... but this one is for all the season sets.... what is with not having a play all feature! I especially miss this feature when I am having these marathons! Other then that... it is a great set for an awesome season!

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Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2007, 05:44:25 PM »
well for the most part.. can think of one finale that didn't make much sense to me... but that will come in a later day.
You mean the season four finale, do you?  :laugh:

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Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2007, 06:12:59 PM »
As long as it has been since I watched all these episodes (about a year).... I am a little confused about which season is which... but yes I believe that it was season 4.  :P

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Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2007, 12:53:24 AM »
Season 3: Disc 1

1. Anne
It is the end of summer vacation, and Buffy is still missing. Willow, Xander, Oz, and Cordelia are attempting to keep the Sunnydale vampire population in check during Buffy's absence... with only moderate success. They miss having the Slayer around, but more than that they miss their friend. Meanwhile, Buffy has been working as a waitress in L.A., going by her middle name, Anne, and trying to forget her old life. But of course, someone always needs the Slayer's help...

My Thoughts:
This was a good episode... Thought it was strong season premiere... I liked that they brought back Lily... a girl that thought she wanted to become a vampire... thinking they were misunderstood... this was until she got to see for herself.

2. Dead Man's Party
Buffy returns home, but finds that picking up the pieces of the life she left behind may not be as easy as she had hoped. Her mother is trying to accept her back with open arms, but she doesn't seem to trust that Buffy won't just run away again. Her friends seem happy to see her, but their odd behavior makes it appear that they silently resent Buffy for taking off. And, of course, before these problems can be laid to rest, the dead of Sunnydale start to rise.

My Thoughts:
This one I liked quite a bit... got a taste of zombie action in this episode... and that is always fun.

3. Faith, Hope and Trick
A new Slayer arrives in town. Faith, who was called after Kendra died, seems like a fun-loving, wacky teenager who fits right in with the gang. Buffy worries that Faith may be taking her place in her friends hearts, and then begins to suspect that the new Slayer may be hiding something.

My Thoughts:
The first episode with Eliza Dushku as Faith... I remember the first 1 or 2 times through this series how I really disliked the character of Faith... but after watching it several times since... I have really grown to enjoy her. Definitely a good episode!

4. Beauty and the Beasts
A student is found savagely mauled in the woods, on the night of a full moon, and the gang worry that Oz may have escaped from his cage. However, Buffy discovers that Angel has somehow escaped Acathla's hell-dimension and returned to earth. Because time moves differently in that dimension, he has endured centuries of torture and is now little more than a wild animal. Now Buffy must find a way to tell the gang that Oz may be innocent and to keep them from killing Angel.

My Thoughts:
Once again... a good episode.. this one touches a little on the Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde story. And if that is not enough... we get some Werewolf action as well.

Season 3: Disc 2

5. Homecoming
When Cordelia flaunts her sure win for Homecoming Queen it awakens the prom queen within Buffy and they fight for the title. Meanwhile, the new vampire in town, Mr. Trick, rallies a group of tough vampires, demons and mercenaries together to play a game with the two Slayers, "Slayerfest '98."

My Thoughts:
I don't know what more to say other then this is just a fun episode!

6. Band Candy
Mr. Trick enlists Giles's old buddy Ethan Rayne to manufacture and distribute boxes of candy which turn the adult population into uninhibited, irresponsible teenagers. While the adults are indisposed, the mysterious Mayor Wilkins pays a tribute to a demon.

My Thoughts:
This episode I always had mixed feelings about... on one hand I liked seeing the town go nuts the way they did... on the other hand... I always disliked the character of Ethan Rayne. And by this point... this being his third appearance... I got to the point  of sick of seeing him.

7. Revelations
Xander finds out about Angel's return to Sunnydale and promptly informs the gang who confront Buffy with the fear that he may turn evil again. Meanwhile Faith finds herself under the wing of a new Watcher, Gwendolyn Post, a prim and proper Englishwoman who seems to be intent on showing up Giles at every turn.

My Thoughts:
A good episode....Though I have to admit... even the first time I watched this one... I saw this episode's "bad guy" coming well before they revealed it. I had a problem with that character from first sight.

8. Lover's Walk
Spike returns to Sunnydale a broken vampire. Drusilla has left him, and he will do anything to win her back, including kidnapping Willow and Xander to force Willow to prepare him a love spell. Will Willow do the spell, or can the Scoobies prepare for tragedy?

My Thoughts:
This episode was another good one... Got a bit of a taste of the upcoming Spike when he fights along side of Buffy and Angel against a whole group of vampires.

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Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #14 on: November 13, 2007, 01:01:32 AM »
The first episode with Eliza Dushku as Faith... I remember the first 1 or 2 times through this series how I really disliked the character of Faith...

What? Not liking Faith?!  :o
I still think it was a mistake by Eliza turning down the lead in a Faith spinoff and instead doing Tru Calling. That would have had the potential of a worthy successor series.