Author Topic: Nip/Tuck: The Complete First Season  (Read 1581 times)

Offline Dragonfire

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Nip/Tuck: The Complete First Season
« on: January 09, 2009, 03:59:40 AM »

Beauty, the saying goes, is only skin deep. The beauty of Nip/Tuck is that it goes deeper, laying bare the complexities and fragile natures often found in patients seeking cosmetic surgery. Dylan Walsh and Julian McMahon portray hotshot Miami South Beach plastic surgeons who are themselves in full-blown midlife crises as they confront career, family and romance problems. The series' cutting-edge stories range from funny to suspenseful to uncommonly powerful. The surgeries are graphically bold. The sexuality is rampant. Presented here in 13 first-season episodes on 5 discs and featuring compelling extras, the highly praised Nip/Tuck is a prescription for entertainment unlike anything you've ever seen.

My Thoughts

I picked this DVD set over a year ago when I found it for like $15.00.  I have been watching the show on tv, though I missed the first season.  I think I started catching episodes during the second season and then saw most of the first season when the episodes were aired again.  I didn't realize some of these episodes were from the first season.

I do enjoy the show even though the main characters aren't exactly likable all the time.  In fact, a few of them tend to annoy me in just about every episode...but I keep watching.  I can't seem to help myself.  I just have to see what else is going to go wrong for them I guess.  lol

The procedures were interesting at times and the reasons that people were wanting them seemed realistic - a few wanted things done to feel better about themselves..some wanted reconstruction after an accident or illness..things like that.  There were some others tossed in the mix though.  Like the older woman who seemed to addicted to having procedures.  There were a few questionable things done,though not always by Christian and Sean.  The procedures did look realistic..too realistic at times and I don't care for those parts of the show.  Some of the patients were interesting though.

The personal lives of Christian and Sean were just as messed up - or even more so in some cases - than those of their patients.  Christian seemed willing to sleep with any woman he met, which did cause some interesting complications at times.  Sean's marriage was falling apart, and he seemed to be great at judging everyone else while trying to act like the moral one.  His attitude probably annoyed me the most.  She was so self righteous at times, yet he was doing stuff just as bad, or worse, than some of the others at times.  He wouldn't listen to his son Matt about an issue, so Matt - who was a smart teenager ..I think around 17 - took matters into his own hands, which was so not a good idea in this instance.  Sean claimed he would only fix the problem if Matt promised to talk to him in the future, conveniently forgetting that Matt had tried to talk to him about this very issue more than once, only to have his feelings about it brushed off.  Sean hadn't listened or taken Matt's feelings seriously, which led to the problem that had to be fixed, yet Sean couldn't see his fault in what happened. 

Julia, Sean's wife, was just about as messed up as Sean and Christian.  She seemed to always be upset about something, though some of it was understandable.  She was trying to finally realize her dream of becoming a doctor after supporting Sean though med school while raising Matt and then their daughter Annie, and Sean didn't seem that supportive.  He didn't appreciate everything she did around the house.  Their relationship was in a lot of trouble.  They talked about that at times, but never seemed to do much about it.  Sean moved in and out of the house and things would seem to be going well for a bit then something else would happen and it was back to them having a screwed up marriage.  Sometimes Julia did seem a bit weak..and other times she could be very mean and downright cruel.  So even though Sean did something horrible at one point, it wasn't as easy to sympathize with her because of her attitude at times.

Overall, I really like the show even though I don't like how gory the procedures tend to be and I get annoyed by Sean in just about every episode.  Not that Christian is an angel..but at least he's up front about who he is and doesn't sit around passing judgment on everyone.  Christian had his own bunch of issues that I weren't fully explored during the first season.  At times, he seemed to be changing a bit, but he always returned to being the same guy who was charming but a huge jerk.

I do plan to get a longer review posted at Epinions..I have a draft in progress, but I still need to do a lot of work on it.  I'll probably get to the other 3 seasons of the show I own before much longer least that's what I'm thinking now.  Once work gets crazy, it will cut into my viewing time for a few weeks.