As you guys (and by guys I mean guys and gals

) know I really like it here. I enjoy all of your company and, even if I don't watch or review a lot of my own movies I do enjoy seeing what others are watching and buying. Due to some issues I've been having I've had a hard time keeping up with the posts though. Put it this way, when I get to more than one page of unread topics I hit the "mark as read" button and start over. Just did it again this morning. I'm hoping I will be able to get current at some point and stay current again. As I said, there are some issues going on that have had me pre-occupied. I now have some direction with those so I am hoping to get back to normal, whatever normal is

. Here's what's been going on...
About 4 months ago I started smelling smoke. All the time. Those of you who go camping know the type of smell I am talking about. It was like sitting around a campfire at night then smelling your clothes the next day. It was driving me crazy at first but I became accustomed to it. I eventually went to see the doctor about it. She sent me to have my head examined (not the 1st person who told me that though

). I had an MRI in early October. It showed a "something" in my sinus cavity or possibly my pituitary gland. A follow up spiral CT scan showed tumor on my pituitary gland about the size of a sugar cube (called a Pituitary Macroadenoma). This meant a very likely chance of some form of surgery, radiation treatment or chemotherapy.
Long story and lots of tests and doctor visits later I found out about a week ago there is a chance I may not need surgery. The tumor type I have ( a prolactinoma) will respond to medicine most of the time.

This was really good news. I begin treatment this week. I have some real issues with a few of my hormones being extremely out of whack. It will take some time to get them back on track and get this tumor to start shrinking. If it all works out I may actually get some energy again (things are REALLY out of whack

It's unclear how long I've had it or how long every thing's been all messed up. If it's been a while who knows what personality changes I may have when things get back to where they should be. It's a bit freaky to think about it actually, so I usually don't. I've been wanting to share this with my cyberfriends here for a while but wanted to wait till I knew more. So there it is.
The only thing is this tumor is most likely not the reason for the smoke smell. I still have to figure out what that is. But without that phantom smell I would have not know about the friggin thing growin in my head.