Author Topic: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.  (Read 50722 times)

Offline Achim

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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2009, 05:59:40 PM »
Good thing there was a demo then! Sorry ...
The demo may have been for a similar one :bag:, but I guess you can combine these under the term J-RPG and I have a gut feeling that that is not my thing (although I am aware my guts has sh_t for brains). I do own Fallout 3, started it once and since have been too busy playing other stuff and as someone above said, you need time for it. Fallout 3 seemed be along my alley, but then RPG is very different to J-RPG, is it not?


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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2009, 06:31:34 PM »
although I am aware my guts has sh_t for brains



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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2009, 06:43:24 PM »
Fallout 3 seemed be along my alley, but then RPG is very different to J-RPG, is it not?

Yes, very different.

Western RPG tend to give you a world to explore and make your own, ala Fallout 3, Elder Scroll Morrowind & Oblivion, even to a certain extent Diablo II. You choose the ability of your character as he grows and gains level, and the stories tend to be non linear and give you a sense that you are really affecting the world.

J-RPG on the other hand, tend to be more like an interactive movie. Where you have to follow a set path, gaining levels grants you predetermined new ability per level. What you actually do in the world doesn't really affect the story itself.

Now I realize I've just made big generalization of the type of games, but it seems to me like it is the main tendency and differenciation between the two RPG philosophies.


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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #18 on: February 18, 2009, 12:48:07 AM »
  • Eternal Sonata (5/5) - Not completed -
    Fantastic. I love it. The art direction is awesome. The idea of telling Chopin's story through fever induced dreams is great. Made me discover a great music composer: Motoi Sakuraba. Battle theme below, called "Leap the Precipice". Awesome! I love battles just for the music - and the battle system is actually great! Gradually changing from a turn based system, to a real time one as you level up. Fantastic game! (Achim, if you like RPG, it's out (or coming?) for PS3 - it is well worth it!)
I have tried the Demo and No, it's not my kind of game.

I think I'll never get myself to open a seperate Playstation thread, so I think I may list my games here after all. Unless of course xyrano intended this to be strictly about xbox, not gaming :fingerchew:, I'll get to it in the next few days.
:voodoo:  ;)  ;)  :D


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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #19 on: February 18, 2009, 12:54:24 AM »
  • Fallout 3 (?/5). Initially I found this boring, but I might give it another try later.

I got the a few weeks ago. I can't stop playing. I've already restarted the game 3 times because i didn't like my character build (I first went with Big Guns tagged -> useless, takes way too long to find a decent amount of big guns. Then I went for Small guns -> It's good, but I found out I like to sneak around a lot. So now I have a Small guns, Sneak & Speech tagged character). I also love how after restarting the game, each time was a little different, and I just keep find new places to explore. It's a fantastic game. I was scared at first because it came from the same developer as Morrowind (which I tried, and couldn't get into, no goals, just wander around. Takes forever to get anywhere) and Oblivion (haven't played it, but heard it was tightened up as compared to Morrowind, might give it a try now after Fallout 3).

I also got Gear of War 2 for Xmas. Just as good as the first one. But it's the kind of game I can only take in small doses. It's just not something I can play for hours on end.
I often thought about restarting a game with some other settings, but then there is the endless walking everywhere and when you finally meet a enemy... your guns have the audacity to break :o  :hysterical:


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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #20 on: February 18, 2009, 01:00:40 AM »
your guns have the audacity to break :o  :hysterical:

Yeah, I found out the hard way that guns break and that you should really invest in the repair skill.

I successfully sneak to two Super Mutant Brutes, one armed with a rocket launcher, the other with a minigun. So I take out my sniper rifle, shoot the first guy, head explodes, then my guy decides to holster the rifle!

I'm like WTF??

It was broken! So I got my ass handed to me by a well place rocket. Crippled both legs. I still won the fight (I finished the damn mutant with my combat shotgun), but I learned my lesson. REPAIR! ;)

Good thing this didn't happen when I had to fight a Super Mutant Behemoth!!

Offline Achim

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Re: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #21 on: February 18, 2009, 05:55:18 AM »
:voodoo:  ;)  ;)  :D
:hysterical: :P

Maybe I'll even get to it tomorrow...

Offline Achim

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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #22 on: February 22, 2009, 11:03:14 AM »
Well, it tool m e a bit longer than expected, but here it goes:

This is my games, in the order I purchased them (I keep a spreadsheet, anyone using a software to catalog their games...?); separated into disc-based and PLaystation Network games.

Retail games:

Mobile Suit GUNDAM: Target in Sight
This came free with my PS3 is is an utter waste of time. I put it in the machine twice and never tried again after that.

Colin McRae DiRT
This was the first game I actually bought. Not having played games since Monkey Island and Duke Nukem 3D on the PC I had no idea what kind of games I'd be into, assuming that a racing game should be a safe bet. While good looking I otherwise never quite warmed up to this offroad racer and it remains basically unplayed.

Resistance: Fall of Man
My first shooter. Upon my first tries shortly after purchase I failed miserably in handling those 2 stick controls. When I went back to it in late 2008 I had an absolute blast with this good looking game.

Burnout Paradise
Now there's a racing game for me. It's looks so good (especially the crashes) and is so much fun that for the first while of playing this I just drove around, not doing any of the tasks. Later I figured that doing the races and stuff may be a good idea, as it gave me more cars to play with. This game is great to come back to and just browse a few rounds online with friends; of course, the fact that Criterion keeps adding stuff helps a lot too. One of my favorite games!

The Orange Box
I figured this is a must-buy. Unfortunately I tried it when still not at ease with FPS controls, so it's basically still unplanned and currently only cued up to be played "as soon as".

Grand Theft Auto IV
Not knowing any of the previous games I really enjoyed this one.  While it ultimately stretches out too long to come to the point (90+ missions are not filled with sufficient plot points, so eventually I felt like on a chore to get to the climax) it is very immersive with all the AI wandering the city, TV program and theater shows. Online mode was great fun. I still want to go back to this soon; partly because they patched in "trophies" and I want to collect some of those while replaying).

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Another Playstation 3 must-buy. I had troubles getting into it at first (wow, did it really take me that long to get used to game controls) and it is now cued up to be played as soon as an open slot becomes available.

Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune
Had eyed this in the shop many times until I finally bought it. It's a great action/platformer mix with an interesting story and a strange turn of events towards the end. Great replayability due to unlockables within the game (additional modes, making-of features).

The Godfather: The Don Edition
Bought it as companion piece to the Blu-ray movie set released in September. It's a last-gen port to PS3. While surely there is fun to be had playing this

Saints Row 2
Included lots of features that many people were missing from GTA IV; for obvious(...?) reasons. I liked how you can change the difficulty at any time, allowing me to get through some of the tougher missions. Graphically rather last-gen looking it is still lots of fun to play.

Dead Sapce
Wow, now that is a cool game! Rather creepy, even scary, so certainly not for everyone, I enjoyed almost (shooting the asteroids with the big cannon was awful) every minute of this. Lots of fun shooting those monsters, even on a second or third play-through.

Another must-buy, I thought. Playing this in medium difficulty proves still rather challenging. Enjoying it for the most part (unless I need to re-try a section for the tenth time).

Fallout 3
RPG with its setting after the nuclear holocaust (although as seen in the posts above, this barely needs introduction here). I had stopped playing for a while, waiting for the trophy support and meanwhile playing other stuff. Want to get back to this soon, but obviously should do so at a time when my evenings are mainly empty otherwise.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Bought this on account of being the previous effort of Fallout 3's creators. Also, supposedly, gameplay is similar. Looks more like a last-gen game, but as far as I played seemed like it will be fun to explore the world more.

One of Sony's big hopes to be a system seller it unfortunately disappointed on that front. This platformer is, however, a cool concept and lots of fun to play. Graphics are creative and the user created content allow for great replayability. As levels are mainly short and independent it is a greeat casual (mostly...) time killer/

Resistance 2
Sequel to Resistance: Fall Of Man it picks up the story just a short while after the end of part 1. More colorful, more aliens and otherwise just more of the same will give most people what they want. A bit annoying are those bits where you "have to die" in order to understand how to get through that section.

Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm
Thought a fighting game in my collection shouldn't hurt and as the reviews for this one indicated it's casual enough for a newbie like me I went for it. It has amazingly good graphics that make it look almost like the cartoon it's based on.

Everybody's Golf World Tour
Casual golf game with cutesy graphics. I always enjoyed playing a bit of golf in a video game...

Prince of Persia
Really beautiful looking chapter in the PoP saga. Unfortunately it is lacking in the gameplay department and things you need to do repeat a lot and become old very quickly. Only the boss fight at the end brought something new to the table later in the game. The fact that you basically continued to play while the credits were rolling was an interesting touch though.

Call of Duty: World at War
Reviews were good so I thought I want to play this after Modern Warfare (too bad that one took a long time to be delivered and I am still playing at this point).

Tomb Raider: Underworld
Purchased so I can play with Lara Croft for once; she's a gaming icon, I guess. Somehow kept myself busy with other games so this is still on hold; which was good in a way, as a trophy patch has been announced.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
The standard among the FPS. So, I considered it a must-buy. I play in medium and find it rather tough. I already give up Veteran before even trying...

Ratchet & Clank(R) Future: Tools of Destruction
From the makers of Resistance this something slightly more family oriented. Ratchet (what is he...?) and his robotic friend Clank go around fighting evil doers.

Playstation Network:

PixelJunk(TM) Racers
Simple 2D racer, with loads of crazy modes on various tracks. Bought mainly because it's part of the PixelJunk series and as it's cheaply available from the Playstation Network.

PixelJunk(TM) MONSTERS (+ Encore)
This game is best enjoyed in co-op. I had heard a lot how people have a blast playing this together and so do my partner and I. The graphics are cute and for some strange reasons the games keeps kickiuing your butt but you go back every time asking for more.

PixelJunk(TM) Eden
A very different looking platformer. You jump and swing about as a little creature, helping plants in a garden to start growing and finding "spectra".

Relatively cheaply bought on the Playstation Network. Seemed like it could be fun and it's one of the best sellers. At this point I can only say that I have no idea why it sells so good...

Star Strike HD (a.k.a. Super Stardust HD)
Space shooter. Quick fun with good (2.5D...?) graphics.

WipeOut HD
Tough as nails but beautiful. I have not mastered how to properly play this but it looks stunning and can be fun to fly through at times.

LocoRoco! Buu Buu Cocoreccho!
Cute. From what I read it's one big level; I just haven brought up the energy to tackle it once.

Linger in Shadows™ [PSN]
This defies description. (I"ll say that one more time later.) It's an interactive artsy looking film which you can stop and rewind to reveal hidden images. It's fun while it's lasts.

Lumines Supernova
"Tetris clone" puzzle game. But it's the music and I guess the changing background that make up a major appeal of this game...

Crash Commando
Quick 2D shooter focusing on online play.

Escher-esque puzzle game. For the times when your brain needs some exercise for a few minutes.

Penny Arcade Adventures : Precipice of Darkness
RPG set in a comic book style environment with a story line strongly influenced by H.P. Lovecraft.

Cuboid [PSN]
Puzzle game. For the times when your brain needs some exercise for a few minutes.

Noby Noby Boy [PSN]  :stars:
This defies description. (See, I said it again.) You play around with that worm-like creature and upload the information about the length to a server. (I am not sure the ambiguity of all that is purely coincidental.) It is interesting to see what different this you can do, but as the goal isn't clear this is not for everyone.

Ratchet & Clank(R) Future: Quest for Booty(TM)
Sequel to Tools of Destruction you basically get more of the same. Just this time ratchet teams up with a girl...

Yes, that is quite a lot of games. But it appears the second half of 2008 saw many good releases and I just felt I want to play them all :-[ (...eventually.)


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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #23 on: February 22, 2009, 01:25:07 PM »
How are you finding CoD: World At War on the Playstation? I have it on PC and it's ok, but frequently very poor indeed regards enemy AI. Stay in one place and they'll keep spawning, forever! There are holes in the maps where you can fire as much as you like at, say, a sniper, but you'll never hit him until you step once to the left or right. And worst, I like to play a little stealth in all CoD games. Break off from the main squad and nip round the back. The other day I did that and was able to stand right behind some Japanese as they were firing at the main squad. One finally saw me and I dealt with him, but none of his mates reacted, even when I shot them.  :shrug:

It's not as bad as when I discovered how to beat Medal of Honour without receiving any damage (apart from the D-Day landings) while playing on maximum difficulty, but still, considering that was how many eons ago? This is just diabolical.


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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #24 on: February 22, 2009, 05:33:10 PM »
The other day I did that and was able to stand right behind some Japanese as they were firing at the main squad. One finally saw me and I dealt with him, but none of his mates reacted, even when I shot them.  :shrug:

The same kind of problem crop up in Fallout 3.

There's a quest you can do at Tenpenny Tower (sorry, this'll be kind of spoilerish, but it's not related to the main story) that involves Ghouls wanting to get into the tower for a living. There's many different you can deal with it all, but there's 1 chain of even that will lead to a very odd situation.

Basically, there are 3 ghouls wanting to get into the tower: Roy, Bessie and Michael. Suppose you manage to convince the people in the tower to let the ghouls live with them, if you them go to the ghouls while they are asleep, you can wake up Roy and walk backwards while he walks towards you to separate him from his mates. You can then shoot him, with gore all over the place, including on Bessie. When Bessie wakes up, even though Roy is dead on the ground, you have a gun in your hand and she's full of blood, she will still be friendly, and you can still tell her it's ok to move to the tower.

Oh and, from talking to both of them, you find out Bessie and Roy are a couple.  :laugh:

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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #25 on: February 22, 2009, 06:23:26 PM »
Well, I haven't finished Modern Warfare yet, so World at War still lies dormant... :bag: Making matters worse I was in the mood to start GTA IV again tonight. And then Killzone 2 will come out this week.

But yes, trigger events can be a pain at times. I guess that is also something I tried to say about Resistance 2. Some triggers are in such way, that you will die (being unprepared the first time), then when trying again and you prepare yourself you'll know what to do. Although, having to be in a slightly different position than the one you're in may even be worse! Good to know once I get around to play World at War. I also found this in Modern Warfare of course, during the sniper mission where you have to crawl through the lines of enemies. Separate yourself from your partner (trying to keep the lowest profile) WILL have your partner being found. Yet staying right behind will have you pass :shrug:

Too many games, too little time. :heat:


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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #26 on: February 22, 2009, 06:53:13 PM »
Anyone played anything of F.E.A.R. 2? I loved the first one, but I can't work out from the reviews if it's worth a punt. They conclude, more of the same, sometimes better, except, just not scary. Ever. And when they compare it as a pure action game with other pure action games, it comes of worse. :shrug:

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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #27 on: February 23, 2009, 05:28:28 AM »
I don't know the first F.E.A.R., and giving that the PS3 version apparently looks crap I probably never will. I have played the demo and found the control confusing; playing various other FPS at the time probably didn't help...

I also took the same from the reviews as you, Jon. That it's a rehash with non-matching stuff propped on (you get to use a mechanical robot thingy to walk around and shoot stuff; probably cool in other games but not appropriate here) and just not scary. I gave it a pass.


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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #28 on: February 27, 2009, 05:54:53 PM »
I'm picking up Star Ocean: The Last Hope later today.

By RossRoy

Can't wait! :yahoo:

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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #29 on: February 27, 2009, 06:02:09 PM »
I've tried the second one on my PS2 (before I gave it to my sister for my little niece), in fact I've bought it. But, I haven't played with this game very long, not because it was hard but because the character we play was too annoying for my taste. Less than the guy in FFX (what a cry baby), but annoying anyway.