Author Topic: Tom's Buffy and Angel Marathon  (Read 63784 times)

Offline DJ Doena

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Re: Tom's Buffy and Angel Marathon
« Reply #15 on: November 23, 2008, 09:40:01 AM »
Which is 16:9  ;D
I know Joss says otherwise  :P
But I have to agree with Peter von Frosta on this case, there are quite a few framing errors with the 16:9 version, for example gags are revealed to soon ("In case of emergency use stairs") and people are only half in the picture.

He made some sample shots.

Not included is the scene where Spike is supposedly naked with Buffy but in the 16:9 version you can see his flesh-coloured slip.

But the US does away with the recaps and thus looses the great one in the last episode of season 5.
No "Previously on ..."? Why would someone cut it out?

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Re: Tom's Buffy and Angel Marathon
« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2008, 06:39:59 PM »
No "Previously on ..."? Why would someone cut it out?
I don't know, but as far as I have heard, they cut them in the US release which leads to some ackward episode beginnings (music cues). And as I said the previously on Buffy is also missing in the last episode of season 5, where they recapped all five seasons in fast cuts. As I remember, they included this beginning in another season set as an extra then, because there were so many complaints because of this.

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Re: Tom's Buffy and Angel Marathon
« Reply #17 on: November 23, 2008, 07:16:28 PM »
By the way: If it isn't much trouble, could you keep an ear on when the term "Scooby Gang" was used for the first time?

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Re: Tom's Buffy and Angel Marathon
« Reply #18 on: November 23, 2008, 07:57:21 PM »
By the way: If it isn't much trouble, could you keep an ear on when the term "Scooby Gang" was used for the first time?
Okay. I just finished episode 4. Until now they only used the term "Slayerettes" in episode 3. In my opinion a better term than "Scooby Gang".

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Re: Tom's Buffy and Angel Marathon
« Reply #19 on: November 23, 2008, 08:09:57 PM »
03. Witch (1997-03-17)
Writer: Joss Whedon (Created By), Dana Reston (Writer)
Director: Stephen Cragg
Cast: Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy Summers), Nicholas Brendon (Xander Harris), Alyson Hannigan (Willow Rosenberg), Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia Chase), Anthony Stewart Head (Giles), Kristine Sutherland (Joyce Summers), Elizabeth Anne Allen (Amy), Robin Riker (Catherine), Jim Doughan (Mr. Pole), Nicole Prescott (Lishanne), Amanda Wilmshurst (Senior Cheerleader), William Monaghan (Dr. Gregory)

This belongs to my least favorite episodes of the first season. Though I liked the resolution to the story.
Also I would have liked to see Amy more often. Sadly she came not back often and when she did, she was there to be a bad influence on Willow in later seasons.

04. Teacher's Pet (1997-03-24)
Writer: Joss Whedon (Created By), David Greenwalt (Writer)
Director: Bruce Seth Green
Cast: Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy Summers), Nicholas Brendon (Xander Harris), Alyson Hannigan (Willow Rosenberg), Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia Chase), Anthony Stewart Head (Giles), David Boreanaz (Angel), Ken Lerner (Principal Flutie), Musetta Vander (Miss Natalie French), Jackson Price (Blaine), Jean Speegle Howard (Real Miss French), William Monaghan (Dr. Gregory), Jack Knight (Homeless Guy), Michael Ross Verona (Teacher), Karim Oliver (Bud #1)

Probably my least favorite episode of all. Stupid story with no real coherence. No funny jokes which could save the episode.

How did Buffy come to the conclusion that Ms. French is an insect? "Oh, I saw her turning her head 180 degrees. She must be an insect!", "I looked a little into insect books. Of what I have read, she must be a Praying Mantis! Those clothes she's wearing is the final proof for this!"
How convenient that there is a strange vampire around who can sense Ms. French from outside her house. But why did he run up to her the first time around and only when she looked at him, he went running?

The final shot they're hinting that a She-Mantis could be back for another time. Boy am I glad that they never followed up on this!

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Re: Tom's Buffy and Angel Marathon
« Reply #20 on: November 23, 2008, 08:28:47 PM »
But I have to agree with Peter von Frosta on this case, there are quite a few framing errors with the 16:9 version, for example gags are revealed to soon ("In case of emergency use stairs") and people are only half in the picture.

He made some sample shots.

The sample shots are all from episodes which Joss Whedon has directed. And I agree, that he paid more attention to framing of how it would look like on 4:3 (he even says so in his commentaries). But I don't think the other directors did.
But also for Joss' episodes you can see, that he shot the scenes protected for 16:9. Otherwise the 4:3 version would always come from the center of the screen, but it was obviously Pan & Scan (as seen in the sample shots). I think Joss shot them first with 16:9 frame in mind and then in editing he took the part of the frame which works best in 4:3 (as he knew it is the version that will be aired on WB). But beside some few shots where an additional thought came into the 4:3 framing, I don't think they especially looked for what is better for 4:3.
I must say, that I enjoyed it more with the 16:9 frame. Especially now, that I have a 16:9 frame TV, but even before then I prefered the widescreen version.

Especially the shots with half a person in the screen is what I like best. It shows that there are more people in the scene. It is more natural I think. And in these scenes you can best see, that it is P&S and not simply 4:3 preserved shooting.

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Re: Tom's Buffy and Angel Marathon
« Reply #21 on: November 24, 2008, 11:38:59 PM »
05. Never Kill a Boy on the First Date (1997-03-31)
Writer: Joss Whedon (Created By), Rob Des Hotel (Writer), Dean Batali (Writer)
Director: David Semel
Cast: Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy Summers), Nicholas Brendon (Xander Harris), Alyson Hannigan (Willow Rosenberg), Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia Chase), Anthony Stewart Head (Giles), Mark Metcalf (The Master), David Boreanaz (Angel), Christopher Wiehl (Owen), Geoff Meed (Andrew), Paul-Felix Montez (Mysterious Guy), Robert Mont (Van Driver), Andrew J. Ferchland (Boy)

This is an example of an episode, where the story itself is so-so, but it is nonetheless fun to watch because of the fun dialogs and great delivery of these.

06. The Pack (1997-04-07)
Writer: Joss Whedon (Created By), Matt Kiene (Writer), Joe Reinkemeyer (Writer)
Director: Bruce Seth Green
Cast: Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy Summers), Nicholas Brendon (Xander Harris), Alyson Hannigan (Willow Rosenberg), Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia Chase), Anthony Stewart Head (Giles), Ken Lerner (Principal Flutie), Eion Bailey (Kyle), Michael McRaine (Rhonda), Brian Gross (Tor), Jennifer Sky (Heidi), Jeff Maynard (Lance), James Stephens (Dr. Wierick), David Brisbin (Mr. Anderson), Barbara K. Whinnery (Mrs. Anderson), Gregory White (Coach Herrold), Justin Jon Ross (Joey), Jeffrey Steven Smith (Adam), Patrese Borem (Young Woman)

Another episode I never really cared for. I didn't like the story and again, nothing really funny which could save the episode.

07. Angel (1997-04-14)
Writer: Joss Whedon (Created By), David Greenwalt (Writer)
Director: Scott Brazil
Cast: Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy Summers), Nicholas Brendon (Xander Harris), Alyson Hannigan (Willow Rosenberg), Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia Chase), Anthony Stewart Head (Giles), Mark Metcalf (The Master), David Boreanaz (Angel), Kristine Sutherland (Joyce Summers), Julie Benz (Darla), Andrew J. Ferchland (Collin), Charles Wesley (Meanest Vamp)

This is the first real highlight of the series. We are told what it is about Angel. Darla dies. We got good jokes even though it is a more dramatic episode, which is the strong suit about the series. The only bad thing is, that the annoying one's role is too big. I don't like it how the Master is listening to the pep talk of this small brat.

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Re: Tom's Buffy and Angel Marathon
« Reply #22 on: November 26, 2008, 11:26:54 PM »
08. I, Robot... You, Jane (1997-04-28)
Writer: Joss Whedon (Created By), Ashley Gable (Writer), Thomas A. Swyden (Writer)
Director: Stephen Posey
Cast: Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy Summers), Nicholas Brendon (Xander Harris), Alyson Hannigan (Willow Rosenberg), Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia Chase), Anthony Stewart Head (Giles), Robia LaMorte (Jenny Calendar), Chad Lindberg (Dave), Jamison Ryan (Fritz), Pierrino Mascarino (Thelonius), Edith Fields (School Nurse), Damon Sharp (Male Student), Mark Deakins (Voice of Moloch (voice))

Even though the story is ridiculous, this episode is enjoyable. Also we have the first appearence of Ms. Calendar :)

09. The Puppet Show (1997-05-05)
Writer: Joss Whedon (Created By), Dean Batali (Writer), Rob Des Hotel (Writer)
Director: Ellen S. Pressman
Cast: Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy Summers), Nicholas Brendon (Xander Harris), Alyson Hannigan (Willow Rosenberg), Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia Chase), Anthony Stewart Head (Giles), Kristine Sutherland (Joyce Summers), Richard Werner (Morgan), Burke Roberts (Mark), Armin Shimerman (Principal Snyder), Lenora May (Mrs. Jackson), Chasen Hampton (Elliot), Natasha Pearce (Lisa), Tom Wyner (Voice of Sid (voice)), Krissy Carlson (Emily (Dancer)), Michelle Miracle (Locker Girl)

I always liked the twist, that Sid the dummy turned out to not be the demon but a demon hunter. First appearance of Quark. Armin Shimerman was perfect for the role of Principal Snyder.

10. Nightmares (1997-05-12)
Writer: Joss Whedon (Created By), David Greenwalt (Screenwriter), Joss Whedon (Story By)
Director: Bruce Seth Green
Cast: Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy Summers), Nicholas Brendon (Xander Harris), Alyson Hannigan (Willow Rosenberg), Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia Chase), Anthony Stewart Head (Giles), Mark Metcalf (The Master), Kristine Sutherland (Joyce Summers), Jeremy Foley (Billy Palmer), Andrew J. Ferchland (Colin), Dean Butler (Hank Summers), Justin Urich (Wendell), J. Robin Miller (Laura), Terry Cain (Ms. Tishler), Scott Harlan (Aldo Gianfranco), Brian Pietro (Coach), Johnny Green (Way Cool Guy), Patty Ross (Cool Guy's Mom), Dom Magwili (Doctor), Sean Moran (Stage Manager)

This episode will always be the episode for me, where we get to see Buffy as a vampire. And I can understand Xander: She is still hot being one :laugh:

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Re: Tom's Buffy and Angel Marathon
« Reply #23 on: November 29, 2008, 03:55:25 PM »
11. Out of Mind, Out of Sight (1997-05-19)
Writer: Joss Whedon (Created By), Ashley Gable (Screenwriter), Thomas A. Swyden (Screenwriter), Joss Whedon (Story By)
Director: Reza Badiyi
Cast: Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy Summers), Nicholas Brendon (Xander Harris), Alyson Hannigan (Willow Rosenberg), Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia Chase), Anthony Stewart Head (Giles), David Boreanaz (Angel), Clea DuVall (Marcie Ross), Armin Shimerman (Principal Snyder), Ryan Bittle (Mitch), Denise Dowse (Ms. Miller), John Knight (Bud #1), Mercedes McNab (Harmony), Mark Phelan (Agent Doyle), Skip Stellrecht (Agent Manetti), Julie Fulton (FBI Teacher)

An average episode. Nothing really special. But this episode start to get Cordelia more involved with our group.

12. Prophecy Girl (1997-06-02)
Writer: Joss Whedon (Created By), Joss Whedon (Writer)
Director: Joss Whedon
Cast: Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy Summers), Nicholas Brendon (Xander Harris), Alyson Hannigan (Willow Rosenberg), Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia Chase), Anthony Stewart Head (Giles), Mark Metcalf (The Master), David Boreanaz (Angel), Kristine Sutherland (Joyce Summers), Robia LaMorte (Jenny Calendar), Andrew J. Ferchland (Colin), Scott Gurney (Kevin)

Joss Whedon always had a good hand with writing season finales (with maybe the controversial exception of season 4). This episode has in my opinion one of the most memorable scenes of the entire series in it. The scene were Buffy learns, that she is prophecied to die and she is quitting therefore.

"The way you've been eating we can affort it". Even her mother notices it, that she's getting thinner :D

Now I am forced to take a (hopefully) short break from this marathon. Currently a colleague has my season 2 Buffy set. I will continue as soon as I have it back.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2008, 06:28:06 PM by Tom »

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Re: Tom's Buffy and Angel Marathon
« Reply #24 on: January 04, 2009, 01:02:01 PM »
Now I am forced to take a (hopefully) short break from this marathon. Currently a colleague has my season 2 Buffy set. I will continue as soon as I have it back.
Has he returned it yet?

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Re: Tom's Buffy and Angel Marathon
« Reply #25 on: January 04, 2009, 01:21:52 PM »
Now I am forced to take a (hopefully) short break from this marathon. Currently a colleague has my season 2 Buffy set. I will continue as soon as I have it back.
Has he returned it yet?

I am currently on vacation. I am at work again beginning next week (Jan 12th), and I am hoping he has finished it until then.

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Re: Tom's Buffy and Angel Marathon
« Reply #26 on: January 31, 2009, 11:53:08 AM »
My short break from this marathon became two months. But now it can continue!

Season 2

Title: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season Two
Year: 1997
Rating: 15
Length: 932 Min.
Video: Full Frame 1.33:1
Audio: English: Dolby Digital Surround, French: Dolby Digital Surround, Commentary: Dolby Digital Stereo
Subtitles: Dutch, English, French

Photo Gallery
Production Notes
Scene Access

01. When She Was Bad (1997-09-15)
Writer: Joss Whedon (Created By), Joss Whedon (Writer)
Director: Joss Whedon
Cast: Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy Summers), Nicholas Brendon (Xander Harris), Alyson Hannigan (Willow Rosenberg), Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia Chase), David Boreanaz (Angel), Anthony Stewart Head (Giles), Kristine Sutherland (Joyce Summers), Robia La Morte (Jenny Calendar), Andrew J. Ferchland (The Anointed One), Dean Butler (Hank Summers), Brent Jennings (Absalom), Armin Shimerman (Principal Snyder), Tamara Brown (Tara)

In my opinion one of the weakest Buffy episodes. Highlight is the first scene with the almost kiss between Willow and Xander. Buffy behaves like a bitca without a real reason. So she feels down because of the Master. I can understand that she's depressed, but is that a reason for her behaviour in this episode? Sadly this trend continues in later seasons.


02. Some Assembly Required (1997-09-22)
Writer: Joss Whedon (Created By), Ty King (Writer)
Director: Bruce Seth Green
Cast: Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy Summers), Nicholas Brendon (Xander Harris), Alyson Hannigan (Willow Rosenberg), Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia Chase), David Boreanaz (Angel), Anthony Stewart Head (Giles), Robia La Morte (Jenny Calendar), Angelo Spizirri (Chris Epps), Michael Bacall (Eric), Ingo Neuhaus (Daryl Epps), Melanie MacQueen (Mrs. Epps), Amanda Wilmshurst (Cheerleader)

Probably the low point of Buffy. After this episode the real fun begins. But this episode is just stupid.
The only good thing is Giles trying to ask out Jenny Calendar and their date later on.
Best line: (Angel to Buffy) "I saw fire and I thought you were here"


« Last Edit: February 04, 2009, 07:44:18 PM by Tom »

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Re: Tom's Buffy and Angel Marathon
« Reply #27 on: January 31, 2009, 10:53:10 PM »
03. School Hard (1997-09-29)
Writer: Joss Whedon (Created By), David Greenwalt (Screenwriter), Joss Whedon (Story By), David Greenwalt (Story By)
Director: John T. Kretchmer
Cast: Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy Summers), Nicholas Brendon (Xander Harris), Alyson Hannigan (Willow Rosenberg), Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia Chase), David Boreanaz (Angel), Anthony Stewart Head (Giles), Kristine Sutherland (Joyce Summers), Robia La Morte (Jenny Calendar), Andrew J. Ferchland (The Anointed One), James Marsters (Spike), Alexandra Johnes (Sheila), Gregory Scott Cummings (Big Ugly), Andrew Palmer (Lean Boy), Brian Reddy (Police Chief Bob), Juliet Landau (Drusilla), Armin Shimerman (Principal Snyder), Keith MacKechnie (Parent), Alan Abelew (Brian Kirsch), Joanie Pleasant (Helpless Girl)

A great introduction of Spike. With him killing the Annoying One, it is also a turning point in the series. Like he says, it will be more fun around here now.


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Re: Tom's Buffy and Angel Marathon
« Reply #28 on: February 04, 2009, 07:42:57 PM »
04. Inca Mummy Girl (1997-10-06)
Writer: Joss Whedon (Created By), Matt Kiene (Writer), Joe Reinkemeyer (Writer)
Director: Ellen S. Pressman
Cast: Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy Summers), Nicholas Brendon (Xander Harris), Alyson Hannigan (Willow Rosenberg), Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia Chase), David Boreanaz (Angel), Anthony Stewart Head (Giles), Kristine Sutherland (Joyce Summers), Ara Celi (Ampada), Seth Green (Oz), Jason Hall (Devon), Hendrik Rosvall (Sven), Joey Crawford (Rodney), Danny Strong (Jonathan), Kristen Winnicki (Gwen), Gil Birmingham (Peru Man), Samuel Jacobs (Peruvian Boy)

A rather weak episode. But I like the introduction of Oz and that he takes interest in our Willow.


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Re: Tom's Buffy and Angel Marathon
« Reply #29 on: February 08, 2009, 04:33:08 PM »
05. Reptile Boy (1997-10-13)
Writer: Joss Whedon (Created By), David Greenwalt (Writer)
Director: David Greenwalt
Cast: Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy Summers), Nicholas Brendon (Xander Harris), Alyson Hannigan (Willow Rosenberg), Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia Chase), David Boreanaz (Angel), Anthony Stewart Head (Giles), Greg Vaughn (Richard), Todd Babcock (Tom Warner), Jordana Spiro (Callie), Robin Atkin Downes (Machida), Danny Strong (Jonathan), Christopher Dalhberg (Tackle), Jason Posey (Linebacker), Coby Bell (Young Man)

A weak episode which I never really liked. Some funny Xander moments, but otherwise dull. Maybe it's because it's a cliched plot with a sorority which is doing funny business.
There is a movie sound cliché which always bothers me and it did strike again in this episode. Why do cars in American movies/episodes always sqeak, when they are stopping (even with new cars)? I always think to myself, that maybe the brakes of American cars do make this sound. But why put this sound bite to German cars (like in this episode)? Maybe to not confuse the American audience? :devil:
