Author Topic: November Alphabet Marathon - Discussion/Review Thread  (Read 56996 times)


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Re: November Alphabet Marathon - Discussion/Review Thread
« Reply #60 on: November 28, 2008, 05:37:29 PM »
I can't wait to see it again. Absolutely monumental. Don't know if you agree, but for the first time I felt this was a superhero movie with a storyline that would work in the comic and anyone who actually reads comics will understand that's a pretty big ask. Normally even the best adaptations merely form a greatest hits compilation from the original stories, or worse, strike out on their own by compromising fundamental details. Instead this feels to me for the first time like a "proper" film. A crafted piece of cinema that doesn't owe anything to anyone.


Totally agree with you, it is as said the most complete superhero movie I've seen, and the characters much more reflective to their original comic personna, edgy, dark, and at times sinister and mean

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Re: November Alphabet Marathon - Discussion/Review Thread
« Reply #61 on: November 28, 2008, 10:16:00 PM »
I went to see this on opening day and I saw it again the next week.  I loved it and already have the DVD preordered.  I don't know everything about the history of the character, but I have learned several things in the last few years.  From what I know, the movie stayed very close to the comics and the characters were perfect.  There were some amazing action scenes and special effects, but the movie didn't depend just on those things..there was a very good plot as well.  Heath Ledger as the Joker was absolutely amazing.  He was by far the best villain in a superhero movie and I think he created one of the best villains for any type of movie.  Even some people who don't know anything about Batman know a little about the Joker..probably based on the old goofy tv show or the first Batman movie.  This is a very well known character, but Ledger was able to make the character his own.


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Re: November Alphabet Marathon - Discussion/Review Thread
« Reply #62 on: December 01, 2008, 11:40:03 AM »

*batteries not included

Set in New York's Lower East Side, this amusing story tells of a group of poor tenants with nothing more than determination to stop the destruction of their building, who are more than delighted when a few friends from outer space drop in to help out...

In the vein of ET and Flight of the navigator, this is an amusing film which neither offends or excites. Surprisingly good effects which have not dated, and touching moments throughout, a perfect feel-good family film  :D


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Re: November Alphabet Marathon - Discussion/Review Thread
« Reply #63 on: December 01, 2008, 11:52:02 AM »

...and justice for all

Pacino balances a performance between comedy and bleak despair when he adds a thoroughly detestable judge accused of rape to his already miserable client list. Maybe intended as satire, maybe not. Lahti's debut film role. Academy Award Nominations: Best Actor--Al Pacino.

Quirky 70's (with the flares, bad suits and 'funky' soundtrack) courtroom film, only purchased to see Al Pacino in an early role. An awkward movie to categorise, it was rather bizarre with some odd characters involved (suicidal judge and nutty lawyers), but Pacino is spot-on, and I was impressed with Jack Warden who I don't know very much about.
Not an awful attempt, but with production values of Cagney & Lacy standard, and a plot that is way too obvious, I can only give it a lucky  :-\


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Re: November Alphabet Marathon - Discussion/Review Thread
« Reply #64 on: December 01, 2008, 11:59:04 AM »


A drama about prejudice and the bonds of family, Tiptoes centers around Steven (Matthew McConaughey), a firefighter whose artist girlfriend Carol (Kate Beckinsale) has recently find out she is pregnant. When Steven reacts with unexpected dismay, Carol is rightfully perplexed, that is until she learns that the rest of Steven's family are dwarves, including Steven's twin brother Rolfe (Gary Oldman).

Disappointing film that falls oddly between comedy and slush. This made me think of a Jerry Springer episode gone wrong, a strange film and I am not quite sure if I should walk away with a meaningful message or moral story onboard? McConaughey is particularly bad in this role, Oldman is clever but unconvincing, and the real star is Peter Dinklage, playing a French Marxist free spirit he is very funny. Cliche'd and overripe, this movie just doesn't hang together properly.  :yawn:


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Re: November Alphabet Marathon - Discussion/Review Thread
« Reply #65 on: December 01, 2008, 12:13:33 PM »

X-File - I want to Believe

The supernatural thriller is a stand-alone story in the tradition of some of the show's most acclaimed and beloved episodes, and takes the always-complicated relationship between Fox Mulder (Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Anderson) in unexpected directions. Mulder continues his unshakable quest for the truth, and Scully, the passionate, ferociously intelligent physician, remains inextricably tied to Mulder's pursuits.

Another trip to the cinema to end my marathon, and what a disappointment!
Sometimes you regret wishing for certain series to carry on forever, and this is the case with the x-files. This 'film' is just a feature length episode, low in quality, interest or appeal. Anderson is really showing her age now, and Mulder looked particularly uninterested. The drama and buzz between the 2 characters has been done to death and just doesn't work anymore. Lets hope X-Files gracefully retires at this point, I would rate 90% of series 1-4 episodes against this drivel.
(And the price of F******G popcorn these days!!!!!)

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Re: November Alphabet Marathon - Discussion/Review Thread
« Reply #66 on: December 05, 2008, 03:55:57 AM »
I will buy this one when it will be release and I don't place my hopes to high. The only reason why I will get it is because I'm a fan of the serie, but it's just too late to expect something good. I just can't understand why they have decided to not follow the serie : Robert Patrick and Anabeth Gish are the real lead in the last season, not Duchovny and Anderson...

The downside effect because this movie flopped is the fact that the Millenium movies will probably not be made  :weep:


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Re: November Alphabet Marathon - Discussion/Review Thread
« Reply #67 on: December 05, 2008, 10:09:07 AM »
I will buy this one when it will be release and I don't place my hopes to high. The only reason why I will get it is because I'm a fan of the serie, but it's just too late to expect something good. I just can't understand why they have decided to not follow the serie : Robert Patrick and Anabeth Gish are the real lead in the last season, not Duchovny and Anderson...

Maybe so, but the last season -in fact the last two or three- were... shit.  :shrug: I'm being unfair. I still haven't watched the final episodes. I just couldn't get through the boxset, it was so poor! I did read a plot summary a couple of years back and decided I'm probably not missing much.

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Re: November Alphabet Marathon - Discussion/Review Thread
« Reply #68 on: December 05, 2008, 05:40:45 PM »
Not really, the last 2 seasons were really good (the best one since the season 5). The only reason why they are so hate is because David Duchovny is not really present anymore, but personally I couldn't care less about him. He is responsible from the bad move from Vancouver and he was annoying at the end.

Not a popular opinion but I prefer Robert Patrick to David Duchovny, Patrick character is less a caricature and evolve in time.


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Re: November Alphabet Marathon - Discussion/Review Thread
« Reply #69 on: December 05, 2008, 06:14:31 PM »
Not really, the last 2 seasons were really good (the best one since the season 5). The only reason why they are so hate is because David Duchovny is not really present anymore, but personally I couldn't care less about him. He is responsible from the bad move from Vancouver and he was annoying at the end.

Not a popular opinion but I prefer Robert Patrick to David Duchovny, Patrick character is less a caricature and evolve in time.

Rubbish! I hated the last seasons because it became obvious the arc, the big reveal, was a turd of a story. Whenever Duchovny came back the quality lifted visibly though. Yours is not the popular opinion simply because you are wrong!  :devil: :tease:

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Re: November Alphabet Marathon - Discussion/Review Thread
« Reply #70 on: May 31, 2009, 05:10:53 AM »
X-File - I want to BelieveThis 'film' is just a feature length episode, low in quality, interest or appeal.
I've finally watched it tonight and I've to agree with you. Really a big deception, not even good enough to be an episode in the serie... Nothing happen, the action is too slow (I've fallen asleep 2 times ::)), the story is not interesting, we don't care about the abducted women at all,...

All those waiting years just for a bad serie filler :thumbdown:

Anderson is really showing her age now
But I can't agree with this at all :redcard:
For a woman of her age, Gillian Anderson is always incredibly gorgeous and sexy... A real natural beauty ;D
She looks better than most of the actual so called Hollywood young beauty ;D

« Last Edit: May 31, 2009, 06:32:04 AM by Jimmy »


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Re: November Alphabet Marathon - Discussion/Review Thread
« Reply #71 on: October 29, 2010, 01:47:01 PM »

Lost mission

Avoid like the plague  :yucky: :yucky:

Have you ever tried the "original??

Southern Comfort