Part of
| Alien Anthology
Year: 1979
Director: Ridley Scott,
Cast: Tom Skerritt, Sigourney Weaver, John Hurt
Overview: The massive space-tug Nostromo glides silently through space. Back from the outer reaches of the galaxy, it's taking its seven-member crew back to Earth. But when the ship's computer receives a distress signal from a nearby planetary system, it rouses the crew from their cryo-sleep. It isn't until after the 'Nostromo' has landed on a barren planet named LV-426 and three crewmembers have gone out to investigate a huge derelict spacecraft that the signal is deciphered and found to be a warning. But one crewmember has already experienced a shocking face-to-face encounter with an alien creature while inspecting an egg-shaped pod. And so the horror begins - a horror which will end the lives of six crewmembers and alter the life of the seventh forever.
Watched: 30th. Oct 2010
My Thoughts: Decide to end my October 2010 Horror Marathon on a high. I've seen this film at the cinema and many times on VHS, Laserdisc and DVD in both Theatrical and Director's Cuts. Now I get to see it in Blu.
I chose the original Theatrical Cut to watch and have to say that the transfer of this film is magnificent. It was like going back to seeing it again on a big-screen, if a 40" 1080p TV counts for that. Colours, depth everything just looked superb even when it was dark on screen. I have to say that I didn't notice any strange effects or grain in this.
My Rating: A magnificent 5
