
Rate Tom Hanks Acting, Is He a Good Actor

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Author Topic: Is Tom Hanks a good actor ?  (Read 5027 times)


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Re: Is Tom Hanks a good actor ?
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2007, 01:58:57 PM »
Any scene in which he was together with Kathy Bates was painful and embarrassing to watch. She's obviously operating at an acting level so high that he looks like he's in a school play.  :shutup:

I haven't seen this movie but I can easily believe you.  I don't think we'll ever have a "Is Kathy Bates a Good Actress" thread around here.


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Re: Is Tom Hanks a good actor ?
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2007, 02:10:59 PM »
Nice to see this discussions reopened but I also think it's time we close it ;)

I added a Poll which will expire in 5 days.  You all have 5 more days to share your opinions and vote.  After the poll expire we will start a new "Is XXX a good Actor/Actress".


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Re: Is Tom Hanks a good actor ?
« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2007, 05:44:24 PM »
I changed my mind on that.  I think we should keep these threads/polls running indefinitely so new members in the future can voice their opinions.  Nobody said we can't have more than one at a time.


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Re: Is Tom Hanks a good actor ?
« Reply #18 on: December 02, 2007, 09:31:02 PM »
Hanks is as good an actor as Stewart or Cary Grant, and I'd compare his career to both of theirs. A few flubs, many hits, and some home runs.
I agree. They're similar in the way that they could play Everyman in lighter fare but could also hold their own in heavier work (Notorious, Vertigo).

I recently saw an example of an Everyman who couldn't stand up to the heavy hitters. It was Kevin Costner in Dragonfly. :shrug:  Any scene in which he was together with Kathy Bates was painful and embarrassing to watch. She's obviously operating at an acting level so high that he looks like he's in a school play.  :shutup:

Watched The Guardian, today and really enjoyed it. Ok so Costner is acting opposite Ashton Kutcher, but even so I thought that he did a good job(Reminded me of Mark Harmon as Gibbs in NCIS).

Also got a new quote that is great.
Ben Randall: When the heck did we get old?
Maggie McGlone: Hell, I've always been old Ben. Ya' know what though, I don't mind. I mean if my muscles ache, it's because I've used 'em. It's hard for me to walk up them steps now, its 'cuz I walked up 'em every night to lay next to a man who loved me. I got a few wrinkles here and there, but I've layed under thousands of skies with sunny days. I look and feel this way, well cuz I drank and I smoked. I lived and I loved, danced, sang, sweat and screwed my way thorough a pretty damn good life if you ask me. Getting old ain't bad Ben. Getting old, that's earned.