Author Topic: Fedex  (Read 8088 times)


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« on: October 04, 2007, 06:34:03 PM »
Ok just wanted a rant as Fedex have annoyed me by failing to deliver my parcel of DVDs today.

My guess is they actually went to the wrong house as the status was "customer unavailable/business closed", as I've been in all day, sat in a room above the front door with the windows open (it's a sunny day which makes the front rooms of the house warm as they catch the sun) a fully working doorbell and not heard a peep. There's also no card shoved through the door to say they tried to deliver.

What's annoyed me is the fact when I rang up they said they'd get their supervisor to look into it and call me back. Three hours later still no call, so I have no idea if they are going to attempt to deliver to the wrong address again tomorrow.  >:(


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Re: Fedex
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2007, 07:05:38 PM »
I guess the good news is the other person didn't accept your DVDs.

I hope you get it worked out soon.


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Re: Fedex
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2007, 07:51:37 PM »
Is there any one any good at delivering parcels these days? I've had that problem countless times with Knock-A-Door run.

Sorry, I'll use their proper name: Parcel Farce

Bloody useless shower, the lot of them. And they're on strike now effectively until Wednesday, so nothing is getting delivered anywhere. I really detest services that strike. It achieves nothing, miserable gits, and most people don't have the luxury of a union and have to put up or shut up.

One day, I saw a Parcel Farce van pull up. The driver sat in his cab, wrote out a "We tried to deliver" card, ran to my door with a parcel, banged once, posted the card and tried to run off...  :o

I was waiting and almost missed him! I opened the door and yelled "Don't you bloody dare!"  :redcard: Could not believe it.


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Re: Fedex
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2007, 08:15:22 PM »

I was thinking much the same thing about none of them being any good as I wrote my original post, the postal workers going on strike isn't really going to help them. Successive governments have sold off all the bits that made the post office any money and left them with the bits that don't. All this is going to do is force business to go to the other firms who can now offer postal services, meaning they lose even more, so they squeeze everything, including pay, even tighter.

We do have a union at work, but the membership is so small within the company they are effectively neutered and haven't been able to do nothing about a pay issue for the last three years. Not that it affects me as I work in a decent area with managers that actually value their employees.


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Re: Fedex
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2007, 08:17:51 PM »
I guess the good news is the other person didn't accept your DVDs.

I hope you get it worked out soon.

Good point, I was reading elsewhere about DHL delivering a laptop to a house that was rented by people who sold drugs rather than the person it was intended for, luckily for the person expecting it Dell replaced it and dealt with DHL.

I'm clearly not getting a call back today they are open to 7.30 and it's now 7.15, "end of shift" so they aren't going to bother, we'll see what tomorrow brings.


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Re: Fedex
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2007, 08:37:12 PM »
Off-topic, but where did you get your avatar? I've been practising close-ups of insects and that's very good. Well, I say "Insects"... more "weird crap what I found in my garden"!

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Re: Fedex
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2007, 10:45:59 PM »
I hate all delivery services except for DHL. DHL has post offices and "Pack Stations".

The others have nothing of that sort. I always get the message "we tried to deliver at 11:45 but you weren't there" Oh really? A quarter to noon and I wasn't at home? What a surprise! Some people do indeed go to work every day.


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Offline Kathy

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Re: Fedex
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2007, 12:00:46 AM »
I must be very lucky; I've never had a problem with any deliveries...not once.  ;D or maybe it should be  :bag:


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Re: Fedex
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2007, 12:14:19 AM »
One day, I saw a Parcel Farce van pull up. The driver sat in his cab, wrote out a "We tried to deliver" card, ran to my door with a parcel, banged once, posted the card and tried to run off... 

I was waiting and almost missed him! I opened the door and yelled "Don't you bloody dare!"  :redcard: Could not believe it.

But why do they act that way?

Here in Italy... The postman always rings twice  :devil:


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Re: Fedex
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2007, 12:19:52 AM »
I must be very lucky; I've never had a problem with any deliveries...not once.  ;D or maybe it should be  :bag:

You're not alone. I usually have my stuff delivered by Purolator, and yhe only gripe I have is that the nearest distribution center is rather far. So when they try delivery and no one's home, they hold it at the distribution center for pickup, but like I said, it's a bit far, ~40km, so that's an 80km (~50 miles) drive just to get a package  :thumbdown:.

Offline Kathy

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Re: Fedex
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2007, 01:40:07 AM »
Here in Italy... The postman always rings twice  :devil:



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Re: Fedex
« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2007, 02:43:23 AM »
Please be gentle Postie in the room  :tomato:


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Re: Fedex
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2007, 09:50:44 AM »
Of course he's in the bloody room when he should be outside with a bag of mail...  :tease:


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Re: Fedex
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2007, 10:59:38 AM »
Off-topic, but where did you get your avatar? I've been practising close-ups of insects and that's very good. Well, I say "Insects"... more "weird crap what I found in my garden"!

That's a good question, it was a search off google images (of course I can't find the image now), and if you search normal google using my username you'll understand why.

There's a thread on another board I frequent that's dedicated to pics people have taken using digital cameras, most of them are pretty damn impressive, warning due to the large number of images on each page you'll need a decent amount of memory in your PC to view it,


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Re: Fedex
« Reply #14 on: October 05, 2007, 11:11:31 AM »
I must be very lucky; I've never had a problem with any deliveries...not once.  ;D or maybe it should be  :bag:

Well to cheer up the postie in the room  ;) to date I've only ever had 2 dvds go missing in 8 years of buying them over the internet. One was when we had the floods several years ago, which apparently led to lots of mail being destroyed due to contamination, and the other one I have no idea what happened to it.

I very rarely get stuff shipped by Fedex and now I'm glad I don't. Having got fed up with waiting for them to call me and the fact the automated tracking system can't tell me what's happening with my parcel I gave them a call. They can't tell me what's happening with the package either as they have no physical scan of it, whatever that means, and the colleague looking into it is on the phone so they will leave a message for them to call me as they need to look into what is going on. I'm just glad I paid by credit card and that the consumer credit act still applies to purchases abroad at the moment.  >:( >:( >:(