Author Topic: Month-Long Horror/Halloween Marathon  (Read 151478 times)

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Re: Month-Long Horror/Halloween Marathon
« Reply #60 on: October 12, 2007, 05:20:28 PM »

Title: Tales from the Grave
Movie Count: 34
TV Ep Count: 15
Time Started: 9am
The Old Crone stares deeper and deeper into her crystal ball to tell four bone chilling tales guarenteed to keep you awake. There is no escape from terror when you mess with 'Crazy Gunderman'. 'The Wrath of Hercaylac' will take your soul. Two scientists perform unthinkable experiments in 'Lab Rats' and in an experiment gone awry, a half-man, hallf goat roams the countryside in search of prey in 'The Billywack'.

My Thoughts:
This is one of the discs I just got in the mail the other day. Just looking at the back cover I am not expecting much from this movie. Even the images on the back of the case look cheesy.  But I am going in hoping it will be at the very least entertaining.

Wow... there is no other word for this movie then bad! very amateurish... didn't explain anything.  There is just no way I could recommend this movie to anyone. And this is just for the first movie on the disc! But I am going to try to struggle through the second movie next... this way I can get this DVD off my unwatched shelf once and for all. The only hope I have for the second movie is the fact that one of the stories involves vampires. Maybe that will help me some. I just can't believe I paid almost $14 for this piece of garbage!
« Last Edit: October 12, 2007, 05:24:02 PM by addicted2dvd »

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Re: Month-Long Horror/Halloween Marathon
« Reply #61 on: October 12, 2007, 06:41:25 PM »

Title: Tales from the Grave 2: Happy Holidays
Movie Count: 35
TV Ep Count: 15
Time Started: 11:30am
The Old Crone continues her stories of torment and terror starting with a vampire party tale 'Love Bites'. Next she unearths a horrorfying tale of leprechaun luck gone bad in 'Luck of the Irish'. Her third tale teaches a group of wise cracking teens that poor manners can be deadly when they 'Trick or Treat'. Lastly, two twisted tales of holidays with the relatives and strangers in 'Meat the Family' and 'Angel".

My Thoughts:
OK... I am going into this one with such low expectations they are buried deep within the ground. After seeing just how terrible the first part really was.

Well... maybe it is because I knew what to expect this time... but This movie was just slightly better then the first one. Like the first one.... this one is very amateurish... looks almost like something someone created in their back yard. But this one was more tolerable... Maybe because there were more stories so each story was shorter. I also liked the fact that each story centered around a Holiday. But definitely still a well below average movie. Do yourselves a favor... stay far away from this DVD. Don't waste your money.

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Re: Month-Long Horror/Halloween Marathon
« Reply #62 on: October 13, 2007, 01:16:55 AM »

Title: Twilight Zone: The Movie
Movie Count: 36
TV Ep Count: 15
Time Started: 5pm
1959. Friday nights. We time-traveled. Witnessed surprising twists. Entertained aliens. Experienced fear. And first journeyed to The Twilight Zone of Rod Serling's memorable TV series. And guided by four imaginative filmmakers, we traveled there again in 1983. Directors John Landis, Steven Spielberg, Joe Dante and George Miller fashion  stories based on or inspired by classic episodes. Landis weaves a tale of a bigot who gets a walloping dose of his own hatred. Spielberg takes over with a fable of senior citizens offered a magical rejuvenation. Dante serves up a terror trip with a child who uses his cartoon-inspired powers to enslave his family. Then flight goes aloft with Miller's finale about a neurotic passenger who sees a monster on the jetliner's wing. or does he?

My Thoughts:
I have not seen this movie in years! So I just couldn't wait to watch it again. And what makes it even more fun for me. My daughter wanted to watch it too... I got her onto the series when I first started to collect the show.

Some reason this movie seemed spookier when I was a kid.... especially the last segment... but it was a lot of fun to watch again... and was even more special this time as I did get to share it with my daughter, Brittany.... and she really loved the movie too. I had to laugh... even after all these years I remembered the introduction and when it showed the surprise at the end of the introduction Brittany near 'bout jumped out of her skin! Then she slaps me for laughing at her!... where's the justice!

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Re: Month-Long Horror/Halloween Marathon
« Reply #63 on: October 13, 2007, 01:14:44 PM »

Title: Dr. Giggles
Movie Count: 37
TV Ep Count: 15
Time Started: 5:30am
He makes house calls. No appointment necessary. Laughter is the best medicine when 'Dr. Giggles' gives fans of cult horror the right guffaws-and-gore prescription.

Larry Drake plays the night-prowling surgical M.D. (as in Maniacally Deranged) who takes a vengeful whack -- or saw, scalpel, stomach pump or whatever else he finds in his little black bag of medical malpractice -- at teens, cops, and other residents of a once-pleasant town. From an old haunted house to a midway fun house, from bedrooms to the O.R., the doctor is in(sane). And keeping pace with him is a start-to-finish spree of medical puns that make this romp a cut above. 'Dr. Giggles': He'll keep you in stitches.

My Thoughts:
I have loved this movie for years now... this movie stars Holly Marie Combs (Charmed) and Glenn Quinn (Roseanne, Angel). This is one that I got in the Twisted Terror Collection boxset. And finally.. for the first time ever... I get to see this movie in Widescreen. As the original DVD was unfortunately a pan and scan version. So that put new excitement into an old favorite. When I first saw this movie I didn't know who Holly Marie Combs was... now I am such a huge fan of hers I buy everything I can find with her in it. This movie has a lot of creative kills in it... but I think my favorite of them has to be the stomach pump... that is what I would have to call creative and sickening both at the same time. The only thing I didn't like about this dvd release is there was no extras what so ever... not even the Theatrical Trailer. If you never seen this movie... it definitely comes recommended by me.

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Re: Month-Long Horror/Halloween Marathon
« Reply #64 on: October 13, 2007, 03:42:20 PM »

Title: Deadly Friend
Movie Count: 38
TV Ep Count: 15
Time Started: 7:30am
Enjoy being really scared? Have we got a pal for you. Wes Craven ('A Nightmare on Elm Street', 'Red Eye') directs "a witty ghoul story" (Caryn James, 'The New York Times') that combines artificial intelligence with all-too-genuine horror. Lonely teenage genius Paul (Matthew Laborteaux), a specialist in brain research, has two best friends: his remarkable robot BB and the beautiful girl next door (Kristy Swanson). When tragedy strikes both his friends, he desperately tries to save them both by pushing technology beyond its mortal limits into a terrifying new realm. Like a modern-day Dr. Frankenstein, Paul discovers too late that he has created a rampaging monster. Your blood will run cold...if it runs at all...after meeting this 'Deadly Friend'.

My Thoughts:
This is a movie That I remember really enjoying when I was a teen... but unfortunately I haven't seen since... so I was thrilled when I found out it was in the Twisted Terror Collection Boxset. This is one of the ones I really couldn't wait to see again.

The movie held up very well for me. I enjoyed every minute of it. I believe anyone that seen this movie will agree with me when I say that the best kill scene had to be the basketball scene. If you never seen this movie I suggest checking it out. I don't believe you will be sorry.

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Re: Month-Long Horror/Halloween Marathon
« Reply #65 on: October 13, 2007, 06:38:41 PM »

Title: Penny Dreadful
Movie Count: 39
TV Ep Count: 15
Time Started: 10am
A young woman traumatized by a childhood auto accident crosses paths with a mysterious hitchhiker who preys upon her worst fears.

My Thoughts:
This one was a blind buy... but so far I really enjoyed most of the After Dark Horrorfest releases... and the trailer looked really good... so I wasn't too concerned with not liking it when I ordered it.

I did enjoy it... was a pretty good movie... but it definitely not one of my favorites of the After Dark Horrorfest releases. It was good... but it also felt a little limited since the majority of the movie had to take place in a crashed car.  But it is definitely worth at least a rental... and maybe pick yourself up a copy if you can find it cheap.

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Re: Month-Long Horror/Halloween Marathon
« Reply #66 on: October 13, 2007, 08:40:47 PM »

Title: House
Movie Count: 40
TV Ep Count: 15
Time Started: 1pm
Horror novelist Roger Cobb is a man on the edge, reeling from his recent divorce, haunted by the mysterious disappearance of his young son, and struggling with his new book about his traumatic experiences in Vietnam. But when he moves into the strange house left to him by his late aunt, Roger's precarious sanity comes under siege by nightmares of his dead war buddy, visits from a nosy neighbor, and an onslaught of hideous creatures from another dimension. Horror has found a new home, and it's fully furnished with murder, monsters and madness!

My Thoughts:
Brittany was now ready to watch some movies... so thought we would start with the "House" movies. We both enjoyed this one... was a fun little horror-comedy.  This one starred William Katt... who was the star of the TV Series "The Greatest American Hero".  Plus has George Wendt (Cheers) as his neighbor. Worth checking out for some non-sense fun.

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Re: Month-Long Horror/Halloween Marathon
« Reply #67 on: October 14, 2007, 12:27:01 AM »

Title: House 2: The Second Story
Movie Count: 41
TV Ep Count: 15
Time Started: 4:30pm
Jesse and his girlfriend inherit a mysterious family mansion and soon discover that his 170-year-old great-great-grandfather has been brought back from the dead by the supernatural powers of an ancient Aztec skull. But when the skull is stolen and Gramps turns into a party animal, Jesse and his friends must travel through time to get it back. Now, with the help of an electrician familiar with alternate dimensions, a sleazy record company executive, automatic weapons, zombie cowboys, a confused caveman and some very odd monsters, this ultimate HOUSE party gets totally out of control!

My Thoughts:
Brittany was now ready to watch some movies... so thought we would start with the "House" movies. I really enjoyed this one a lot... it is hard for me to believe... but I actually think I like this one a little more then I do the first one! I think that is mostly due to the character Gramps. He was just a blast to watch. The only extras on this disc is the Theatrical Trailer and a Commentary Track... which I didn't listen to yet... will save that for another time.

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Re: Month-Long Horror/Halloween Marathon
« Reply #68 on: October 14, 2007, 02:46:04 PM »

Title: The Entity
Movie Count: 42
TV Ep Count: 15
Time Started: 5:30am
 OscarĀ®-nominee 'Barbara Hershey' (PORTRAIT OF A LADY, BEACHES) stars as Carla Moran, a hard-working single mother until the night she is raped in her bedroom by someone -- or something -- that she cannot see. Despite skeptical psychiatrists, she is repeatedly attacked in her car, in the bath, and in front of her children. Could this be a case of hysteria, a manifestation of childhood sexual trauma, or something even more horrific? Now with a group of daring parapsychologists, Carla will attempt an unthinkable experiment: to seduce, trap and ultimately capture the depraved spectral fury that is THE ENTITY.

My Thoughts:
This is the first time in a very long time... I would say that this movie held up well for me.... though I did find it a little slower (and longer) then what I remembered. It is still a very good ghost/haunting story. So I am glad I finally got around to adding it to my collection. There is a nice little collection of extras as well... it has the trailer, a photo gallery, a featurette on the true story the movie was based on (which was somewhat interesting) and the screenplay on DVD-Rom (read on your computer).


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Re: Month-Long Horror/Halloween Marathon
« Reply #69 on: October 14, 2007, 02:51:51 PM »
You alright on your own here, Pete? Still plugging away I see! Well done anyway. I might throw a comment in when you get round to watching something decent, like a Hammer Horror, or Dog Soldiers...  :devil:

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Re: Month-Long Horror/Halloween Marathon
« Reply #70 on: October 14, 2007, 03:23:56 PM »
I own maybe 1 hammer horror title... so can't do much there... but I am sure I will probably get to Dog Soldiers before it is all over. :)

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Re: Month-Long Horror/Halloween Marathon
« Reply #71 on: October 14, 2007, 07:31:34 PM »

Title: Tim Burton's Corpse Bride
Movie Count: 43
TV Ep Count: 15
Time Started: 11:30am
'Tim Burton's Corpse Bride' carries on in the dark, romantic tradition of his classic 'Edward Scissorhands' and 'Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas'.

Set in a 19th-century European village, this stop-motion animated feature follows the story of Victor (voiced by Johnny Depp), a young man whisked away to the underworld and wed to a mysterious Corpse Bride (voiced by Helena Bonham Carter), while his real bride Victoria (voiced by Emily Watson) waits bereft in the land of the living. Though life in the Land of the Dead proves to be a lot more colorful than his strict upbringing, Victor learns that there is nothing in this world - or the next - that can keep him away from his one true love. It's a tale of optimism, romance and a very lively afterlife, told in classic Burton style.

My Thoughts:
It was time to watch another movie with my daughter, Brittany. This time I let her choose what we should watch.... and she picked this one. This is the first time I have ever seen it. Tim Burton's Corpse Bride is a fun animated movie that is good for the entire family any time... but especially around Halloween. This is the first taste of Tim Burton's animation I ever had as I still never seen "Tim Buton's Nightmare Before Christmas"... but think I may have to see about adding it to my collection as well.

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Re: Month-Long Horror/Halloween Marathon
« Reply #72 on: October 14, 2007, 10:20:23 PM »

Title: Night of the Demons
Movie Count: 44
TV Ep Count: 15
Time Started: 2pm
It's Halloween night and Angela is throwing a party, but this is no ordinary spook bash. Everybody's headed to Hull House, a deserted funeral home with a shocking secret in its past and something evil alive in its basement. Now the guests are becoming possessed, and this party's treats include tongue-ripping, eyeball gouging, gratuitous nudity, bloody dismemberment and more. Welcome to the blowout where all Hell is breaking loose: You're invited to NIGHT OF THE DEMONS!

Scream Queen 'Linnea Quigley' stars in this twisted 80's splatter-fest dirrected by 'Kevin S. Tenney' (WITCHBOARD) and featuring grisly gore effects by 'Steven Johnson' (DEAD HEAT, SPECIES). NIGHT OF THE DEMONS is presented totally uncut and uncensored and loaded with exclusive new extras for the first time ever on DVD.

My Thoughts:
This one was a blind buy... it was one of the ones a friend of mine suggested... I definitely enjoyed it. It was a lot of fun... just watching it you could feel the 80's... this was my decade... so I love the horror from the 80's. This one is definitely a no-brainer popcorn type movie... just a sit back... relax and get lost in the nonsense. Even thoogh I would say this one is basically a low budget horror... I would also say it is at the high end of low budget horrors... if that makes any sense to you.  While watching it you don't feel low-budget coming from it... decent effects... including some pretty cool looking demons. Was definitely worth the 90min I put into the movie... and the $6.49 I payed for it.

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Re: Month-Long Horror/Halloween Marathon
« Reply #73 on: October 15, 2007, 11:26:35 PM »

Title: Tales from the Crypt
Movie Count: 45
TV Ep Count: 15
Time Started: 3:30pm
Prepare for a "gruesomely spine-tingling and stomach-wrenching" (Variety) journey into the heart of terror! When five unwary travelers with dark hearts stumble into a series of catacombs, they find themselves in a cavern with no way out. But the horror's only just begun as a mysterious figure appears to reveal to each person the shocking events that will soon lead to their well-deserved, untimely - and unavoidable - deaths!

My Thoughts:
I couldn't remember for sure when I first ordered this movie... but this was the first time I ever watched it. I thought this was a very good movie. I enjoyed all the segments (stories) in it. Though I do have to admit I prefer the Crypt Keeper of the HBO Series over the Crypt Keeper in this movie... he was just a whole lot more fun to watch.

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Re: Month-Long Horror/Halloween Marathon
« Reply #74 on: October 16, 2007, 06:48:33 AM »
Pete, it's the 16th today, so half way through... What's the score? Past 32 already...?