Another poor list (at least in my oppinion).
ListMy comment :
Irreversible : Not an horror movie and very weak compare to I Spit on your Grave
Men Behind The Sun : Not horror again and not that shocking
Salo: 120 Days of Sodom : Not horror. It's clear by their synopsis that they haven't watch it

Ichi The Killer : don't remember anything of this one, certainly not that disturbing

Murder-Set-Pieces : Not disturbing, just a serial killer movie with a lot of woman murder
Guinea Pig: Flower of Flesh and Blood : agree with this one, but only if we talk about the old vhs
Cannibal Holocaust : Not sick at all. The best movie ever made on the human nature
Never seen the last three and for what I've read
August Underground’s Mordum is a pieces of crap; cheap and not impressive.