1. Alfred Hitchcock - Psycho (appeared in a cowboy hat)
2. The Wachowski Brothers - The Matrix (Window Cleaners)
3. Peter Jackson - Lord of the Rings (towner in FOTR, archer in TTT, pirate in ROTK)
4. Lucio Fulci - Perversion Story (The graphologist)
5. Phillip Noyce - The Bone Collector (Antique Bookshop Customer)
6. George Romero - The Crazies (Mayor of Evans City)
7. M. Night Shyamalan - The Village (Guard at desk)
8. M. Night Shyamalan - Unbreakable (Stadium Drug Dealer)
9. M. Night Shyamalan - The Sixth Sense (Dr. Hill)
10. Peter Jackson - The Frighteners (punk who bumps into Fox)
11. Hal Needham - Cannonball Run ( outtakes through end credits)
12. Martin Scorcese - The Aviator (Hell's Angels Projectionist)
13. George A. Romero - Dawn of the Dead (director at TV station)
14. Federico Fellini - Roma (as himself)
15. John Landis - Blues Brothers
(for example, you can't have George Lucas/Star Wars as he didn't do all of them, nor can you use Spielberg/Jurassic Park. Extra points for ignoring quadrilogies...

1. Robert Zemeckis - Back to the Future