NAME 12 FILMS FEATURING Younger Man - Older Woman Couples
1 John Travolta & Lily Tomlin (Moment by Moment)
2 Bud Cort & Ruth Gordon (Harold and Maude)
3 Keanu Reeves (!) & Diane Keaton (Something's Gotta Give)
4 John Travolta & Olivia Neutron Bomb... sorry Olivia Newton John (Grease)
5 Jude Law & Susan Sarandon (Alfie)
6 Dustin Hoffman & Anne Bancroft (The Graduate)
7 Gary Grimes & Jennifer O'Neill (Summer of '42)
8 Cher & Nicolas Cage (Moonstruck)
9 Joaquin Phoenix & Nicole Kidman (To Die For)
10 Cameron Bright & Nicole Kidman (Birth)

A controversial choice, maybe?
11 Michael Caine & Shelley Winters (Alfie) (The good one)