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Topic: Dark Angel Marathon (Read 14821 times)
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Re: Dark Angel Marathon
Reply #15 on:
September 09, 2007, 04:58:02 PM »
Max (Jessica Alba) is back -- kicking butt and taking names in the second and final season of James Cameron's DARK ANGEL. After the destruction of Manticore, the military organization responsible for creating Max and her fellow genetically-enhanced human prototypes, Max is still forced to live furtively among the underground street life of 21st century Seattle. But the day is rapidly approaching when all transgenics will have to band together if they want a chance at staking their claim in this new Freak Nation.
Season 2: Disc 1
1. Designate This
After months of being imprisoned at Manticore, Max has resisted powerful attempts at re-programming and breeding and plans her escape from the genetics lab.
My Thoughts:
This was a good start to another season. I really enjoyed it... though I am not so sure I like the addition of the mutants. I mean it is an ok idea...and it does make sense that they would come out like that when they were first trying to make the soldiers. But I don't know... I preferred it how it was in season 1... without them... other then that... I really enjoyed the episode.
2. Bag 'Em
Manticore sends out a signal ordering all the escapees to return to a site where unbeknownst to them, awaits their death.
My Thoughts:
This was another really good episode. Showing to what extreme Manticore would go to clean up their mess. I did have to wonder though.. the kids were transgenic soldiers... how is it that they were so easily shot down once getting to the bridge? I mean you would have though when they started to shoot they would be able to do something to scatter and fight back.
3. Proof of Purchase
Max and Logan look for Joshua, who is wandering Seattle looking for "Father", the man who created him. Meanwhile, Alec fights ordinary people in an underground club but when later caught by White, he must strike a bargain to kill three transgenics to save his life.
My Thoughts:
Great Episode! I really enjoyed every second of this one. Between Max trying to find and help Joshua and Alec being forced to hunt down other transgenics... this episode was loaded with action.
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Re: Dark Angel Marathon
Reply #16 on:
September 10, 2007, 06:00:38 PM »
Season 2: Disc 2
4. Radar Love
Max and Logan must aside their complicated and lethal feelings for one another, when they investigate a series of unusual deaths and uncover a genocidal agenda linked to transgenic escapees.
My Thoughts:
This is a good episode... though nothing big... or special happens in it... just a basic good episode.
5. Boo
On Halloween night, Max finds her "normal" world turned upside down when the creatures she let out of Manticore are able to walk the streets freely without fear of exposure. As she and Joshua, with a crazy band of characters, race against time to find a headless body before it carries out its intended lethal mission, Max is faced with the reality that Asha and Logan are getting closer than ever.
My Thoughts:
OK... Now this episode I love! It is definitely one of my favorites of the whole series. I know I don't care to much for the mutant looking transgenics... but this episode really makes up for it. I love Halloween episodes of any and all TV Series... but in this case it works perfectly with the show itself. And another thing I liked is that they didn't take this episode seriously at all... it is more like the total opposite.... they seemed to go out of their way to be silly and just have fun. Which is what this episode is... just plain fun!
6. Two
Disturbed by Joshua's unusual behavior, as well as Alec's new job working at Jam Pony, Max's concern for Joshua is heightened when sector police killings are attributed to a "beast-like" creature.
My Thoughts:
Now of course back to being more serious... this one is another really good episode. Shows that even then Manticore made more then one of each mutant/soldier.
7. Some Assembly Required
Max discovers that Zack is not only alive but apparently benefiting from some cybernetic enhancements to his genetic engineering, however he does have memory problems.
My Thoughts:
I bet that by this point you thought you would never see Zack again... but here he is. This is a good episode. Of course where he wasn't remembering everything... and only remembering small pieces at a time... they had to have it so he remembered some stuff wrong. Good episode with lots of action. Enjoyed it!
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Re: Dark Angel Marathon
Reply #17 on:
September 11, 2007, 10:33:19 PM »
Season 2: Disc 3
8. Gill Girl
Alec and Max set out to rescue an aquatic transgenic caught at sea from White, but the creature's mate throws a wrench into Max's plans. Meanwhile, Logan has a brush with death after he and Max get a little too close while babysitting his niece.
My Thoughts:
This episode was pretty good... but I think it could have been better. Not one of my favorites... that is for sure. Not that there is anything in particular wrong with it... it is just a good basic episode in my opinion.
9. Medium is the Message
Max and Logan find themselves caught up in a spellbinding kidnapping case, that takes surprising turns when they learn the boy is the son of the infamous Mr. White.
My thoughts:
Once again... a good episode... but nothing all that special about it. It does give you some info that (if I remember correctly) is needed for upcoming episodes... but just another basic episode.
10. Brainiac
When Asha's militant group comes under fire, Max figures that it's all because of a Manticore-engineered military strategist, another transgenic called Brain. Brain sets out to protect Max as best he can, after he's called upon to discover who really betrayed the group.
My Thoughts:
Now... this episode I enjoyed. I thought it was done well... had a load of action in it... and even a few laughs in it as well. I had to laugh when Brain was riding with Max on her motorcycle and she told him to watch his hands... to high!... so he lowered them and she said Too low now! LOL... I can't say I blame the guy at all!... she could give me a ride anytime!
11. The Berrisford Agenda
While being haunted by music from the past, Alec must revisit one of his Manticore missions that went bad and resulted in the loss of his one true love. Max attempts to put the pieces of Alec's past together and upon discovery of the truth sets out to help him as best she can.
My Thoughts:
Another really good episode...This time we see a lot of flashbacks as Alec remembers one of his missions from Manticore... a mission that went wrong. In this episode we learn a lot about Alec... and why he is the way he is.
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Re: Dark Angel Marathon
Reply #18 on:
September 12, 2007, 03:45:15 PM »
Season 2: Disc 4
12. Borrowed Time
When Max and Logan finally find a cure for their genetically engineered virus, it turns out to be only temporary. Their time together is limited and to make matters worse they have to stop a strange Manticore creation that is on the loose in Seattle and preying on people.
My Thoughts:
This was a good episode... I enjoyed it... even though I did feel that the main creature thing that Max had to go against was a bit over the top.
13. Harbor Lights
When Max is accidentally shot during a botched robbery attempt and taken to a local hospital for emergency treatment, her true transgenic identity is threatened with exposure when abnormal qualities show up in her medical test results.
My Thoughts:
This is another episode that I enjoyed. Of course they had to also put her in mortal danger at the same time. I can't put my finger on it... but this episode did remind me of a movie.
14. Love in Vein
Max must take on a cult of superhuman-blood addicts when she learns they're being led by a Manticore mutant intent on rebuilding an X-5 army.
My Thoughts:
Once again... really enjoyed it. In this episode they played around with the Vampire legend a bit. Of course it is just barely recognizable.... but it is there.
15. Fuhgeddaboudit
A genetically enhanced hypnotist targets Logan and Max, who reveals her true identity and Logan's secret activities before realizing that she is being manipulated as part of a deadly plan - but luckily she doesn't remember doing it.
My Thoughts:
This is one of the episodes I would categorize as good... but far from great. I liked the basic idea... I loved the fight between Max and Alec... I hated the hypnotist. She was extremely annoying!
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Posts: 17685
Re: Dark Angel Marathon
Reply #19 on:
September 12, 2007, 07:22:44 PM »
Season 2: Disc 5
16. Exposure
Max and Logan track Ames' kidnapped son, Ray, to a small town where the breeding cult known as the Familiars, are readying Manticore's youngest creations for a mysterious ceremony.
My Thoughts:
Pretty good episode... they are starting here to wrap up the season long arcs.
17. Hello, Goodbye
After a near-fatal incident with Logan, Max decides to end their relationship for good. A murder committed by Alec's Manticore twin, Ben, puts him under suspicion and places all of the transgenics in jeopardy...thanks to White and his leakage to the media.
My Thoughts:
This episode I liked a lot... not only did Max and Logan accidentally touch... and they have to save Logan's life. But Alec also finds out about his Manticore twin, Ben... and how he went nuts and became a serial killer.
18. Dawg Day Afternoon
Max must break her vow to avoid Logan after Joshua's friendship with the blind woman makes him a target of a transgenic manhunt in the sewers. Meanwhile, White leaks news of the human-looking X-5s to the media, leading to a wide-scale attack against the so-called "monsters" running amok and to the death of a someone dear to one of the transgenics.
My Thoughts:
Another good episode. Everything is really starting to fall apart for them at this point.
19. She Ain't Heavy
Max's life is placed in more danger than ever before when she is hunted by the one person who knows her better than anyone -- her clone.
My Thoughts:
Another episode I really enjoyed... How couldn't I with Jessica Alba in a duel role!?!
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Posts: 17685
Re: Dark Angel Marathon
Reply #20 on:
September 12, 2007, 11:25:45 PM »
Season 2: Disc 6
20. Love Among the Runes
Max begins to develop strange markings on her body while leading a transgenic resistance against White, when he attempts to capture one of her "brothers". However, the transgenics are stunned by revealed secrets about their "father" that threaten all that they believe and stir up many more questions.
My Thoughts:
Good episode... and was a good set-up for the series finale. pretty much pure action here towards the end.
21. Freak Nation
Max is forced to expose her true identity to the world, when she must defend her own kind during a potentially deadly hostage situation at Jam Pony, involving Joshua and Alec.
My Thoughts:
Now... this was a great episode... and if I am not mistaken... this one was originally meant to be a season finale... not a series finale. It just left too much open... and I so wanted to see more! I remember when I first heard this series was canceled I had hoped for a TV Movie to finish off the series right... and even though I know the chances are extremely slim to none... I still would like to see one. But look what you have... Jessica Alba (Max) is a big time movie star now... Michael Weratherly (Logan) is a hit on
now... and Jensen Ackles (Alec) is HUGE on
... I don't see them returning for it now.
Anyway... final thoughts on
Dark Angel
... I still to this day feel this is a wonderfully exciting and action packed series. A series that ended too soon in my opinion. This is the show that I first noticed the always lovely Jessica Alba on. If you have never seen this series... and you like an action series... mixed with a generous dose of Sci-Fi... then you must check out this series as soon as you possibly can... You won't be sorry!!!
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Dark Angel Marathon