Author Topic: October Marathon: Horror!  (Read 59995 times)

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Re: Alien: Resurrection **
« Reply #75 on: November 01, 2008, 01:08:55 AM »

Alien and Aliens are superb and you would do worse than investing in those two at least.

I'm sure I'll get to them eventually.  I need more time to watch movies. :lol


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Cabin Fever **
« Reply #76 on: November 01, 2008, 02:11:59 AM »
Cabin Fever
2 out of 5

Bunch of teens are staying at a cabin, but come into contact with a hermit who seems to be rather poorly and beyond the help of Aspirin or Germolene.

I'd planned to finish this marathon like Pete with Halloween, but after the marvellous Dead Set finished, this came on. I really like Eli Roth's Hostel films and feel his reputation as a purveyor of torture porn is unwarranted. Sadly this film is pretty pathetic and so my marathon ends with a whimper, not a roar.

It has a bit of Evil Dead, via Texas Chainsaw Massacre (weird neighbours, violently unhelpful locals), but misses the point of both of those films by not having a point! It just languishes in a depressing plot about the kids getting sick and dying in variously gory ways, often with help from said locals. The overall theme is obvious from early on so all you can do is sit through the turgid nonsense. It isn't helped that that the kids are all lying cowards without a shred of decency amongst them, played by a sub-par cast. I think it could have worked if at least some of the locals were vaguely normal, but no way. Instead they are all bat-shit crazy. So there's nothing for the viewer to latch onto. Except maybe the gratuitous tits and slow-motion arse. I'm in no way offended, but can anyone tell me why those shots are there? :shrug:

But the worst thing is that while it has no point and is just an unfocused mess, it's also completely inert with nothing memorable at all. I can certainly understand Roth's reputation now. If I'd seen Hostel after this debut... what am I saying? I'd never have even given them a chance. Anyway, this suggests he has literally no talent as a director.

It does have it's good points. The shop owner's explanation about a rifle is hilariously explained in a twist at the end and some other late characters redeem it some way. In fact, the film is better once the annoying kids are no longer the sole focus. In the final few minutes, the film comes together completely with a blackly comic ending. As such, the film could be cut at least in half and become an episode in a pulpy horror anthology like Creepshow. It doesn't have the story or more importantly, the talent, to warrant feature length.

This is torture porn. A pointless, nasty little story to showcase various ways people can die. So I must stress, if you have seen this and have avoided the Hostel films because of it, give them a chance. They are nasty and gratuitous, but Roth's black humour that comes so late here is more evident in his next film and its sequel and his direction is more dynamic; his characters better formed. The theme of the stories means they are survival movies like this, but with the vaguest chance of actual survival, so you won't feel quite so cheated!


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Dead Set (TV) ****
« Reply #77 on: November 01, 2008, 02:38:54 AM »
Dead Set
4 out of 5

This years Big Brother is dead boring! :devil:

Whenever the "TV event of the year" is proclaimed, I normally take it with a pinch of salt. This time though it is warranted. Dead Set is a fantastic, ambitious, enthusiastic play on a cultural phenomenon (whether you like it or not) and also one of the goriest British horrors of recent years. It's not particularly original, but it's a horror story made for and by horror fans. Loads of nudge-wink references to classic horrors and not one concession to gimmickry that such a show would normally do, just by default. On the contrary, it's pretty edgy at times and very funny in a sick way, not a Shaun of the Dead way.

The core idea is a cracker. A zombie epidemic is efficiently destroying the UK, so quickly, there is no time to bring up-to-date the housemates of the biggest reality show of all. They have no idea the world is falling apart, cocooned in their little fake world. Plenty to read into there, but Charlie Brooker has said that while talk of metaphors is bound to happen, it was no way designed like that. But the great thing about zombies is they come with their own built-in, natural metaphors while the director and effects boys just have fun.

The story plays out very well. All the classic motifs are here as the survivors come together; break down of authority (two hilarious coppers), desperate run for supplies, cocky sniper. And the characters are really well written. Big Brother is designed around very contrasting personalities so it makes sense all these people have their own fleshed out neuroses and some are very dark. There's one creep watching one of the girls showering. Cleverly, we're enjoying it too ("Boobies!") so when she calmly announces "I know you're there" and says how pathetic he is, who is she talking about? ;)

Add a producer modelled on the General in Day of the Dead and it's a perfect mix. The dialogue is very memorable, especially between the bastard producer and an airhead, just evicted contestant. Her whiny little catchphrase of "Don't like it" just cracks me up!

It's filmed honestly and seriously, and Big Brother is only the centre point of a much bigger plot. However, it is the centre and works all the better for the full commitment Channel 4 have obviously given. Even so far as turning beloved Davina McCall into a zombie!

The final point I want to make, is that in the last two episodes especially, the gore is possibly the most horrible I've ever seen. Another Day of the Dead reference in particular. It is astonishingly well done.

A feature length version of the episodes will be screened tomorrow I believe. Meanwhile, go to for more information and a chance to stream the episodes. Hope it works for you lot over the pond because this is really worth seeing. if not, there is a DVD.  :D

With the afore-mentioned Shaun and 28 Days Later (and its sequel), Dead Set proves the very best zombies are right here in the UK! A point bolstered by the lacklustre Diary of the Dead.

« Last Edit: November 01, 2008, 02:49:09 AM by Jon »


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Re: October Marathon: Horror!
« Reply #78 on: November 01, 2008, 02:44:58 AM »
So that's it then. The October Horror-thon is over! My 28 movies and 1 TV show (split into 5) is far more than I expected, but a round about a mere quater of Pete's. That said, I don't think I could watch that many even if I wanted to. I'd burn out! :training:

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Re: October Marathon: Horror!
« Reply #79 on: November 01, 2008, 02:51:22 AM »
Congrats Jon  :clap:

Don't forget that you have written a great review for each one.

But I'm sad that you have not reviewed any of your Mario Bava's movie  ;)


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Re: October Marathon: Horror!
« Reply #80 on: November 01, 2008, 02:54:24 AM »
Congrats Jon  :clap:

Don't forget that you have written a great review for each one.

But I'm sad that you have not reviewed any of your Mario Bava's movie  ;)

I'll get there!  :laugh: