Author Topic: My October Horror Marathon  (Read 75916 times)

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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #75 on: October 28, 2008, 03:01:46 AM »

Title : Lady Frankenstein (1971)

Dr. Frankenstein and his daughter are experimenting with the re-animation of tissue and create a hideous monster that kills the doctor and escape into the countryside. The daughter, undaunted by her father's failure, goes to medical school to gain the necessary skills to continue her father's work. Upon her return, she and her father's former assistant create a new creature by placing the assistant brain into the body of a simple-minded, brawny handyman. Things become complicated when the first creature returns to finish exacting his revenge by killing the doctor's daughter and assistant.

My Impression
For this one the problem is the version available and this is the same print in every PD release, this is the cut version of it and almost 10 minutes are missing. Sadly the complete version doesn't exist actually on dvd anywhere in the world,. I know that an European label was working on it last year, but I didn't get an update on this since february (just hope that the project is not dead).

This is a good update story of Frankenstein with an european twist on it and you know that I like those movies ;D. For those who don't know, since we had some new people here, it means that a lot of nudity is add (not that much this is the cut version). I like the look of the monster in it (evidently not the "Universal Frankenstein Monster" since his look is copyrighted) and the fact that his face burn when the lightning strike add a touch of "reality". I can really comment on the acting since this movie is dub and not really well. But, Rosalba Neri is as beautifull than ever and we can see the emotions in her eyes. For the completist Joseph Cotten play the Baron Frankenstein in this film. The 19th century recreation is well done too.

I like this film, but I recommand to wait the release of the complete italian version of it.   
Rating :

Number of film watch : 46

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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #76 on: October 29, 2008, 02:28:58 AM »

Title : Silent Night, Bloody Night (1974)

A man inherits his family's mansion that has been unoccupied for years and was at one time a mental hospital. Desperate to sell for much-needed cash, he sends his attorney to the mansion to prepare it for sale. Unfortunately at the sime time, a deranged killer escapes from a nearby institution and returns to the town and the mansion, both wich hold some dark and sinister secrets.

My Impression
First time that I've watched this one and I was pleasantly surprise. This is a really well done movie, in fact this is more a thriller than an horror film (even if the synopsis tell the contrary). There are some blood, one of the first murder is particullary bloody and realist, but most of the murder are offscreen (take note that some of them are really obviously cut on the print use for my dvd). The story is really good too and this is surprising since it's only the third movie script written by Theodore Gershuny. Like the naration use and the flashback story (this is at this moment that you really understand this film). For those flasback the cinematography is all in sepia (just like the old silent movie) and this is really imaginative. The cast is ok, but Mary Woronov is the only one that shine and it's easy to understand why she continue to act for 42 years. The only downside of this film is the quality of the print : the sound is correct but the image is full of scratch, light spot, ... It would be nice to have a remastered special edition for 2009 since it will be the 35th anniversary of this film, but my hopes are not really high.
Rating :

Number of film watch : 47


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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #77 on: October 29, 2008, 09:34:17 AM »
Jimmy, have you seen Black Christmas, from Bob Clark who went on to give us Porky's? Don't hold that against him: :P Also 1974, but considered the first of the slasher format.

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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #78 on: October 29, 2008, 04:08:10 PM »
Sure I've seen it, this title is even one of the rare one that I've bought 2 times : the first somewhere in 2003 and the second in february 2007

By the way "Silent Night, Bloody Night" was released in 74 but made in 72, so it was the first Christmass "horror" theme movie.

Black Christmass is not the first "slasher" movie, the first one is Bay of Blood (Reazione a catena) directed by Mario Bava in 1971 that I've reviewed it in june.

And I certainly don't hold "Porky's" against him since this is one of my favourite Canadian movie and this is the greatest success of our cinema1. I can't say the same for She-Man, what a boring movie, but at least the second features is great  ;D

1. I know that Eric and Sebastien will not agree, but "Good Cop, Bad Cop" doesn't really break the record even if the French Canadian medias (mosly TVA) want to make us believe it. GCBC is not even close to Porky's for the number of ticket sold at the theatre. GCBC was a flop in the ROC and haven't done anything in the international market. Porky's was a box office success everywhere in Canada, in the United States ($105,500,000) and probably in many others country. GCBC had the record for the highest grossing Canadian movie in the Canadian box office but not the number of viewer and in absolute dollars value Porky's is always the record holder. By the way a movie with a eight millions dollars budget that made only 11 millions in the international box office is certainly not a success.


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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #79 on: October 29, 2008, 04:40:17 PM »
1. I know that Eric and Sebastien will not agree, but "Good Cop, Bad Cop" doesn't really break the record even if the French Canadian medias (mosly TVA) want to make us believe it. GCBC is not even close to Porky's for the number of ticket sold at the theatre. GCBC was a flop in the ROC and haven't done anything in the international market. Porky's was a box office success everywhere in Canada, in the United States ($105,500,000) and probably in many others country. GCBC had the record for the highest grossing Canadian movie in the Canadian box office but not the number of viewer and in absolute dollars value Porky's is always the record holder. By the way a movie with a eight millions dollars budget that made only 11 millions in the international box office is certainly not a success.


I happen to fully agree with you. We have such a tendency here in Quebec to think that we are bigger than we really are, and never take into account the global market. Bon Cop Bad Cop probably did break the Quebec record. But, of course "Bon Cop, Bad Cop" was a flop everywhere else, it's made from such a Quebec perspective, and is so reminiscent of the usual "Quebec vs ROC" (I'm assuming ROC = Rest of Canada) that it can't really work anywhere else. Porky's on the other hand has more of a universal appeal. The whole premise of the movie doesn't rely on a very local reality (QC vs ROC), but on something that's universal.

And anyway, most media who tout a movie as being the new record holder never take into account tickets sold. It's always $$$. Thing is, how much does it cost to go to the theater today, versus what it cost back when Porky's came out.

I always find it funny when they keep saying "<MovieTitleHere> broke the record for opening weekend gross revenue". Oh sure, it probably did make more moolahs, but what about ticket entry? That would be the best indicator. But no, they won't do it. They know too well records would be too hard to break.

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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #80 on: October 29, 2008, 05:04:16 PM »
And anyway, most media who tout a movie as being the new record holder never take into account tickets sold. It's always $$$. Thing is, how much does it cost to go to the theater today, versus what it cost back when Porky's came out.
I don't know what was the price for one ticket in a real theatre in 1982, but it cost me 1$ for 3 movies in a not so real theatre in my town this year. One thing is sure it was possible to bought a lot of thing with this $ from the perspective of the 12 years old that I was them. By exemple a bag of chips was only 25 cents...


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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #81 on: October 29, 2008, 05:15:32 PM »
One thing is sure it was possible to bought a lot of thing with this $ from the perspective of the 12 years old that I was them. By exemple a bag of chips was only 25 cents...

Haha yeah. When I was younger, I used to go to the candy shop with 25¢ and came out with a bag FULL to the brim of individually sold candies... which I proceeded to give to my sister on my return home (my fun was choosing the candy, not eating it, oddly. You wouldn't think that if you saw me today. Right, Eric?? ;))

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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #82 on: October 30, 2008, 02:10:12 AM »

Title : Panic (1976)

A British scientist is working with various forms of bacteria when he is accidentally exposed to a deadly variety due to a lab accident. The exposure transforms the scientist into a hideous, flesh-eating monster and he begins a rampage in the local community that has the government considering wheter or not to destroy the entire town to countain the problem.

My Impression
Nothing special with this film. They had tried to cover to much and they fail in the 2 aspects : the city rampage is non existent and the monster chase is boring. David Warbeck as usual as a good screen precence, but Janet Agren is really underuse. The dubbing is poor, the editing isn't really good and the end is really lame. Maybe the italian version is better, but the version that I own is a lost of time.
Rating :

Number of film watch : 48

Offline Jimmy

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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #83 on: October 30, 2008, 05:23:02 AM »

Title : The Beyond (1981)

Beneath a run-down New Orleans hotel lies a dark, evil secret. The entrance to the underworld is waiting to be opened, and when new residents of the hotel move in...the evil is awakened. Demonic forces of all shapes and sizes are rising up and violently attacking the living one by one. Can the text of an ancient book save the tenants from a horrible death? Will mankind prevail over the demonic forces, or will it perish in a bleak wasteland conquered by legions of the undead?

My Impression
This one is a real italian classic. Very bloody, great special effects, an interesting story and a powerfull musical score. Two scenes are particularly frightening : one involving a group of spiders (I can guarantee that this one would give some nightmares to our good friend Pete) and the other involving a blind woman and her dog (you know what it means Jon). Catriona MacColl is really good in this, David Warbeck and Cinzia Monreale aren't too bad either. The movie was made in english, so it doesn't sound silly like many Italian movie (some of the Italian actors are dub but none of them have a big role). The end is confusing and you must watch the movie more than one time to get it (this the fifth time that I watched it and I'm not 100% sure of my interpretation yet). One last thing that I've just remarked this time : One of the character is a plumber and his name is Joe  :hysterical:

If you have never watched a Fulci's horror movie this is the one to watch. He had directed a lot of good movies (Perversion Story, Don't Torture a Duckling, ...) but none of them are really horror movie. The dvd reviewed here is the one release by Anchor Bay in 2002 that countains a really good commentary with David Warbeck and Catriona MacColl.
Rating :

Number of film watch : 49

Offline Jimmy

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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #84 on: October 31, 2008, 03:58:35 AM »

Title : Guinea Pig: Flower of Flesh And Blood (1985)

An infamous manga artist received an unmarked parcel in the mail. In this mysterious package was one 8mm film, 54 still pictures and a 19 pages letter. The letter told the artist that a horrible crime was commited by a person of aesthetic paranoia in a very secret place. The 8mm film shows a horrifying descent into pure madness as a psychotic slowly dismembers a defenseless woman and then add her to his collection. The artist quickly turned the film, stills and the letter over to the police for investigation. Haunted by the images he witnessed, he decided to make a semi-documentary based on what he saw.

My Impression
With this one I almost feel like I'm cheating since it's only 24 minutes long, but nowhere in the "rules" it was mention that a movie must be at least 60 minutes long. In fact this is not even the real movie on the DVD that runs for 44 minutes but an easter Egg on the disc. I've choose to watch this movie like that because I think that it's the only way to feel it.

This film had a long history and many people were certain after they have watched it that it was a real snuff movie. Evidently it is not the case... Do you think that those kind of movie get a commercial release :laugh:. I've heard talking of this movie 15 years ago when it was seen as a real one and after a lot of research I've found a place to bought it, but didn't buy it (It was out of my league, the price asked was way too high). So when it was released in 2002, I've bought it sure the price was always high (45 $US) but a lot less that the old bootleg market price. When I've put it in my reader the first time it was a deception, the remastering job is too good and the film is too clean to be credible. But, playing with my reader remote I've found the easter Egg and my oppinion on the dvd had changed. Why? Because this is a poor quality VHS copy with a bad tracking, defects showing that it was copy many time, no subtitles and a bad sound.

The movie is not complicated : it starts with a woman running in the street who is kidnapped by a weird Japanese guys dress in samurai who will slice her members one by one. So we can say that it's a nice familly movie... The effects are really well done and it's easy to understand why it was seen as the real thing. The guy looks like a psychopath and the girl act seriously. Like I've said this is not the same with the real feature.

I don't say if I recommand it or not, since this is the kind of thing that you know if you like or hate them.   
Rating :

Number of film watch : 50

Offline Jimmy

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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #85 on: October 31, 2008, 04:00:03 AM »
#Title Date RatingNever Watch
1Zombie (1979)10/01
2Zombi 3 (1988)10/01
3Zombie 4: After Death (1988)10/01
4Ring Around The Rosie (2005)10/01
5Cloverfield (2008)10/02
6Planet of the Vampires (1965)10/02
7Dagon (2002)10/02
8Brain damage (1988)10/03
9The Bagman (2002)10/03
10The New York Ripper (1982)10/03
11An American Werewolf in London (1981)10/04
12Wolf Creek (2005)10/04
13Sole Survivor (1982)10/04
14Left in Darkness (2006)10/04
15It's Alive (1973)10/05
16Seed (2007)10/06
17Demons (1985)10/07
18Curse of the Cannibal Confederates (1982)10/08
1928 Days Later (2002)10/10
2028 Weeks Later (2007)10/10
21Demented Death Farm Massacre (1972)10/10
22Frailty (2001)10/11
23The Sorority (2006)10/11
24The curse of Lizzie Borden (2006)10/11
25Please Don't Eat My Mother! (1973)10/12
26Angst (2003)10/12
27Porno Holocaust (1979)10/13
28La Noche del Terror Ciego (1971)10/13
29El Ataque de los Muertos sin Ojos (1973)10/14
30The Ghost Galleon (1974)10/14
31The Murder Mansion (1972)10/17
32I eat Your Skin (1964)10/18
33Scream Bloody Murder (1975)10/18
34Metamorphosis (1990)10/18
35Naked Massacre (1976)10/20
36Haunts (1977)10/20
37Werewolf in a Girl's Dormitory (1962)10/22
38The Driller Killer (1979)10/22
39Horror Express (1972)10/23
40Snowbeast (1977)10/24
41Sisters of Death (1977)10/24
42Oasis of the Zombies (1981)10/25
43The Witches' Mountain (1972)10/25
44The Revenge of Doctor X (1970)10/26
45Funeral Home (1980)10/26
46Lady Frankenstein (1971)10/27
47Silent Night, Bloody Night (1974)10/28
48Panic (1976)10/28
49The Beyond (1981)10/28
50Guinea Pig: Flower of Flesh And Blood (1985)10/30

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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #86 on: November 01, 2008, 12:03:38 AM »
I will not watch anymore horror movies this month, so I guess it's the end for me. It's was a fun marathon and almost half of the movies were unwatched previously (the Chilling boxset helps a little for that).

I'm way behind the number of Pete (he is in a league of his own  :laugh:), but it was a big dvd watching month for me. Hope that I've gave you some idea for your wishlist...

50 will be possible to beat next year. At least it will be easier for me than Pete  :P


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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #87 on: November 01, 2008, 03:06:16 AM »
As usual Jimmy, yours was an excellent collection of reviews. No-one is quite as unpredictable as you and I mean that in the best sense! One day I'll hopefully catch up with some of those titles.

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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #88 on: November 01, 2008, 04:18:37 AM »
Well done, Jimmy! :bow:

I enjoy reading your reviews of films I hardly ever heard of!

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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #89 on: February 01, 2012, 01:03:57 AM »
Title : 28 Weeks Later (2007)
Just watched it again today. First time I blamed the US soldiers a lot (didn't change my mind on that one bit)). But I just realized the kids are to blamed for everything that happen at the survival zone, everybody fricking died because of them and they are seen as hero... fricking unbelievable :whistle:

and no I don't appreciate this film more after a second viewing, in fact I think it become even worst ::)