Author Topic: My October Horror Marathon  (Read 75589 times)

Offline Jimmy

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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #30 on: October 11, 2008, 12:26:00 AM »
This Is England seams to be on the same subject than Made in Britain a movie that I own and like, so the chance are good that this is a movie that I will appreciated. But it doesn't seams to be release here yet on dvd, no problem to order it from Europe but I've to wait since my order for november is already decided (The Unseen, Sweet Sixteen, Pieces and Faces of Death) and Dead Man's Shoes is now in my wishlist since it looks like a good revenge movie.


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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #31 on: October 11, 2008, 12:39:38 AM »
This Is England seams to be on the same subject than Made in Britain a movie that I own and like, so the chance are good that this is a movie that I will appreciated. But it doesn't seams to be release here yet on dvd, no problem to order it from Europe but I've to wait since my order for november is already decided (The Unseen, Sweet Sixteen, Pieces and Faces of Death) and Dead Man's Shoes is now in my wishlist since it looks like a good revenge movie.

Dead Man's Shoes is a very effective revenge movie, especially thanks to Paddy Considine's unrelenting and focused performance.

It's interesting you mention Made in Britain, because I would usually say that's a good example of a British movie I don't like. Too grimy! I don't like too much misery. Although I tend to avoid Mike Leigh's films for that yet usually end up glued to the screen, so what do I know? As with all his films, Meadows puts a lot of warmth in so it always feels like I could know these people; it makes their lives more feasible and their stories more powerful because I can see the joins and they make sense. Especially as he always filmed in Nottingham where I live, so the streets are so familiar and This Is England is set in the 80s so I would have been not much younger than the main character.

Glad you've got them on your radar!  ;)

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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #32 on: October 11, 2008, 12:54:47 AM »
Jon since I've your attention, I've this one on my wishlist since a long time

It's a British movie, so you're the expert  ;)
What do you think of it?


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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #33 on: October 11, 2008, 02:46:05 AM »
"Expert"! By birthplace, maybe... :laugh:

Scum is again the type of film I say I don't want to watch, but I have seen it and it is very good. Raw and brutal, and Ray Winstone is incredible.

Scum has an interesting history because it was originally a TV play in 1977 with Winstone in the same role. It was so well received Alan Clarke was able to remake it with Winstone and a bigger budget.

Definitely worth seeing. Not that I wanted to... ;)

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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #34 on: October 11, 2008, 04:27:17 AM »

Title : Demented Death Farm Massacre (1972)

After executing a daring robbery in the big city, a gang of psychotic daimond thieves steal a jeep and head out into the country. When the jeep runs out of gas, they ditch it and wander into what looks like a backwoods farm, the perfect hideout! And even better, there's a country bumpkin with huge udders living there offering the thieves some good ol' fashioned Southern hospitality! Everything is cool as a glass of lemonade, this is, until the babe's seemingly dimwitted husband returns home from a long hard day of shucking corn. Sensing the ill-fated intentions of his freaky farm guests, the farmer must come up with a plan to turn the tables on these dangerous thugs.

My Impression
This one is not really an horror movie, but it's a part of a terror pack and I've not watched this for nothing. So we will stretch the elastic a little bit. My god this film is awfull this is not for nothing if it was release only in 1986 (14 years after it was made :o). The acting is bad, the murder special effects are the worst that I've seen (Shriek of the Mutilated FX are master works compare to this), the story made no sense, John Carradine interupt the film many times to make non sense comment, the farmer looks like Victor French (it's not him but this is funny), one the girl looks really like a transvestite (it's a girl, she have the breast to prove it :laugh:). Two things only save this mess of a film : the 20 minutes lame pursuit with an hillbilly banjo music score and Ashley Brooks is enjoyable for the eyes.

Honestly, don't watch this unless you are crazy for everything with banjo music.

Rating :

Number of film watch : 21

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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #35 on: October 11, 2008, 05:46:44 PM »

Title : Frailty (2001)

Years after terrorizing a small Texas community, the God's Hand Killer has returned - leaving in his wake a perplexing trail of fear and death. Convinced that he knows the killer's identity, Fenton Meiks shows up at FBI Headquarters, intent on putting an end to the murderous rampage and relieving his conscience of his family's sinister secrets.

My Impression
Since I know what is waiting for me later, I've decided to watch one movie that I like a lot this morning. This one is the best blind buy that I've ever bought. Matthew McConaughey, Bill Paxton and even the 2 kids are really great in this. The story is perfect and the end is impredictable (at least it was for me). I don't know if it was the first movie directed by Paxton or if he have directed anything else but I'm really impress. The movie is even scarier when we think that some crazy guy like this exist and are free.
(click to show/hide)

The movie that I recommand the most in this marathon at this time  :thumbup:

Rating :

Number of film watch : 22

Offline Jimmy

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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #36 on: October 11, 2008, 11:20:02 PM »

Title : The Sorority (2006)

A small college town is gripped in terror as coeds are being found burned alive. Carved into their charred remainsare the words "Join or die". The police has no leads, but when a student discovers that the hottest sorority on campus is actually a coven of devil worshipers, she's brutally murdered by the Satanic witches. At the student's graveside her sister vows revenge and sets out to make things right. Hunter becomes the hundted as she fights her way througha maze of Satanic rituals, murder, beheadings, lesbianism and black magic in her quest for vengeance, as all hell breaks loose in the final showdown between good and evil.

My Impression
Wow just wow... Even Pete's review haven't prepare me for that. The movie is not start that we already have a problem, Just look the menu

This is not even a dvd, but a self pressed dvd-r and this is filmed not with a digital camera (something that I already hate) but an old vhs camera... Welcome to the eighties...

This movie is lame and pathetic : the acting is bad, the story is full of hole, the fx is cheap looking

just an exemple

The story is set in the lamest school with the lamest students and the lamest sorority ever shown on screen. If this sorority is the best one on the campus the other one look probably like this one :

Sorry, even the cast of Freaks act better than anyone in this movie

This film is 4 hours long, ok it's only 1h40 but it feels longer. The film cut really abruptly after the final fight (nothing exciting there) maybe it's my copy but I really doubt of this. If you want this because of the word "lesbianism" in the overview forget it, the nearer you came from this is a that :

Next time I will trust Pete when he will write that a film is bad. Don't buy this movie don't even accept a free copy of it... if a friend give you this one this is not a friend this person hates you...

Rating :

Number of film watch : 23

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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #37 on: October 11, 2008, 11:53:38 PM »
 :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

Like I said... they are both bad... but I think I got the better of the deal!  :P

And yes... all the dvds are made like that... well at least mine is as well.

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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #38 on: October 12, 2008, 01:37:54 AM »

Title : The curse of Lizzie Borden (2006)

Nestled within a quiet California town, a museum dedicated to the legend of Lizzie Borden has been opened. Cassy, a beautiful college student is drawn to the museum, taking a summer job as a tour guide.

Cassy is quickly propelled into a mystery of the folklore surrounding the legend of Lizzie Borden. It began to consume her every waking moment. She begins dressing, acting and talking as if she were Lizzie Borden. And there are the dreams. Dreams of blood and death !

One by one her friends are found murdered and her boyfriend Andrew begins to fear the worst. Cassy may be next !

Is some madman killing off all their friends ? Has the ghost of Lizzie Borden come back for a bloody rampage ?

Will Cassy and Andrew be able to stop the killer or will they fall victim to the same fate that Lizzie's parents did so many years ago ?

Untill the final bloody axe falls, no one is safe from the CURSE OF LIZZIE BORDEN.

My Impression
Second part of this insane deal. To answer the question no this movie isn't better than it was the last time I've watched it in january. I will not repeat what I've said in my previous review if you really want to read it again just check in the review list (letter t in the banner). Sadly this film is now in my most watch list on my Phpdvdp online collection, what the people who look my collection will think of me now?  :laugh:

Pete you have got the better end in this deal at least this movie had some quality (this is very relative) compare to The Sorority. Now are you ready for the sequel? No it doesn't release yet, but it can't be as  :hmmmm:

Next time say no when I offer this genre of deal  :laugh:

Rating :

Number of film watch : 24
« Last Edit: October 12, 2008, 02:01:20 AM by Jimmy »

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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #39 on: October 12, 2008, 01:55:19 AM »
awwwwww... Come on Jimmy... haven't you ever heard of sharing the pain?  :laugh:

Offline Achim

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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #40 on: October 12, 2008, 12:57:41 PM »
 :hysterical: You guys and your masochistic tendencies are too funny.

Sorry, even the cast of Freaks act better than anyone in this movie
Freaks is an excellent film and lined up for my October marathon (for one of the gaming night, as it's short and leaves more time for gaming ;D)

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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #41 on: October 12, 2008, 03:04:44 PM »
Freaks is an excellent film and lined up for my October marathon
I've it and I personally don't see it as an horror movie, but like a revenge movie. But I agree that this film is excellent and an important pieces of film history. It's really impressive to see how these person deal with their medical defect in their everyday life, Johnny Eck and Prince Randian really impress me. Harry Earles was in "The Unholy Three" another movie by Tod Browning that I've not seen yet but is supposed to be a good crime story. Angelo Rossitto career has ended in 1987 after 60 years! Most people remember him for his role in Mad Max 3.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2008, 08:05:49 PM by Jimmy »

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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #42 on: October 12, 2008, 10:48:01 PM »

Title : Please Don't Eat My Mother! (1973)

Henry Fudd (Buck Kartalian), an overage mama's boy and part-time Peeping Tom, is the proud owner of two very perculiar plants he keeps locked in his bedroom. Named Adam and Eve and looking like overgrown Venus flytraps with giant mouths full of razor-sharp teeth, the plants not only talk, but eat humans - especially the sexy centerfold kind.

My Impression
Not really an horror movie, but horror comedy count too and since I wanted to watch this movie. First time that I watch this one, but since this is an Harry Novak production I was already sure to like it. Like I've said this is not really an horror movie, but there are two carnivor plants in it. Buck Kartalian is the star of this one and he is the best actor in those seventies genre movies (you probably know who he is, but not his name since he is mostly a character actor). Not surprisingly he gives a really good performance in this film and it's important since the movie success depend of him. RenĂ© Bond is certainly a plus too (what can I say... I love those seventies type of girls) and she is as good than sexy as usual, this is her first movie after her breasts surgery so for a fan this is interesting. This is a Novak film so there is a lot of nudity and fake sex, but sometimes it doesn't look that fake since it was common on his production to mix the real and fake. The story is interesting and funny too. Not a film for everybody and not a familly film since the nudity is complete and it had frontal male nudity too. 

Rating :

Number of film watch : 25

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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #43 on: October 13, 2008, 04:51:11 AM »

Title : Angst (2003)

Helen finds herself having intimacy problems with men. Her private parts are devouring all lovers and leaving her with an insasiable thirst for blood. In order to satisfy her cravings she becomes a prostitute wich lead to a death filled tale of murder, madness and sex.

My Impression
Love it as much as the first time I've seen it. I don't write a new review for it, since my previous one is already on the site.

For those who have bought it because of my review I hope that you have like the film as much as me, if not I'm sorry.

Rating :

Number of film watch : 26


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Re: My October Horror Marathon
« Reply #44 on: October 13, 2008, 09:37:22 AM »
Sounds a bit like Teeth