Author Topic: My Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2008  (Read 168145 times)

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My Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2008
« on: October 01, 2008, 08:04:21 AM »
My Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon
With Halloween being my all-time favorite holiday... I like to celebrate it all month long. So every year at this time I have a month long horror / Halloween marathon. Every year I try to beat my record of most horror movies and horror or Halloween episode TV Series. Last year I did better then I ever have when I watched 84 Horror Movies and 34 TV Show Episodes. But I am determined to beat that record this year. Not only do I plan on beating my record This year but I also plan on adding another category to my marathon... an Other category where I will watch stuff like horror shorts and documentaries.

October 1st:

Title: Shadow Zone: The Undead Express
Movie Count: 1
TV Ep Count: 0
Other Count: 0
Time Started: 12am
Out of the darkness, the grim reaper appears in a graveyard among headstones and gargoyles. Elegantly cloaked, but masked by shadows, his eyes burn yellow as he tells us we all have a little evil inside us. Take Zach Kincaid...

A lonely and intense 14-year-old horror movie hunkie, Zach ('Chauncey Leopardi') is a good kid but a little confused as a result of his parents' recent break-up. Perhaps for this reason, he often tends to stretch the truth. His friends, J.T. Heffernan, a computer geek, and Gabrielle "Gabe" Lattanzi, a lovely, intellegent athlete, humor Zach, but knoe just how much to believe.

On the way home one weekend, Zach becomes lost on a deserted subway platform. When he stops for directions he is attacked, but recued in the nick of time by Valentine ('Ron Silver'), a self-styled vegetarian vampire from the turn of the century. Finding cold comfort in Valentine's assurance of protection, Zach runs for the first available train. Unfortunately he steps onto the Undead Express, which is full of vampires who are not, appartently, vegetarian...

My Thoughts:
This is a movie I seen many years ago when it first came out. It is actually a TV Movie that originally aired on Showtime. Going into this movie I remembered it as being so good... and was so excited when I saw it available on DVD. I really wanted to see it again... hoping it would be as good as I remembered it being. I am happy to say I did enjoy every minute of it still. I was kinda surprise that for a vampire movie you didn't get to see a single person get bit. But that is probably because this movie was made with younger teens and families in mind. It was kinda in the same vein (sorry for the bad pun!) as goosebumps... but maybe a little more spooky then that.

As for the DVD itself... it is put out by a lower-budget company... so unfortunately there is no extras what so ever on this release. Not even the trailer. So my first movie for this year's marathon had to hit on a pet peeve of mine. The video and audio quality was good... not great but more then watchable.Over-all was definitely worth the time I put in to watch this one.

My Rating:
Out of a possible 5:

« Last Edit: October 03, 2008, 06:07:30 PM by addicted2dvd »

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Re: My Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2008
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2008, 09:31:42 AM »

Title: Masters of Horror: The V Word
Movie Count: 1
TV Ep Count: 1
Other Count: 0
Time Started: 2:30am
For two geeky best friends who’ve only experienced carnage via their video games, it’s the ultimate late night dare: Ever seen a real dead guy? But when the pair breaks into a creepy local mortuary, they unleash a ferocious ghoul (Michael Ironside of SCANNERS and STARSHIP TROOPERS ) who’s hungry to share a few depraved urges of his own. Even if these pals-for-life can resist a violent suburban blood-spree, is there any peer pressure more horrific than that of the undead? Jodelle Ferland of SILENT HILL co-stars in this grisly twist on teenage vampirism written by series creator Mick Garris.

My Thoughts:
This is the second time I ever watched this episode of Masters of Horror. Being a huge fan of vampire movies as I am this one was extra enjoyable for me. So I enjoyed this one immensely.  The V Word is my absolute favorite episode within the entire 2 season run of the series. I liked the 2 main characters in this one. I could relate to them as they did remind me a bit of myself and a friend of mine years ago. The vampire myth gets played with a lot in different shows.. and this one is no different. This is one of several I have seen that the vampires do not have fangs. I hate to see no fangs on the vampires... but even that didn't take away from this episode. Being a Masters of Horror episode... there is a nice amount of gore in there as well. The V Word is definitely an episode I would highly recommend!

My Rating:
Out of a possible 5:

« Last Edit: October 03, 2008, 06:18:40 PM by addicted2dvd »

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Re: My Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2008
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2008, 11:11:27 AM »

Title: Embrace of the Vampire
Movie Count: 2
TV Ep Count: 1
Other Count: 0
Time Started: 3:40am
In the tradition of 'Poison Ivy', Alyssa Milano, ('Charmed', 'Poison Ivy 2: Lily') plays Charlotte, a sensuous but innocent college freshman who is being seduced by an obsessive lover. A lover, (Martin Kemp, 'The Krays') who comes to her only in dreams - a dark, handsome vampire who touches her in forbidden places and will stop at nothing to arouse her passion.

As she is drawn deeper and deeper into the vampire's erotic world of carnal pleasure, Charlotte is forced to make a choice between her college boyfriend and her nighttime lover, between sweet romance and uncontrollable lust, between the forces of light and the power of darkness, between true love...and eternal possession.

Charlotte Lewis ('Excessive Force') and Jennifer Tilly (Oscar® Nomination, Best Supporting Actress - 'Bullets Over Broadway', 'Bound') co-star in this sexy tale.

My Thoughts:
This one was a blind buy. I never even heard of the movie until recently. I bought it for 2 reasons. #1 it is a vampire movie... and I love vampire movies.. and #2 it has Alysa Milano in it... and I been a fan of hers for a while now. I liked her in both Charmed and Who's the Boss... but seldomly seen her in anything else. As a vampire movie this one leaves a lot to be desired. The vampire story is fair at best. But Alysa Milano was definitely hot in it... but this is after all a more... uhhhh adult oriented movie. Seemed like the whole purpose of the movie was to show nude women. Not that I mind of course. But I was hoping for a better horror movie then what I got.

My Rating:
Out of a possible 5:

« Last Edit: October 03, 2008, 06:19:05 PM by addicted2dvd »

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Re: My Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2008
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2008, 12:18:50 PM »

Title: Tales from the Crypt: The Reluctant Vampire
Movie Count: 2
TV Ep Count: 2
Other Count: 0
Time Started: 5:30am
Hey, it's a livin'. Meet the vampire who works as a night security guard at a blood bank. 

My Thoughts:
This episode of Tales from the Crypt is more of a fun episode then horrific... but I still enjoyed it. I will admit some of it was played pretty silly... but I personally thought that added to the charm of the episode. It could have been better though.

My Rating:
Out of a possible 5:

« Last Edit: October 03, 2008, 06:19:29 PM by addicted2dvd »

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Re: My Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2008
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2008, 01:40:43 PM »

Title: Fright Night
Movie Count: 3
TV Ep Count: 2
Other Count: 0
Time Started: 6:30am
Meet Jerry Dandridge. He's sweet, sexy, and he likes to sleep in late. You might think he's the perfect neighbor. But before inviting Jerry in for a nightcap, there's just one thing you should know. Jerry prefers his drinks warm, red -- and straight from the jugular! It's FRIGHT NIGHT, a horrific howl starring Chris Sarandon as the seductive vampire and William Ragsdale as the frantic teenager struggling to keep Jerry's deadly fangs out of his neck. Only 17-year-old Charley Brewster (Ragsdale) knows Jerry's bloodcurdling secret. When Charley can't get anybody to believe him, he turns to TV horror host Peter Vincent (Roddy McDowall), who used to be the "Great Vampire Killer" of the movies. Can these mortals save Charley and his sweetheart Amy (Amanda Bearse) from the wrathful bloodsucker's toothy embrace? If you love being scared, FRIGHT NIGHT will give you the nightmare of your life!

My Thoughts:
I had to watch this one... it is one of my favorite vampire movies. No it is not the scariest Vampire movie out there... but for some reason I think it is a lot of fun... and I never tire of it. Of course the fact that Roddy McDowall is in it is a help. Also Amanda Bearse (the neighbor in Married... With Children) is in it as well... looking rather young which is surprising since the movie is only 2 years older then the series is. I think Chris Sarandon did a good job at bringing the classic idea of the vampire to this movie. but at the same time thought Stephen Geoffreys (Evil Ed) did a great job for a fun vampire that gave us a few laughs. I must admit though... I have always been disappointed in Amanda Bearse's look as a vampire... first I didn't care for her with that long red wig on... then I despised the look of the "Monster" version of her Vampire. Oh well... the way I see it is if that is all I have to complain about... then so what... I will enjoy this movie for years to come.

My Rating:
Out of a possible 5:

« Last Edit: October 03, 2008, 06:11:04 PM by addicted2dvd »

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Re: My Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2008
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2008, 04:55:50 PM »

Title: The Breed
Movie Count: 4
TV Ep Count: 2
Other Count: 0
Time Started: 9:15am
With a hot cast and a sexy look, 'THE BREED' puts a stylish twist on the classic vampire tale. Starring ADRIAN PAUL (TV's "The Highlander") BOKEEM WOODBINE ('It's the Rage', 'The Big Hit') and BAI LING ('Anna and the King', 'Wild Wild West'), 'THE BREED' is a scary thriller packed with action and erotic intrigue!

FBI Agent Steven Grant (Woodbine) is reluctantly assigned to track a renegade bloodsucker that is bent on exposing a government plan to integrate vampires into society. Along with his new partner "good" vampire cop Aaron Grey (Paul), Grant follows the clues and the bodies to the lair of the stunningly beautiful Lucy (Ling). Trusting any vampire is difficult for Grant, but when he finds himself falling for Lucy and her exotic charms, the line between the good guys and the bad guys begins to blur, and his next move could be his last.

My Thoughts:
This was a blind buy that I picked up when I saw it for a cheap price. Since I knew nothing about this one going in I went in expecting nothing. Even though it is not a terrible movie I felt it could have been better. I felt that they changed up too much of the vampire lore for my taste. This movie has a feel to it that I can't quite place... I don't know what to call it... but just felt like there was an extra amount of fantasy put into the movie as well... which also put me off a little on it. I am sure I will end up watching this one again... but it is definitely one you have to really be in the mood for to watch.

My Rating:
Out of a possible 5:

« Last Edit: October 03, 2008, 06:19:53 PM by addicted2dvd »

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Re: My Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2008
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2008, 07:26:57 PM »

Title: Crazy Eights
Movie Count: 5
TV Ep Count: 2
Other Count: 0
Time Started: 11:15am
Six people are brought together at the funeral of a childhood friend. While settling the estate, they discover a map, which leads them on a search for a long forgotten time capsule, at the request of their dead friend. What they discover reawakens repressed childhood traumas and leads them on a journey through their long abandoned childhood home: a home with a terrible secret and a mysterious dead girl who will lead them to their strange fates.

My Thoughts:
I have to admit... I have mixed feelings about this one. On one hand it had wonderful atmosphere... can give you a good creepy feeling. But on the other hand the story itself is right complicated and confusing. I did enjoy it... but I swear I got a bit of a head ache thinking about what was going on. I think this is one of those movies you just have to watch more then once to get the total picture... So I may think more highly of it on the next viewing.

My Rating:
Out of a possible 5:

« Last Edit: October 03, 2008, 06:12:26 PM by addicted2dvd »

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Re: My Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2008
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2008, 12:26:34 AM »

Title: The Invasion
Movie Count: 6
TV Ep Count: 2
Other Count: 0
Time Started: 3:00pm
Something terrifying has come to Earth, something that attacks us while we sleep and turns us into soulless replicants. The clock is ticking as Washington, DC psychiatrist Carol Bennell (Nicole Kidman) and her colleague Ben Driscoll (Daniel Craig) embark on a heart-stopping journey into a nightmarish world where the only way to stay alive is to stay awake. No one can be trusted. No one is safe in producer Joel Silver's bold new take on Jack Finney's classic novel 'The Body Snatchers'.

Don't fall asleep! 'The Invasion' is here.

My Thoughts:
This is another complete blind buy. I picked this one up for 2 reasons. I always liked the story of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" and I have always liked Nicole Kidman. So I had to check this one out. I have heard bad things about this movie all over the net... so I am not going into this movie with much expectations. Maybe that helped me... I don't know. But I really enjoyed this movie. I thought they changed enough of it to make it interesting... but at the same time left enough of it the same to pay homage to the versions before it. I thought Nicole Kidman did a really good job... and she is as cute as ever in it. I am really happy I added this one to my collection.

My Rating:
Out of a possible 5:

« Last Edit: October 03, 2008, 06:13:14 PM by addicted2dvd »

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Re: My Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2008
« Reply #8 on: October 02, 2008, 01:39:30 AM »

Title: Friday the 13th: The Series: Season 1 - The Inheritance
Movie Count: 6
TV Ep Count: 3
Other Count: 0
Time Started: 6:45pm
Distant cousins Ryan Dallion and Micki Foster discover they inherited their uncle's antiques shop, but the place comes with a disturbing curse that will force them to retrieve all the goods they've sold off.

My Thoughts:
This is a TV Series that I have not seen in many years. Is one I always enjoyed. This is the pilot episode of the series. This series not only introduces the characters... but they must get back a cursed doll. I think they did a fine job at making this episode have a creepy feeling to it. This is a great start to one of my favorite old series.

My Rating:
Out of a possible 5:

« Last Edit: October 03, 2008, 06:14:01 PM by addicted2dvd »

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Re: My Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2008
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2008, 05:15:49 PM »

Title: The Others
Movie Count: 7
TV Ep Count: 3
Other Count: 0
Time Started: 9:15am
Screen sensation Nicole Kidman ('Moulin Rouge,' 'Eyes Wide Shut') delivers an utterly unforgettable performance in this scary and stylish suspense thriller! While awaiting her husband's return from war, Grace (Kidman) and her two young children live an unusually isolated existence behind the locked doors and drawn curtains of a secluded island mansion. Then, after three mysterious servants arrive and it becomes chillingly clear that there is far more to this house than can be seen, Grace finds herself in a terrifying fight to save her children and keep her sanity! Acclaimed by critics everywhere, the unpredictable twists and turns of this compelling hit will keep you guessing as it keeps you riveted to the edge of your seat!

My Thoughts:
After watching The Invasion yesterday I found myself in the mood for another movie with Nicole Kidman. I have always enjoyed this movie... is a really good ghost story. Even though I did figure out the end twist early the first time I watched it. This movie has some good atmosphere... and I think the cast did a great job.

My Rating:
Out of a possible 5:

« Last Edit: October 03, 2008, 06:14:44 PM by addicted2dvd »

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Re: My Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2008
« Reply #10 on: October 02, 2008, 08:34:27 PM »

Title: Lake Dead
Movie Count: 8
TV Ep Count: 3
Other Count: 0
Time Started: 12:30pm
Three beautiful sisters learn of a long-lost grandfather, but only make this discovery upon the news of his grisly death. Enticed to visit grandpa's old home after hearing of an inheritance, the sisters head to the back country with some friends. We quickly follow the group of friends through the gates of a redneck infested hell. The psychotic family occupying the inherited property goes on a long-awaited, and much enjoyed killing spree. As the family's twisted motives unravel, the sisters discover a terror worse than death.

My Thoughts:
I really enjoyed this one a lot. I have seen my share of crazy rednecks in the country type movies. And I usually enjoy them. But this one I think I enjoy more then most of the others. For one thing it is more upfront with what some of the others hint on. Especially towards the end of the movie. Then there is the fact that this one does go with a little more gore then usual. One scene in particular even made me squinch a little.

My Rating:
Out of a possible 5:

« Last Edit: October 03, 2008, 06:15:28 PM by addicted2dvd »

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Re: My Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2008
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2008, 01:48:19 AM »

Title: The Willies
Movie Count: 9
TV Ep Count: 3
Other Count: 0
Time Started: 3:30pm
"The Willies" stars 'Sean Astin' ("The Lord of the Rings") and 'James Karen' ("Mulholland Drive").

A harmless backyard camp out becomes an unforgettable night of chills and thrills for three young boys as they share their favorite scary stories.

They each take turns at giving each other "The Willies." The stories come to life, each more horrific than the last. The poodle in the microwave, a tasty fried rat, and a haunted house that really can "scare you to death." But the next two stories really happened...

All the fifth grade bullies loved to pick on Danny Hollister. No one believed Danny when he discovered a monster in the school bathroom---until the bullies began to disappear, one by one.

Mean 'ol Gordy Belcher was a creepy fat kid whose only friends were bugs. His problems magnified (literally!), but what can you do when you're attacked by a bug bigger than you are?

When it seemed the camp out couldn't get any more terrifying, our boys discovered just how true scary stories can be. Tonight, they'll definitely get "The Willies."

My Thoughts:
Well... going into this one I wasn't expecting much as I knew it was geared towards a younger audience. So I thought I would take the opportunity to watch a movie with Brittany. Well it was pretty cute... but even Brittany didn't care for it all that much. I had heard it was similar to Goosebumps... which I can see... but it wasn't as good as the Goosebumps stories.

My Rating:
Out of a possible 5:

« Last Edit: October 04, 2008, 12:58:45 AM by addicted2dvd »

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Re: My Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2008
« Reply #12 on: October 03, 2008, 03:32:00 AM »

Title: Silver Bullet
Movie Count: 10
TV Ep Count: 3
Other Count: 0
Time Started: 8pm
I don't know what it is about this movie... but I have loved it since I first saw it when I was just a teen. I mean come on... you gotta love the Silver Bullet... that supped up wheel chair! In my opinion... Stephen King's take on the werewolf legend is just right on the spot. There was nothing about this movie that was not just plain enjoyable. Unfortunately this is just a bare bones DVD... no extras what so ever. I would love to see it re-released as a special edition!

My Thoughts:
I don't know what it is about this movie... but I have loved it since I first saw it when I was just a teen. I mean come on... you gotta love the Silver Bullet... that supped up wheel chair! In my opinion... Stephen King's take on the werewolf legend is just right on the spot. There was nothing about this movie that was not just plain enjoyable. Unfortunately this is just a bare bones DVD... no extras what so ever. I would love to see it re-released as a special edition!

My Rating:
Out of a possible 5:

Note to Jimmy: This is a recycled review... no need to add it to the list.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2008, 12:59:00 AM by addicted2dvd »

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Re: My Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2008
« Reply #13 on: October 03, 2008, 04:05:34 AM »
Unfortunately this is just a bare bones DVD... no extras what so ever. I would love to see it re-released as a special edition!

I don't know if you have a free zone dvd reader, but the zone 2 dvd of this film had more extras (Trailer and director commentary).

Silver Bullet at Amazon UK

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Re: My Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2008
« Reply #14 on: October 03, 2008, 05:59:09 AM »
Thanks Jimmy... but only have a R1 player here.