Author Topic: DVD Profiler 3.1 - What do you think.  (Read 17354 times)


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DVD Profiler 3.1 - What do you think.
« on: August 29, 2007, 10:27:17 PM »
I won't post this over at Invelos because some of the users are such groopies that they can't differentiate good from bad, will just flaming me and my comments will get lost in another endles crapbate (That's a debate over there  :hysterical:)

I'm personally very disapointed with the new beta.  For months now people have been reporting bugs, requesting things, suggesting others.  After months of waiting for a new version, not knowing what would be included because the developper never acknowldges any bug report or requests submissions, here we are with a new version that has.........nothing.  Absolutelyt nothing except unlimited profiles withing profiles.

Non of the requests that were made got into it.  Some of them have been asked many times for years now.  After all this time, you still can enter DVD's in certain localities without having the ratings for that locality.  There is absolutely nothing new in the mobile version, it was only modified to support the changes in the desktop version.  No bugs fix, you start entering something, you change your mind and click "X", it just adds it any way as if you had clicked on OK......not fixed.  You have a place to select a month, you click the drop list and see "January" 12 times.......not fixed.  I go to my collection list, type "f" on my keyboard and it goes to "Cliffhanger" instead of the first movie that begins with an F.......not fixed and that's a big bug, I would be ashamed to release a new version of a program without fixing that AFTER it's been reported.

There was tons of suggestions and requests for things so simple that they could have been done in a few hours each, all gone to deaf ear but still no list anywhere of accepted/refused requests so are we suppose to request all this again ?

Don't take me wrong, DVDP is a great program but this new version is a big disapointment to me.  It gives me absolutely nothing, for my part it's just the same as the previous one.


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Re: DVD Profiler 3.1 - What do you think.
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2007, 10:43:10 PM »
I completely agree with you. I have no use for unlimited nested profiles, I was perfectly happy the way it was. The slip cover check box? Totally useless, and just creates an onslaught of contributions.

I don't want to diss too much, because it's still, so far, one of the best out there to catalog our DVD, but I'm really disappointed that some of the features that have been requested for YEARS now still have not made it in.

To me, using 3.0.3 or 3.1 is exactly the same. NONE of the new "features" are of any use to me, and reading the list of bug fixes, there are NONE that have affected me (that I'm aware of).

Oh well, like I said, at the moment, it is still the best, so I'll stick to it. But I'm very underwhelmed by this new version. IMO, it should have been a 3.0.4, nothing new warranty a subnumber change.

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Re: DVD Profiler 3.1 - What do you think.
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2007, 10:45:31 PM »
Iagree with everything you bring up. If only...

I still use invelos and read the forums but the arguments over the tiniest little details are very tiring. I just enter my UPC, accept whatever is there, and use the personal data spot for things that are important to me. If I can't find something I use IMDB or another DVD resource. I am not as fanatical over the issues being discussed and really can't be bothered.  :-[

I personally use a couple of different programs to keep track of my collections. I am hoping that another wonderful computer person, hint hint, will develop the ideal program for my DVDs!

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Re: DVD Profiler 3.1 - What do you think.
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2007, 11:05:24 PM »
Although I really like the neverending box set feature I, too, am a bit disappointed about the bug issues.

If we are to believe that Ken is working full-time for Invelos the question would be, what he is doing all day.

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Re: DVD Profiler 3.1 - What do you think.
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2007, 11:15:41 PM »
The thing I don't like with Invelos (was the same at IVS) is that requests are never acknowledged in anyway.  There never is a roadmap anywhere telling what is on the list and will make the next version.  We just wait everytime only to be disapointed again that what we'd like hasn't made it to the new version but we don't even know if it will ever.  That's what I hate the most, if something will never be added for any reason then why won't they just say so, I may not be happy about it but at least I won't wait for it any longer.

P.S: I have it on good authorites that a wonderful software developer has decided to get started because he feels he'll never have what he wants unless he does it himself.

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Re: DVD Profiler 3.1 - What do you think.
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2007, 11:20:48 PM »
P.S: I have it on good authorites that a wonderful software developer has decided to get started because he feels he'll never have what he wants unless he does it himself.


Do "they" accept paypal or who do I make the check out to?!?


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Re: DVD Profiler 3.1 - What do you think.
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2007, 01:16:04 AM »
Hello everyone! I'm waving to you from on top of this fence. It's not very comfortable, but sat on the fence is the best place for me right now...  :tease:

I do sort of agree with you, because although I love the new nested boxset feature, it's only been asked for since, oooooh, version 2 something. And you're right, there's dozens of other features just as cool, just as seemingly obvious, but no mention. Yes, a roadmap would be great, and yes, just what is Ken doing if he is full-time Invelos? Sat on his lazy arse, deigning to release a titbit here and there?

However, as a business you're only as good as your competitor and I don't believe Invelos has a single one. Competitors, not consumers, dictate quality and service. I wonder if Ken is holding back on loads of other developments and if a competitor does dare show it's head, he'll release version 4 in a devastating retaliation, and a small rumble will be felt as the Internet braces for impact of the coolest software ever. Meanwhile he's able to sit back and relax because he knows the users can't complain. It's him or Intervocative!  :laugh:

I suppose I've always taken the view that I use what's available now and if there's never another upgrade ever, fine. The current version does what I ask it for. It is far and away the best thing available for cataloguing my collection. Until there's an alternative as good I'm more than happy to sit back, use what I have and look forward to the next sneaky, rare beta.

Whoa... ow, OUCH! Oof. I just sat back too far and fell off the damn fence. Ah well, I was getting a splinter in an unfortunate location anyway...


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Re: DVD Profiler 3.1 - What do you think.
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2007, 05:26:52 AM »
I just downloaded the "new" version and all I have to say is... meh. I agree with you all. it IS a cool program, but I have no idea what's so new about it to warrant the 3.1 version number. To top it all, the overall awful environment of the Invelos site leaves a lot to be desired; it's so bad I rarely visit it these days.

Personally I believe I will be supporting this wonderful software developer all the way. Go, man! :thumbup:

Offline Achim

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Re: DVD Profiler 3.1 - What do you think.
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2007, 04:38:02 PM »
Oh, come on guys... Yes, it is a bit shocking regarding some of the bugs.

But regarding features, Ken has announced that he will introduce more features in upcoming betas of 3.1. So I think it's a bit early to complain about the lack of features in the new version, let's do that when the final version of 3.1 is released and we still haven't anything any of us wished for.

I also agree though, that Ken's lack of communication, which he had actually promised at one point, is sad. But he is a programmer and not a public relations guy, so what do we expect...?


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Re: DVD Profiler 3.1 - What do you think.
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2007, 05:24:29 PM »
But he is a programmer and not a public relations guy, so what do we expect...?

More communications, even though he might say it in a not so Politically Correct way?  ;)


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Re: DVD Profiler 3.1 - What do you think.
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2007, 07:48:54 PM »

I've downloaded it and opened it but haven't really done anything with it. Since I don't buy that many DVDs anymore it's just not as exciting to enter them. Heck, I still have the last one I bought sitting on the shelf. Used to be the first stop was to enter it into DVDP. Now, I get to it when I get to it.

I do think the box set in a box set is a really nice addition. I am looking forward to doing something with that, still not sure what.

I have always had trouble with Ken's lack of communication. The only time he is out there communicating is when he wants or needs input. I have been told in the past that he is a programmer, and that's how they are. I can accept this to a point as I know a programmer who is very much like this. What Ken doesn't understand (or perhaps does but doesn't do anything about it) is that his overall customer base is just a bit anal to begin with, or they wouldn't use the program. Those who are involved on a daily basis with contributions, rules, etc. are even more so, many to the extreme (as evident by the fighting over quotation marks, names, etc). Now add to that those of us anal ones who use the forum are also somewhat Tech savvy (yes... even you Kathy  ;) ). So a good portion of us on the forum are tech savvy anal retentive types who like things to be in order. We want our communication!

It only makes it worse when he starts threads like his "weekly update" one. Great idea, great response from the community, little to no follow up.

My personal feelings aside I have this to say about v3.1. Any upgrade is a good upgrade.  :yep: I paid $25.00 for DVDP almost 4 years ago. It has certainly changed a lot in those four years. I'll continue to look forward to new betas and new releases. IF something new came along and was truly better I of course would have to look at that.

I'm actually really looking forward to the soon to be released DVDP Plus. (by soon I'm guessing sometime around Easter of 2008  :laugh: )I hope I'm not let down by the price or the lack of features when it finally is released.

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Re: DVD Profiler 3.1 - What do you think.
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2007, 07:52:49 PM »
Since I am a programmer, too, I'd like to make a statement reagrding this.

Personally I think I would be much more communicative. When I program I love every tiny detail I put into it and I would not hold back to announce it "See what great features are awaiting you!, isn't that cool?" or something like that.

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Offline Achim

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Re: DVD Profiler 3.1 - What do you think.
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2007, 03:17:20 AM »
Rick, that was a spot-on evaluation of the situation... :thumbup:

P.S: I have it on good authorites that a wonderful software developer has decided to get started because he feels he'll never have what he wants unless he does it himself.
One can always only find all things wished for, if one does it him/herself... ;) Keep us posted, if you hear more from your secret source.


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Re: DVD Profiler 3.1 - What do you think.
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2007, 03:38:53 AM »
Latest news is that the developer will be going to new york for training on september 17 for two or three weeks.  Since he'll be stuck in a hotel room with nothing to do with his evenings and week-ends, there's a possibility that he will involve himself in a 20 day blitz of programming to get a good start.


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Re: DVD Profiler 3.1 - What do you think.
« Reply #14 on: August 31, 2007, 05:52:09 AM »
I'll admit to being a little underwhelmed as well.  :yawn: I'm having fun with the box sets within box sets. I find the slip case/slip cover thing really annoying at this point.  :voodoo: I'm disappointed that not only are enhancements for the mobile version non-existent in the "new release" but even some of the major errors are not fixed...and we have that new "B" thing on our menu.  :-\

The issue that I'm seriously irritated about is that the Invelos database lookup for 'credited as' disappeared somewhere in development and we were left wishes for contributing.  ???

BUT Ken's lack of communication is what it is.  :-X

When I've been frustrated in the past, I've looked around for other options. What I've found is (1) nothing comes close to DVD Profiler and (2) even if Invelos went away, I would still use DVD Profiler on my own. It's just the best.

So I take the goodies that come. I whine about the goodies that don't come. And I keep using it.  :cheers: