Bang goes my fantasy about a couple of blonde Swedish twins 
Bang being the operative word!
In a coincidence, when I first watched the clip, I went to get my mum to come and watch it, but she'd just happened to turn on the TV and Motorway Cops was on, showing the same scene.
It was much more detailed though. They were definitely on something. The second one seemed to have super strength, needing six coppers to hold her down, even though it later transpired she had a compound fracture. And all the while she was screaming for someone to call the police!

One of them did say that normally in a situation like that they'd use batons to subdue someone like that, but they couldn't risk further injury.
Honestly when she got up, clobbered the police woman and jumped over the barrier, I really thought they were going to say it was a police exercise and these were actors!