Another Update
As I said earlier... they wanted to work more on her Anemia then the spot in her lung at this moment. This is because since it is progressing so slowly it would be better to get my mother strong again before having to treat her again for the cancer.
They had determined that she is Iron deficient... and started iron treatments. So far she has had 4 treatments (out of 8 or 9 needed)... and there has already been a great improvement. her blood levels went from a 6.1 to a 10.2... which I think is at least fairly close to normal.
Since these Iron treatments my mother has been much more active and her color is back and she seems to be doing much better all the way around. It feels great... feels like my old mother is back some!

Within the next week she has to have another Iron treatment, another blood test, another CT Scan... and also has to have a pill cam test scheduled. So we are still doing lots of running around and stuff with her. But I am still managing to get some time here online... and still getting to watch plenty of DVDs... which I was wondering if I would be able to do. Yes it is cut down some of course... but I have still found some me time too.