Author Topic: "Big Bang Theory" Marathon  (Read 36136 times)

Offline Tom

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"Big Bang Theory" Marathon
« on: September 22, 2008, 06:44:32 PM »

The Big Bang Theory Marathon

This starts our big "Big Bang Theory" marathon.

Our timetable:

Monday Sept. 22 - Sunday Sept. 28:
Disc 1
1. Pilot
2. The Big Bran Hypothesis
3. The Fuzzy Boots Corollary
4. The Luminous Fish Effect
5. The Hamburger Postulate
6. The Middle Earth Paradigm

Monday Sept. 29 - Sunday Oct. 5:
Disc 2
7. The Dumpling Paradox
8. The Grasshopper Experiment
9. The Cooper-Hofstadter Polarization
10. The Loobenfeld Decay
11. The Pancake Batter Anomaly
12. The Jersualem Duality

Monday Oct. 6 - Sunday Oct. 12:
Disc 3
13. The Bat Jar Conjecture
14. The Nerdvana Annihilation
15. The Pork Chop Indeterminacy
16. The Peanut Reaction
17. The Tangerine Factor

I hope for numerous comments on each episode. I think we can forget about giving numeric ratings to the episodes like we did the last time. It is hard to put ratings on single episodes. Of course you can use a rating system of your choice if you like.

Let the fun begin!!  :tv:  (we all know who is to blame if we do not like it lovemunkey187  :devil: )

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Re: "Big Bang Theory" Marathon
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2008, 08:13:39 PM »
01. Pilot (2007-09-24)
Writer: Chuck Lorre, Bill Prady
Director: James Burrows
Cast: Johnny Galecki (Leonard Hofstadter), Jim Parsons (Sheldon Cooper), Kaley Cuoco (Penny), Simon Helberg (Howard Wolowitz), Kunal Nayyar (Rajesh Koothrappali), Vernée Watson (Althea), Brian Patrick Wade (Kurt)

A very promising first episode. It had some really funny scenes in it. I am curious how it will continue. If they can make interesting storylines with this premise or if it essentially will be the same jokes only in different variations.
James Burrows directing the pilot: Now that is a good sign.

02. The Big Bran Hypothesis (2007-10-01)
Writer: Robert Cohen, Dave Goetsch, Chuck Lorre, Bill Prady
Director: Mark Cendrowski
Cast: Johnny Galecki (Leonard Hofstadter), Jim Parsons (Sheldon Cooper), Kaley Cuoco (Penny), Simon Helberg (Howard Wolowitz), Kunal Nayyar (Rajesh Koothrappali)

I loved the Superman discussion :)
If this series would solely consist of such discussions with no storyline to speak of, I would still continue to watch it (yes I am a geek :bag: )

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Re: "Big Bang Theory" Marathon
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2008, 08:15:57 PM »
I will be holding off till this evening... as I promised Brittany she could watch it also.

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Re: "Big Bang Theory" Marathon
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2008, 11:33:40 PM »
1. Pilot
Brain doesn't have much of a chance against brawn when Leonard and Sheldon try to retrieve Penny's TV from her muscle-bound ex.

My Thoughts:
I think this was a great start to the series. You get to care about the characters fairly easy... and think the chemistry between them is there from the start. Obviously my favorite character has to be Penny... but this is one of those rare occasions where I actually like all the characters!

2. The Big Bran Hypothesis
Leonard tries to keep Sheldon from fighting chaos in the universe, the center of which is Penny's messy apartment.

My Thoughts:
I found this to be a hilarious episode. I am the first to admit I am a little bit of a slob... so I could just imagine how I would have reacted. But hey... at least it would save me a lot of work! just leave my door unlocked every night!  :P

3. The Fuzzy Boots Corollary
Leonard has a date - with Penny. Too bad he hasn't told her about it.

My Thoughts:
This is pretty much just an OK episode in my opinion. I mean it was still enjoyable... but it seemed to be a step down from the previous 2 episodes. I think... for me... the best part of this episode had to be the vomit joke (poor guy on the bike). I believe that was probably the only laugh out loud moment for me in this episode.

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Re: "Big Bang Theory" Marathon
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2008, 01:33:49 PM »
Where's Brittany's review? ;)

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Re: "Big Bang Theory" Marathon
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2008, 01:42:10 PM »
Brittany didn't write any... but I can easily tell you she loved every episode so far... she was laughing non-stop through all 3 episodes so far.  :thumbup:

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Re: "Big Bang Theory" Marathon
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2008, 11:18:47 PM »
Disc 1

Synopsis: The two theoretical physicists Leonard and Sheldon get a new Neighbour: Penny, a waitress in The Cheesecake Factory. And suddenly two galaxies begin to crash into each other.

My Opinion: I liked the series from the beginning, all these cultural references gave me a happy. But I also liked the small details like Howards' belt buckle (this time a Nintendo gamepad --> look out for it, it changes from episode to episode!) and the "table of elements" shower curtain.

The Big Bran Hypothesis
Synopsis: After he's seen the chaos that is Penny's appartment, Sheldon cleans it (and Leonard helps him) during the night while Penny's sleeping. Naturally she freaks out when she realizes what they've done.

My Opinion: I think every episode of the first season is funny as hell, so no point repeating it over and over again. The  best scenes of this episode were the discussion about Lois Lane's fall and the re-design of the IKEA media center.

The Fuzzy Boots Corollary
Synopsis: After having no luck with Leslie, Leonard tries to ask Penny out to a date. But she totally misinterprets the invitation, thus not considering it a date.

My Opinion: I recognized Sarah Gilbert (Leslie; Darlene in Roseanne) at once but I needed a friend to really open my eyes. I didn't think I knew Johnny Galecki (Leonard) from anywhere until my friend pointed out that he played Darlene's friend David on Roseanne.

The Luminous Fish Effect
Synopsis: Sheldon gets canned after he's insulted his new boss in his very own - and typical - way. But he uses his time off to invent new things the world was waiting for, e.g. a luminous fish as a night light.

My Opinion: First Sarah and now Laurie Metcalf (Jackie in Roseanne). It's like family reunion. ;) I am wondering where the authors get all these ideas, e.g. to make a physicists weaving his own poncho. It's hilarious. I also find it terribly funny when Sheldons asks things or answers to questions with no regard to the appropriateness.

The Hamburger Postulate
Synopsis: After they been practicing with their classical instruments, Leonard sleeps with Leslie and is now torn between his fantasy about Penny and the prospect of having a real relatuonship with Leslie.

My Opinion: And again it's Sheldon and his not having a clue about social conventions that makes me laugh the most ("Message received!"). But the entire banana scene was also really great.

The Middle Earth Paradigm
Synopsis: Penny invites the four - Leonard, Sheldon, Howard and Raj - over to a Halloween party and Leonard hopes that he can present himself in another light during that party.

My Opinion: Nerds. ;) All the costumes were great and also the commentaries about them (Flashs walk in row; hobbit vs. elf; Robin Hood vs. Peter Pan) and I also really liked the closing scene.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2008, 07:19:28 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: "Big Bang Theory" Marathon
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2008, 11:34:46 PM »
4. The Luminous Fish Effect
Fish nightlights. Hand-loomed ponchos. A visit from Mom. Things get freaky when Sheldon gets fired.

My Thoughts:

This was a good episode.. though not what I would call great.I liked that another Roseanne alumni was in this episode. This time it was Laurie Metcalf (Aunt Jackie) playing Sheldon's mother. Brittany really liked the luminous fish.

5. The Hamburger Postulate
Leonard's relationship with co-worker Leslie takes an unexpected turn, causing Sheldon to ponder the meaning of a tie on the doorknob.

My Thoughts:
This is a fun episode... and the second time Sara Gilbert (Darlene on Roseanne) has guest starred in an episode. Brittany worried me a little on this one. She laughed at Sheldon calling Leonard in the middle of sex to let him know message received. and stated how wrong that was. My 12yr. old daughter already knows that is uncalled for... what a proud moment for a father... not! :-p

6. The Middle Earth Paradigm
Leonard discovers "hobbit" is the wrong costume to wear to Penny's Halloween party when her ex-boyfriend shows up. Also, Sheldon is not a zebra.

My Thoughts:
This is a really fun episode... one of my favorites. Of course that may have something to do with it being a Halloween episode... I really do love Halloween episodes of my favorite shows. I am sure I will be watching this one again for my Horror/Halloween Marathon. Penny's ex boyfriend (from Pilot episode) is back for this one. And of course once again Leonard and Sheldon has a confrontation with him.

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Re: "Big Bang Theory" Marathon
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2008, 07:20:09 PM »
03. The Fuzzy Boots Corollary (2007-10-08)
Writer: Bill Prady, Steven Molaro, Chuck Lorre
Director: Mark Cendrowski
Cast: Johnny Galecki (Leonard Hofstadter), Jim Parsons (Sheldon Cooper), Kaley Cuoco (Penny), Simon Helberg (Howard Wolowitz), Kunal Nayyar (Rajesh Koothrappali), Sara Gilbert (Leslie Winkle), Allen Nabors (Doug), Treisa Gary (Waitress), Sherry Weston (Instructor)

So far the least funny episode. But it was good to see Sara Gilbert. Sadly she was only in one scene.

04. The Luminous Fish Effect (2007-10-15)
Writer: David Litt, Lee Aronsohn, Chuck Lorre, Bill Prady
Director: Mark Cendrowski
Cast: Johnny Galecki (Leonard Hofstadter), Jim Parsons (Sheldon Cooper), Kaley Cuoco (Penny), Simon Helberg (Howard Wolowitz), Kunal Nayyar (Rajesh Koothrappali), Laurie Metcalf (Mary), Mark Harelik (Dr. Gablehauser), Sierra Edwards (Summer)

An improvement to the previous episode. Next Roseanne cast member visiting.

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Re: "Big Bang Theory" Marathon
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2008, 06:38:51 AM »
So, last night I finally got to pop in that first disc of this much hyped (on this board) series. I watched episodes 1 & 2 to get started with this...

I must say I was not disappointed. Seeing the communication break down between this two groups coming from what appears to be different planets is quite funny. It is ripping off The IT-Crowd from the UK without giving them credit(?), but I guess that's life. The characters are nicely set up so far and the humor keeps coming. I had several laugh-out-loud moments. I enjoyed Jim Parson's (Sheldon) acting very much. He has a rather subtle style, compared to the others. Looking forward to continue this show in the next few days.

There was this one joke in the first episode I wanted to quote, but I already forgot it before the episode was over :bag: (not because it was bad after all, but because there was sufficient material following that scene...).

What is a little irritating is the use of large quantites of scientific and technical terms. I could imagine that that leaves many casual viewers in the cold. I had to turn on the subtitles to improve the understanding/bafflement ratio.

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Re: "Big Bang Theory" Marathon
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2008, 01:00:04 AM »
05. The Hamburger Postulate (2007-10-22)
Writer: Dave Goetsch, Steven Molaro, Jennifer Glickman
Director: Andrew D. Weyman
Cast: Johnny Galecki (Leonard Hofstadter), Jim Parsons (Sheldon Cooper), Kaley Cuoco (Penny), Simon Helberg (Howard Wolowitz), Kunal Nayyar (Rajesh Koothrappali), Sara Gilbert (Leslie Winkle)

Yeah, a bigger role for Sara :)
This one was a great episode. Sheldon is becoming my favorite character so far.

06. The Middle Earth Paradigm (2007-10-29)
Writer: David Litt, Robert Cohen, Dave Goetsch
Director: Mark Cendrowski
Cast: Johnny Galecki (Leonard Hofstadter), Jim Parsons (Sheldon Cooper), Kaley Cuoco (Penny), Simon Helberg (Howard Wolowitz), Kunal Nayyar (Rajesh Koothrappali), Brian Patrick Wade (Kurt), Rachel Cannon (Patty), Erin Allin O'Reilly (Cheryl), Kimberly Kevon Williams (Vicki), Cynthia Holloway (Roberta)

A good episode. Not as good as the previous one.


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Re: "Big Bang Theory" Marathon
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2008, 02:57:47 AM »
Sheldon is becoming my favorite character so far.
Sheldon is without a doubt my favorite character on the show. He gets better as the season goes on. Can't wait to see him in S2 (have the season premiere waiting for me to watch - just need some freggin time.. :-\ )

Tomorrow I'll start watching S1.  :thumbup:

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Re: "Big Bang Theory" Marathon
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2008, 05:34:56 AM »
03. The Fuzzy Boots Corollary (2007-10-08)
So far the least funny episode. But it was good to see Sara Gilbert. Sadly she was only in one scene.
I can say I found this one to be just as funny as the previous two. I really enjoyed how some jokes were quite underplayed, presented without specific emphasis.

04. The Luminous Fish Effect (2007-10-15)
An improvement to the previous episode. Next Roseanne cast member visiting.
Funny episode, again. Laurie Metcalf is great and very recognizable to me; was great seeing her. It seems Sara Gilbert is from Rosanne too? Did not recognize her, will have to pay attention in the next episode she's in... Which daughter did she play in Rosanne?

I agree that Sheldon is a great character. The way he freaked out in the Luminuos Fish :fishy: episode is just great. :ok: ...and I loved the last shot of the episode!

The one thing that really don't like here is: the laugh track. I came to despise those over the years and appreciate every comedy show that dares to go without one.

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Re: "Big Bang Theory" Marathon
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2008, 08:21:57 AM »
Sara Gilbert played Darlene, the younger of the two daughters. The one who had David as a boyfriend, who in turn was played by Johnny Galecki (Leonard).

Offline Achim

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Re: "Big Bang Theory" Marathon
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2008, 03:00:03 PM »
Sara Gilbert played Darlene, the younger of the two daughters. The one who had David as a boyfriend, who in turn was played by Johnny Galecki (Leonard).
Yeah, today I somewhat recognized her. Although, she sure got older... But her hair gave it away that she sure wasn't the blond one :laugh:

So, I finished the first disc. It's a great series and I am looking forward to go through the next episodes over the next two weeks.

There was great jokes in both episodes. Leonard getting abused was predictable but had great moments during the lab scene. The Doppler Effect as a halloween costumes must have been a first!

"That's how we roll in the Shire!" Actually, I am a bit concerned about Penny's and Leonard's relationship. I have a feeling it's funnier if they are not together and Leonard has to keep running after her. But a) I may be wrong and b) I will just wait and see.