Author Topic: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Marathon  (Read 34499 times)

Offline DJ Doena

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Re: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Marathon
« Reply #30 on: January 04, 2009, 01:03:39 PM »
Won't your mum want to join in? ;)
Unfortunately her english isn't that good and when I'm doing marathons I am disinclined to watch them dubbed. ;)

I will restart this marathon in the next days.

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Re: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Marathon
« Reply #31 on: January 10, 2009, 04:24:13 PM »
Disc 5

Synopsis: Captain Sisko has still a hard time accepting that he's the Emissary of the Prophets when his replacement comes out of the wormhole. The Bajoran Akorem Laan has been in the celestial temple for over 200 years and he believes to be the real Emissary. Sisko has no problem with that until Akorem tries to reinstall the D'jarras, the bajoran caste system in which birth decides what profession one takes as an adult.

My Opinion: This was an OK episode to convince Sisko to keep the role as Emissary. He was willing to give it up but it was good that he fought that decision when he noticed how much power lies in that role and how it can be used to force wrong developements. But it's no favourite of mine.

Rules of Engagement
Synopsis: The Klingon Empire demands the extradition of Worf after he's destroyed a barely armed passenger ship in a battle. The facts of what happened aren't questioned by either side but the Klingons question Worf state of mind, his motives when he destroyed that ship and killed over 400 civilians. But are the facts as clear as they are supposed to be?

My Opinion: I liked how they mixed the scenes in the court room with the "footage" of the actual events and how they seemlessly switched between both timelines. And it was interesting to see a Klingon that wasn't a warrior in the classical sense. We see that very rarely even though the idea of an antire race of warriors (who are not genetically engineered) is rather unlikely.

Hard Time
Synopsis: Miles O'Brien has been charged with espionage on Argratha and he has been sentenced to 20 years. But these twenty years happen only in his mind, they are a mixture of memory implants and that what Miles adds to these. Unfortunately they are irremovable and now Miles has to reintegrate himself into his former life on the station but the memories haunt him.

My Opinion: This was a great episode in my opinion. It was interessting to see how Miles struggled with his "past" and to learn why he never mentioned his imaginary friend. But I have to admit that his reacclimatization went a bit fast for me, they should have made that process go over more than just one episode. Imagine you go to prison today for twenty years and then you get released. Could you continue your work tomorrow where you left off yesterday? But since they are implanted memories maybe the actual ones from yesterday aren't forgotten as they would have been if it would have been actual twenty years.

Shattered Mirror
Synopsis: Mirror-Jennifer comes to DS9 to visit Ben and to see Jake for the first time. But when Ben returns to his quarters Jennifer has taken Jake to the other side and Sisko follows. The terran rebels have taken Terok Nor but now they fear the wrath of the Alliance. When "Smiley" O'Brien was on our side he stole the plans for the Defiant and it's nearly ready. They just need Ben to finish her. But the Regent and his fleet will be here in two days.

My Opinion: Although I like mirror episodes I thought it a bit too cheap to introduce the Defiant and Worf to the other side just because they've entered the show in general. But it was another OK episode. I especially liked that Dax slapped him for sleeping with her under false pretenses.
And I noticed once again the flexibility of things: Have you ever noticed on Smallville that Metropolis was just as far away as the writers needed it to be? Sometimes it's a three-hours drive, sometimes they seemed to be glued together. It's the same with the fire and shield power of Star Trek ships. Sometimes it takes one shot by the Defiant to take out a Bird of Prey and sometimes they have to shoot half their arsenal at one. And sometimes it takes only one shot to make the Defiant's bridge explode and sometimes they fight an entire fleet by themselves with just a few scratches afterwards. ;)
« Last Edit: January 13, 2009, 11:23:47 AM by DJ Doena »

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Re: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Marathon
« Reply #32 on: January 11, 2009, 05:06:25 PM »
Disc 6

The Muse
Synopsis: Jakes observes the new arrivals on the station to get ideas for his stories when his sight falls upon a very interesting woman who also notices him. Later she approaches him and somehow she can help him to write the best story of his life. But there's a price tag attached. Meanwhile Lwaxana comes to DS9 again - and she's pregnant. She's hiding from her husband who wants to take their son when he's born as it is custom in his culture.

My Opinion: The part about Jake was ok, I really liked to see Meg Foster again, she has so fascinating eyes. But what I really liked was Lwaxanas part. This was unfortunately the last appearance of both Majel Barrett-Roddenberry as well as Lwaxana Troi on any Star Trek series (except for her role as "Federation computer voice"). Once again Lwaxana managed to get Odo out of his brooding skin, they had much fun together. And I liked how Odo pledged his love to her in the fake wedding ceremony when it was clear that his pledge wasn't at all fake.

For the Cause
Synopsis: The klingon attacks on the Cardassian Union had devastating effects on its economy and the Federation agrees to deliver industry-size replicators to the Cardassians. But Cmdr. Eddington and Starfleet Security fears that the Maquis could intercept them and Sisko and his crew try to prevent that. But there's another problem: Captain Kasidy Yates, Sisko's girlfriend, may be a smuggler for the Maquis.

My Opinion: It was the ideal plot to get Sisko distracted, especially because it was true. And I must say, when I watched it for the first time, I was surprised that Eddington was the traitor. Until the revelation he behaved in this episode as he has always done since his introduction in the third season and thus his mask was perfect. But I am also glad that we are going to see Penny Johnson again, it's good to see that at least some officers can have a releationship beside their duty.

To the Death
Synopsis: When the Defiant returns they find that the station has been attacked and one of the upper pylons has been destroyed. It was an attack by Jem'Hadar but they didn't bother to destroy the station because they were searching for some technical equipment. The Defiant pursuits them and encounters yet another Dominion vessel under the command of the Vorta Weyoun. The other Jem'Hadar have gone rogue and try to activate an iconian gateway. The iconian star empire was destroyed over 200,000 years ago. But they had a means of traveling across the galaxy without the use of spaceships. Such a gateway mustn't fall into the hands of renegade Jem'Hadar or every planet within the Federation would be in danger and even the Dominion could come crashing down. So Weyoun and Sisko forge an alliance to destroy the gateway.

My Opinion: This episode was good to show the contrast between the philosophy of Jem'Hadar warriors and Starfleet personnel. And of course I liked the introduction of Weyoun even though they killed him in the end and then had to find a way to bring him back in future episodes. Luckily other producers aren't as quick with killing people. Imagine Joss Whedon would have actually killed Spike on his first appearance in School Hard! ;)
What bothered me a bit was that the writers outnumbered the heros by quite a number (10:1 was it?) and then neither showed that many enemies nor presented a solution how they did actually win against such a force. 2:1 or 3:1 would have been more realistic without compromising the plot.

Unfortunatley this episode was cut in Europe because the british BBFC demanded a cut when the Jem'Hadar First broke the neck of the Second as punishment because he disobeyed an order.

The Quickening
Synopsis: Bashir and Dax beam down on a planet where the entire population is infected by a disease that has been there for over two centuries. The Dominion engineered this virus as a punishment, it marks its victoms with lesions and it's always deadly when the Quickening comes. Bashir tries to help and to find a cure.

My Opinion: This episode was without any action or any fights in it and I thought it was a good change of pace. It's obviously very Bashir-centered but I really like his dedication, his unwillingness to give up even if the task seems impossible. But I also thought that it was a good decision that he didn't find a cure, just a vaccine for unborn children. It becomes unrealistic when doctor X in series Y goes to planet Z and always finds a cure where others have failed for ages. This way it was half a happy end and the perfect closing scene was that he still hasn't given up.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2009, 07:48:31 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Marathon
« Reply #33 on: January 11, 2009, 08:39:24 PM »
Disc 7

Body Parts
Synopsis: Quark learns that he has a fatal illness and will die within the next week. As it is custom he tries to auction his vacuum-desiccated remains on the Ferengi Futures Exchange. And there's actually a buyer who wants to pay a lot. It's only after that Quark learns he isn't ill at all. But Brunt - who was the buyer - insists on the deal (Rule of Acquisition #17: "A contract is a contract is a contract... but only between Ferengi") and now Quark tries to find a way to not to break the contract, even if that means that Garak must kill him. Meanwhile the Runabout "Volga" has an accident in which the pregnant Keiko O'Brien is injured. Dr. Bashir has no choice but to transfer the baby into Major Kira, the only other woman aboard.

My Opinion: Both storylines were very interesting. The latter one was necessary due to Nana Visitor's real pregnancy. But it was nice to see how the O'Brien's invited her to live with them until the birth and so on. But Quark's storyline was really great. How he tried to remain true to the Ferengi ways even if that would result in his death. But also how he saw that the price would be ultimately to high even though Brunt subsequently stripped him of everything he owned. And it was nice to see how all the people on the station helped him to re-equip the bar with drinks, glasses and furniture. They are like a big family with many different members, but a family nonetheless and that's what I like about the show.

Broken Link
Synopsis: Odo has suddenly become ill and Dr. Bashir has no way of helping him. Sisko decides to bring him to the Founders, maybe they can help him. But it was the Founders who made him ill, to force him to come home, to judge him. Never before has a changeling harmed another until Odo killed one last year.

My Opinion: Minbari do not kill Minbari. Never has a changeling harmed another. It's highly unlikely that species who wage wars and kill other species would actually have such a strict view regarding their own kind. It doesn't really add up. But be that as it may I thought it to be an interesting judgement, to make him "solid". I also thought that Garak's actions were also fitting for his character, that he would actually try to do something like this.

The Season - My Opinion: I thought the season had a lot of interesting episodes, especially the growing conflict with the Klingons and Worf's role in it, but also Dukat's developement. He remains an interesting character. The conflict with the Dominion is growing but it's not yet the main focus of the show - but that will change next year. I think it was a good idea that they didn't start the war yet, even the Dominion needs time to prepare (= to infiltrate the AQ) and it gave the Federation the time to get paranoid.
After the winter break it was a bit hard to restart this marathon, I wanted to watch other stuff like House M.D., but now I am totally hooked again - but I still will watch it only on weekends. So I see you coming friday in this topic!
« Last Edit: January 16, 2009, 03:31:35 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Marathon
« Reply #34 on: January 24, 2009, 06:19:37 PM »
Season 5

Disc 1

Apocalypse Rising
Synopsis: Starfleet has developed a plan to expose Chancellor Gowron as a changeling. For this Sisko has to borrow Dukat's Bird of Prey and fly deep into the klingon territory. There O'Brien, Odo and he poses as Klingons - or at least Worf tries to teach them how to do that. And of course it's not that easy for a random klingon warrior to get close to his ruler.

My Opinion: It was great to see Brooks, Auberjonois and Meaney in klingon masks and costume, especially Brooks. And it was funny to see how they tred to behave like Klingons. But I have to admit I think it was a dangerous choice to take Odo, given his current state of mind. Even if it wasn't voiced in the episode the reason was obviously to challenge Odo, to show him that he can do his job even as a "solid" but he could as well blown it. But in the end it worked out ok and I liked the twist that it wasn't Gowron at all.

The Ship
Synopsis: Sisko leads an expidition to a planet in the GQ where they want to determine whether it's suitable for a mining operation. But then a Jem'Hadar warship crashes on that planet - there are no survivors. But while they are inspecting the wreckage yet another Dominion ship arrives and in the following fight Sisko's people get trapped in the wreck. Surprisingly the Vorta offers safe conduct if they'd leave the ship. But now Sisko has become curious about what's so important about a crashed ship (and of course he doesn't trust her to keep her word).

My Opinion: OK, I was tired, but I dozed off during the episode, what does that tell you?

Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places
Synopsis: Grillka, Quark's klingon ex-wife, comes to the station because the war had some heavy impacts on her financial situation. And while Quark is happy to see her again, he's not the only one who finds her fascinating. Worf tries to impress her but doesn't succeed due to his dishonoured status within the empire. In the end he agrees to help Quark courting her.

My Opinion: The beginning of a beautiful romance. No, not Quark and Grillka, but Dax and Worf. "par'Mach" is klingon for "love", just a lot tougher than its human counterpart. It was great to see Quark courting Grillka and fighting his challenger while Worf and Dax were secretly helping him to survive. And of course the best part was where the two pairs came into the infirmary at the end of the episode. ;D

Nor the Battle to the Strong
Synopsis: Bashir and Jake (who's writing an article about Bashir) return from a medical conference when they receive an emergency call. They change course and land on a planet where a Federation force tries to hold the line against klingon ground troops. And while Dr. Bashir works in the clinic Jakes tries to help and not to stand in someone's way. But he also has to learn about the horrors of war.

My Opinion: I thought this was a really good episode. Once again DS9 has shown Humans much more human and not as perfect as they had been portrayed in TNG. I liked the idea of hearing Jakes notes as voiceover, to hear what he was feeling right now when he meet all these different kind of people. And that he didn't consider himself a hero just because he saved the day by accident even though everyone else does - that was great.

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Re: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Marathon
« Reply #35 on: January 25, 2009, 11:40:24 AM »
Disc 2

The Assignment
Synopsis: When Keiko O'Brien returns from an expedition to the Fire Caves on Bajor she's changed. She claims that she's possessed by a Pah-wraith and it will kill her if O'Brien doesn't do what she says. In the next days O'Brien is forced to modify the quipment of the station but he has no idea to what end, he just knows it's harmless for biological lifeforms. But luckily there is someone who discovers the plan of the Pah-wraith.

My Opinion: I liked this episode because it's one of the rare episodes where Rom has a major role and where he could show that he isn't dumb at all and that he's loyal if asked to. And he subsequently earned his promotion to the day shift. :)

Trials and Tribble-ations
Synopsis: Lucsly and Dulmer from Temporal Investigations arrive on DS9 to investigate a time travel that the Defiant and its crew has done. Caused by the Orb of Time the Defiant was moved back in time to the year 2268 and they appear directly in front of the space station K-7 and the Enterprise - NCC-1701, Kirk's Enterprise. As it turns out they had an old enemy of Kirk's on board and he tries to rewrite history. Sisko and his crew have to find him and to prevent any change in the timeline.

My Opinion: This was Star Trek's 30th anniversary episode and it was great. They used the original footage of the original series and inserted the DS9 characters digitally into it.

(Sisko & Dax)

(O'Brien & Bashir)

And they had a lot of fun with it, from the agents, which are anagrams of Mulder and Scully, to the classical uniform and equipment. And of course the question why the Klingons looked different back then and of course the Tribbles.  ;D

Let He Who Is Without Sin...
Synopsis: Jadzia and Worf are going on vacation, to Risa, THE vacation planet within the Federation. As it so happens they are accompanied by Julian and Leeta - and Quark. Only Worf doesn't seem to be able to relax - but despite being fearsome warriors, Klingons are also well known for their celebrations where a lot of Blood Wine is consumed. Soon after their arrival Worf joins a radical group of New Essentialists who are convinced that the Federation and its people have become to soft.

My Opinion: This was an OK episode but if I had to argue with Worf, I'd say that most people like peace and quit but the Federation has proven more than once that it's willing to defend their way of living with the force of arms and that the people stand up for what they believe in. But I liked the explanation of why Worf is mostly so self-possessed, so rigid with himself. It must be a traumatizing event to accidentally kill someone because you hadn't control over your klingon nature.

Things Past
Synopsis: The runabout arrives on the station on auto-pilot. The four occupants - Sisko, Odo, Garak and Dax - are in some kind of coma. When they wake up they are on DS9, but it's Terok Nor and it's nine years ago. And nobody recognizes them for who they are but they seem to be bajoran workers. Odo's predecessor is in charge of security but something doesn't add up - the unfolding events had taken place only seven years ago when Odo was already in charge.

My Opinion: I liked this episode because it became very quickly evident that the entire time shift was somehow connected to Odo but it wasn't clear why and how and they managed to lay down false trails like the assumption that the Founders could have somehow created this. I also liked the conversation between Kira and Odo at the end, it reminded me of another flashback episode (Necessary Evil) only this time Kira and Odo had switched roles.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2009, 02:37:28 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Marathon
« Reply #36 on: January 30, 2009, 11:12:02 PM »
Disc 3

The Ascent
Synopsis: Odo is ordered to bring Quark before a Federation grand jury and he does this with joy. But their travel doesn't go as expected, they crash on a planet that is barely capable of supporting life and they have to find a way to send a distress signal. Meanwhile Jake moves into his own quarters and Nog, who's in his sophomore year at Starfleet Academy, moves in with him during his practical training aboard the station.

My Opinion: This was a great Odo/Quark episode. They were bickering like an old couple and they basically are. ;) I liked it how they voiced their anger and "hatred" and yet neither one gave up on the other. Episode like this one convinced me that it was a good idea to make Odo solid (at least for a while).
But I also liked the Jake/Nog part. Nog has definitely changed due to his training and they have grown apart, but they are still very good friends.

Synopsis: Sisko scans a picture of an ancient - an lost - city on Bajor into the holographic computer when he's hit by an electrical discharge. When he awakes he starts to have visions that help him to find that city. But that visions also tell him that he mustn't allow Bajor to join the Federation or it will be Bajor's undoing.

My Opinion: This was a typical "Sisko as religious figure" episode and I told you I feel uneasy about them. Even Q, surely a god-like figure, was never treated with that much reverence in the Star Trek universe.

The Darkness and the Light
Synopsis: Kira's past is catching up with her. Someone is killing the members of the Shakaar resistance cell one by one and he seems to have special plans for Kira. While Odo tries to find whoever is behind this, Kira tries to keep her friends alive albeit with little success.

My Opinion: The world is grey, not black and white. This episode proved that point very well. And I really liked that Kira didn't start to apologize for what she did because I never believed she did regret it. He was the enemy and she fought against the enemy with all her might. There's no such thing as a clean war and she is no hypocrite claiming there was.

The Begotten
Synopsis: Quark sells Odo an infant shapeshifter who has been badly injured by radiation poisoning. Dr. Bashir can treat him and now Odo tries to teach the glass of jelly how to become a real shapeshifter and how to communicate with its environment. But it's only when Dr. Mora Pol helps him that they have some success.

My Opinion: This episode is great for two reasons. The first one is that a lot of scenes of this episode were about Rene Auberjonois talking to goo in variably-shaped glass bowls. And I loved watching him at that. I also liked how he argued with Mora and that they finally ended their quarrel about how Mora treated Odo when Odo was the goo in the bowl.
The second reason is that Odo can finally shapeshift again. It was a great gift from the dying infant and I loved the scene where he transformed into that hawk and flew around the promenade.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2009, 05:02:52 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Marathon
« Reply #37 on: January 31, 2009, 03:25:47 PM »
Disc 4

For the Uniform
Synopsis: Sisko has been on the hunt for Eddington for over eight months now and he has always escaped. Now Starfleet is assigning another starship to the case. But then Eddington and the Maquis start to poison the atmosphere of cardassian-inhabited planets within the demilitarized zone and he disables the other ship and that brings Sisko back on the playing field.

My Opinion: This episode has been widely discussed due to Sisko's decision to use the same methods as Eddington did (he poisened a Maquis planet). I am not really comfortable with his choice but on the other hand he knew exactly that he would get Eddington and the bio weapons this way and it was predictable for him that chances of casualties were slim.
Sadly in a few episodes nothing of this will have any meaning anymore, when the Dominion crushes the Maquis and the great war starts.

In Purgatory's Shadow
Synopsis: Garak receives a signal from the missing Enabran Tain (former head of the Obsidian Order and missing since he tried to wipe out the Founders) and Sisko sends him and Worf to investigate the source of the signal. But in their attempt to avoid any contact with the Dominion they run directly into a fleet hidden in a nebula near the wormhole. They can warn the station but become prisoners.

My Opinion: If I had to name an episode where the Dominion War starts, I'd name this two-parter. I really liked the scenes between Worf and Garak in the shuttle and I liked to see Martok again who will play a much larger role from now on.

By Inferno's Light
Synopsis: In the internment camp they find Tain and General Martok - and Dr. Bashir. Martok has been here for over two years, Bashir for a month. And the Bashir on the station is a changeling who sabotages any attempt to prevent the Dominion fleet from coming through the wormhole. But the fleet doesn't attack, it takes course to Cardassia, the newest member in the Dominion. And Bashir, Worf, Garak and Martok try to escape their prison.

My Opinion: When I saw that episode for the first time, it came as a surprise to me that Dukat had switched sides again. But then again, it has been in his character since the first episode. Always trying to be on the winning side. I also liked that the Khitomer Accords have been revived - the Klingons and the Federation are allies again. And even the Romulans helped defend the station.
To quote Gandalf: "The board is set. The pieces are moving. We come to it at last, the great battle of our time."

Doctor Bashir, I Presume
Synopsis: The inventor of the Emergency Medical Hologram "EMH" (the most famous instance of that program is running on the USS Voyager in the Delta Quadrant) Dr. Zimmerman comes to DS9. He wants to create a longterm version of that hologram and Dr. Bashir was selected to be the human template. But when Dr. Zimmerman interviews the people in Bashirs life it comes out that Bashir has been genetically enhanced by his parents and that is forbidden under Federation law since the days of Khan Noonien Singh.

My Opinion: Although I doubt that they had the idea of Bashir being genetically enhanced before they wrote this script, it doesn't contradict what we know about Bashir. Later he even explains that he choose to become only Salutatorian in his class instead of Valedictorian. He wanted to be good but not that good to get too much attention. But except for a few selected episodes his changed history has basically no impact on his further character developement.
But the episode itself was good, I liked Zimmerman's appearance and the whole interview and creating the LMH part. I also liked the reference to Khan and the Eugenics Wars.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2009, 04:13:54 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Marathon
« Reply #38 on: February 01, 2009, 10:32:00 AM »
Disc 5

A Simple Investigation
Synopsis: A woman tried to contact a man on the station to purchase something from him, but he gets killed before they can meet. When she tries to steal it, Odo catches her and starts an investigation. The woman is wanted by the Orion Syndicate, the most powerful criminal organization in the quadrant, and Odo tries to protect her and to help her. But he also falls in love with her.

My Opinion: Odo's love life. Not interested in I am.

Business as Usual
Synopsis: Since his business license has been revoked, Quark is almost broke and now another deal has gone down. His knight in shining armor is his cousin Gaila (who once tried to kill Quark), but the business he's in is illegal: He's a weapons dealer and he wants Quark to join him. At first that seems like a good idea, but then he loses his Federation friends on the station and later he might lose his life.

My Opinion: Quark has always been a crook and he probably will always be one. He has purchased and sold illegal goods all his life. But it's good to see that even he has a moral line where he says "till here and no further". And I liked it how he played the leaders of this bloody struggle against each other.
Somehow I feel the urge to watch Lord of War again.

Ties of Blood and Water
Synopsis: Once, Kira was surgically altered to look like a Cardassian. She was supposedly the daughter of a high ranking cardassian officer in the Central Command. Now this man, her "father", comes to the station. He's dying and he's alone and he wants her to know all his secrets to use it as leverage - a cardassian tradition when one is dying. But seeing him die reminds Kira of the death of her own father back in the days of the occupation.

My Opinion: Five years ago it was unimagenable that Kira would care so deeply for a Cardassian. I liked it how they switched between the current timeline and here memories of the death of her father and I liked it that she buried Ghemor beside her real father. I know exactly how she must have felt. One year ago my grandfather died and I often sat beside him in the hospital and saw the diminishing sparkle of light in his eyes. :(

Ferengi Love Songs
Synopsis: Quark is depressed and Rom wants to marry Leeta, one of the bajoran Dabo-Girls in Quark's bar. But when Quark returns home to Ferenginar, to visit his mother, he learns the she and the Grand Nagus Zek are a couple. Brunt (FCA) wants to break them up and he needs Quarks help. Meanwhile Leeta and Rom break up because she doesn't want to sign a standard Ferengi marriage contract (which of course leaves her with no rights and no money during and after the marriage).

My Opinion: This was a fun episode. It's funny how Quark's family breaks with all traditions: Ishka wears clothes, does business and even acts as first financial advisor to the Grand Nagus (secretly of course) and Rom gives all his savings (ok, it wasn't that much) away because he loves Leeta. And Quark stands in the middle of it and just wants to be a normal Ferengi - but at least he's got his business license back. :)
« Last Edit: February 01, 2009, 12:09:44 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Marathon
« Reply #39 on: February 01, 2009, 04:39:43 PM »
Disc 6

Soldiers of the Empire
Synopsis: Martok takes command of the IKS Rotarran, a Bird of Prey whose crew has not achieved a victory in months. Worf joins the crew as first officer for this mission, while Dax takes the post of science officer. But Martok has changed in the two years of his imprisonment, he is cautious and unwilling to take any risk - but that's unworthy of a Klingon. Worf has to do something or the morale will break down completely.

My Opinion: I love the Klingons, especially in DS9. And this was a great episode in my opinion. How Martok wavered and how Worf helped him and risked his own life - I loved that part. I especially liked that this was an all-klingon episode - except for Dax, but Dax is highly honoured in the Klingon Empire.

And for what do we need Esperanto, when we have Klingon? It sounds far better.  ;D

Children of Time
Synopsis: After passing a giant energy field surrounding an entire planet the crew of the Defiant finds a colony of 8000 people - their descendants. The Defiant tried to escape the barrier and travelled 200 years back in time and crashed. The survivors built the colony and lived their lifes there. Only the Dax symbiont and Odo are still around from the original crew. The question is: Can the crew escape this time but what happens then to the colonists?

My Opinion: The episode was good - until the end, I hated the end. To see all these different people wiped out from existance because one man wanted to save his secret love and Odo of all people, the man who despises injustice above all else. It just didn't fit.

Blaze of Glory
Synopsis: The Maquis has been destroyed, most of its members were killed by Dominion forces. But they have one last ace in the sleeve. They have launched cloaked missiles to Cardassia. These missiles are loaded with bioloical and chemical weapons and will cause the death of millions and they will cause a retaliation strike against the Federation. Sisko needs Eddington to stop these missiles.

My Opinion: This was a good closure to the Eddington storyline. He finally got what he wanted, to die in an heroic act, "for the cause". I thought that it was a good idea that he didn't simply went to prison and was forgotten. But I also liked the part where Nog tried to get respected by the Klingons, Martok in particular.

Empok Nor
Synopsis: The station needs to be repaired but it's unlikely that they will get spare parts from the Cardassians. Chief O'Brien leads a salvage team to the abandoned cardassian station Empok Nor which is of identical design as DS9. They take Garak with them because it's likely to be booby-trapped. But there are unexpected guards on the station...

My Opinion: Even though there is no up and down in the universe drifting ships and abandoned stations are always portrayed as if they had keeled over. ;) The episode was really good, it was dark, the enemies were dangerous and we've seen what Garak is capable of. We've seen him before doing terrible things but these happened in the "comfy" surroundings of an interrogation cell. This was a combat situation but I guess when one was in the Obsidian Order one needs such skills to survive.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2009, 02:59:45 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Marathon
« Reply #40 on: February 20, 2009, 09:28:58 PM »
Disc 7

In the Cards
Synopsis: The cargo of a wrecked ship is auctioned at Quark's and Jake discovers a mid-20th-century Willie Mays baseball card and tries to bid for it. But he loses against a very weird guy. Jake and Nog try to negotiate for the card and have to acquire some items in exchange for the card. And for that they have to deal with both Kai Winn and Weyoun.

My Opinion: This episode was virtually the calm before the storm and they wrote it as such. And the episode reminded me of former days when Nog and Jake turned a lot of useless Yamok sauce into 5 bars of gold-pressed Latinum back in the first season (Progress). I also liked how Weyoun was portrayed. From now on they will give the character more depth which he will need as a major player in this war.

Call to Arms
Synopsis: For weeks the Dominion has send ships and troops through the wormhole to Cardassia. The Federation can't allow this anymore or the war is lost before it even begins. They decide to mine the wormhole and stop all traffic through it. But the Dominion won't allow this and as soon as they learn of the mining process they dispatch a fleet to take DS9.

My Opinion: While the mines are a bit of an "eierlegende Wollmilchsau" (a self-sustaining, self-replicating & cloaked minefield) I liked the decisions of this episode, such as retreating from DS9 to bring another perspective to the show or the deciscion to let Bajor remaining neutral or Jake staying behind. It will make for an interesting start of the sixth season.

The Season - My Opinion: This was a good season with a lot of interesting episodes of all kinds. Along with the fourth and sixth season these are my favourite years of DS9. This show took a long time to get into motion, I'd say way more time that any show would get if it were produced in this decade. But these three years (and parts of the seventh and third season) make totally up for it, especially the episodes that will come now.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2009, 10:46:19 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Marathon
« Reply #41 on: February 21, 2009, 10:41:44 AM »
Season 6

Disc 1

A Time to Stand
Synopsis: The war has been going on for three months and the Federation had to take heavy losses. But the minefield is still in place and seemingly unbreachable. Starfleet developes a plan to destroy the Ketracel-White supplies of the Dominion. Without the drug the Jem'Hadar won't be able to fight anymore. Sisko takes a commandeered Jem'Hadar ship behind enemy lines to accomplish the task.

My Opinion: This is the beginning of a six-part arc, it's the first time on Star Trek that they did something longer than a two-parter. While Sisko's mission was interesting it also was "just another mission". I found it more interesting to observe how the different characters on the station behaved. And I liked how Jake tried to be a reporter and how he and Weyoun discussed the "freedom of the press" in times like these.

Rocks and Shoals
Synopsis: Sisko's heavily damaged ship crashes on a planet in an uncharted nebula. Most of the crew survives but now they are stranded with no means of communication. And they have another problem: They are not the first to crash there. A group of Jem'Hadar and their Vorta leader are also there and the Jem'Hadar are running low on White which makes them all the more dangerous. On DS9 Terok Nor life goes on. Kira works within the military hierarchy of the Dominion (Dukat has taken command of the station again) and Odo is a member of the ruling council. But that all changes when some Bajorans begin to demonstrate against (what they feel is) the occupation.

My Opinion: It's seems that you can't genetically engineer certain attributes together in the same DNA. The Vorta are cunning and shifty and good negotiators but at the same time they aren't as nearly as loyal to the Dominion as the Jem'Hadar. I liked it how Sisko tried to prevent the bloodshed and although they are the enemy it was a bit sad that the Jem'Hadar had to be slaughtered. But Keevan (the Vorta) will get was he deserves in a later episode.

Sons and Daughters
Synopsis: Alexander Rozhenko - Worf's son - starts as crew member abourd the IKS Rotarran and Worf has to deal with him, since he is the XO of that ship. But Alexander and Worf have never been close and until now Alexander denied his heritage as a klingon warrior. So why is he there? Meanwhile Dukat has brought Ziyal back from Bajor and to the station.

My Opinion: It was nice to see Alexander again whom we haven't seen in nearly four years. And I also liked that they didn't make him suddenly into the perfect warrior. I also liked how Ziyal tried to re-create the triangle relation between her, her father and Kira. But this time it had to fail and it was good that Kira didn't continue this absurd charade.

This was the second episode that was cut due to the BBFC. About 20 seconds are missing at the end where the three Klingons conducted their hand cutting ritual.

Behind the Lines
Synopsis: Quark learns that Damar (Dukat's second) has found a way to disable the minefield and Rom (who designed it) confirms that this could work. The resistance cell (consisting of Kira, Odo, Rom, Leeta & Jake) plans to sabotage the station. But then the female founder comes to the station and that changes everything. Meanwhile Sisko was promoted to Admiral Ross's assistant and Dax takes over the command of the Defiant and she takes it to a very dangerous mission.

My Opinion: This episode was an average one until short before the end. When I first watched it I expected that maybe not everything was going as planned but that they would succeed eventually. It really surprised me that Odo let them down just to get into a link with the other shapeshifter. But that makes the situation aboard the station all the more interesting.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2009, 08:02:05 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Marathon
« Reply #42 on: February 21, 2009, 03:51:38 PM »
Disc 2

Favor the Bold
Synopsis: Starfleet is fighting the battles and has to retreat all the time. But Sisko has developed a plan to re-take DS9 and thus re-taking control of the wormhole. He assembles huge parts of three fleets to hit the bajoran system in a decisive strike. But he's also running out of time, Damar will take down the minefield within a week and Dukat has a fleet to intercept Sisko.

My Opinion: Finally they strike back! And they use an appropiate number of ships. 650 Starfleet ships versus 1254 Dominion ships! That's how fleets are supposed to look like in space. Let's get ready to rumble!

Sacrifice of Angels
Synopsis: The battle has begun and Sisko tries to punch holes in the Dominion line to get through to DS9 but both the Jem'Hadar as well as the Cardassians hold their line. Sisko needs a miracle to save the Alpha Quadrant and he even gets two of them. Finally the Klingons show up and they show why they call their spaceships "Bird of Prey". But against the 28,000 ships on the other side of the wormhole only divine intervention will help.

My Opinion: As much as I liked this entire arc since the end of season 5 and as much as I liked these last two episodes I felt that the conclusion was very dissatisfactory. "Deus ex machina" means literally "god from the machine" and that's exactly what they did. They invented a fleet of 28,000 Dominion ships and suddenly had no clue how to resolve that problem so they used the Prophets/wormhole beings to get rid of them. :yellowcard:
But I liked the twist that Dukat went insane after he was so sure to already be the master of the AQ and after losing his daughter. This will give the character yet again a new direction and is the basis for a number of good episodes.

A while back I found this fan-made trailer about Favor the Bold and Sacrifice of Angels and I think it's very well done:

You Are Cordially Invited
Synopsis: Worf and Dax decide not to marry after the war but within a week. For this Worf invites Martok, Alexander, Sisko, O'Brien and Bashir to his "klingon bachelor party" while Dax must get the approval of Martok's wife to get invited into the House of Martok. And of course she has her own kind of bachelor party...

My Opinion: After all these fighting that was a nice change of pace. I found it so funny how everyone imagined a "klingon bachelor party" and how it really was. Especially O'Brien should have known better because he had been to some of Worf's rituals and they were never fun. ;) And I really liked the wedding ceremony and the legend about the two klingon hearts - it sounded like real klingon mythology.

Synopsis: Mirror-Barail beams onto the station and Kira is quite shocked to see him. But that Barail is nothing like her Barail - and he is a thief. Kira tries to help him find his way on this side of the "mirror" and she can't resist being attracted to him. He is seemingly willing to change but even though Kira might be blinded by his appearance, Quark can see right through him and suddenly Kira finds herself in front of ... Kira.

My Opinion: This episode was not so interesting even with the appearance of Mirror-Kira.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2009, 05:15:44 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Marathon
« Reply #43 on: February 21, 2009, 08:25:53 PM »
Disc 3

Statistical Probabilities
Synopsis: A doctor from a mental institution brings four of her patients to the station. All had been genetically anhanced when they were children but they weren't as lucky as Julian and something went wrong. The doctor hopes that Bashir can create a form of bond to them and is able to help them. He actually manages to establish a relation with them and together they analyze a holo recording of the current negotiations between the Federation and the Dominion and they are able to help. But then they discover something horrible.

My Opinion: This was a great episode. The actors played their eccentric characters very well and it was a joy to watch all these different characters. And I really liked it how Bashir showed that statistics can't predict every turn of events and how one person can change the course of history. In Germany we have a saying: "Don't trust a statistic you haven't faked yourself." ;D And I look forward to see these guys and gals again. :)

The Magnificent Ferengi
Synopsis: Quark's and Rom's mother has become a prisoner of the Dominion. Quark wants to free her with a Ferengi-only group to prove that Ferengies are just as good warriors as - let's say - Klingons. But his team (consisting of himself, Rom, Nog, cousin Gaila, Brunt [formerly FCA] and the mercenary Leck) doesn't even pass the holodeck simulation. So they fall back on what they can do: They offer a trade: Ishka in exchange for the Vorta Keevan.

My Opinion: Yet another great episode. Except for the Nagus every Ferengi who had a guest appearance on DS9 was in this episode. It was so funny to watch them which was a good break from the war episodes. Too bad they couldn't find a seventh Ferengi - it would have been the perfect number for this episode. ;)

BTW: The Vorta in the episode picture is Iggy Pop!

Synopsis: Dukat, whose condition hase been improved, is to be brought to a POW facility and Sisko escorts him there on the USS Honshu . But then the ship is attacked by the Dominion. Some people can escape in pods. Somehow Dukat has managed to get aboard a shuttle and he saves the unconscious Sisko. But they crash-land on a planet. From there they try to send a distress signal and have a "nice", long chat.

My Opinion: This disc is already my favourite disc of the season. The acting of Marc Alaimo (Dukat) was awesome. He played the insane and yet evil Dukat who tries to justifiy his actions by blaming everyone else perfectly. Even though Sisko was there this entire episode was carried by Dukat and his discussions with his hallucinations (and Sisko). "I wanted only the best for Bajor but these terrorists gave me no choice!" - Excellent.

Who Mourns for Morn?
Synopsis: Morn - one of Quark's regular guests - has died in an accident and he has made Quark his legal heir. His personal stuff isn't worth anything and he has quite an outstanding bill at the bar. But then his ex-wife shows up and implies that Morn was quite rich and she wouldn't fight Quark over the money as long as she gets a share. Now the treasure hunt for a thousand bricks in gold-pressed latinum begins. But with every day there are more people who want their share of it.

My Opinion: Morn has been a customer of the bar since the pilot episode. It has become a running gag on the show to claim that Morn is quite the chatterbox while the actor has never uttered a single word on screen (and he never will, not even in this episode). Up until now he has just been an extra but an extra that made the entire show more real because he is the prove that there is a regular station life outside the focus on the main characters. And luckily for us he isn't dead after all but will be there until the end of the show. :)
« Last Edit: March 03, 2009, 04:14:07 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Marathon
« Reply #44 on: February 22, 2009, 10:59:38 AM »
Disc 4

Far Beyond the Stars
Synopsis: Sisko receives a vision of the Prophets and he suddenly finds himself in another time and space. He's Benny Russell, a "coloured" science-fiction autor in the 1950s United States. He works for a monthly magazine but it must never come out that he is black - or that K.C. Hunter (Kira) is a woman. When their illustrator shows him a picture of a space station, Benny devlopes the idea of a black captain and a space station called "Deep Space Nine".

My Opinion: I liked this episode a lot, it felt really like the fifties and Brooks played the role of Benny very well. But the others were great, too: Jake as this young crook, Worf as this baseball player who's only acepted because he can play, Dukat and Weyoun as the white, racist cops and Quark and Odo always on one another's throat. Great.

And I also liked to see the main characters without masks for once:

Brunt, FCA








One Little Ship
Synopsis: To explore the possibilites of transwarp technology the crew of the Defiant uses a natural phenomenon to shrink a runabout and its crew to matchbox size. But then the Defiant is taken over by the Jem'Hadar and Dax, Bashir and O'Brien try to help them as "the fly on the wall".

My Opinion: This was an OK episode with all the gags and puns that miniaturization brings along. The funniest scene was O'Brien and Bashir crawling inside a computer terminal with huge chips and optical cables and O'Brien trying to re-route them.

Honor Among Thieves
Synopsis: O'Brien goes undercover as a "tinkerer" who's had bad luck in recent years. Her infiltrates the Orion Syndicate by repairing some items for them. His objective is to find out who the person is that sells Starfleet internal information to the syndicate. But he also has to learn that the syndicate and the Dominion have become partners.

My Opinion: Yet another OK episode. But it was a chlichéd episode. "Even in the Mafia the bad guys are normal people with family and they aren't all totally evil" so that you can sympathize with them.

Change of Heart
Synopsis: The Defiant is patrolling when Kira receives a new order. Dax and Worf take a runabout to fly deep into cardassian space to extract a defector who has vital inside information. To get to him they have to march through 20 kilometers of jungle to avoid detection. And when Jadzia gets severely hurt Worf has to make a choice.

My Opinion: This one I liked again because they took the time to focus on Jadzia and Worf and their marriage. And I am in the same position as Sisko: Officially it was a really bad choice to abandon the mission. The information from that man could have saved countless lifes. But I can also understand that Worf couldn't leave his wife behind. But such things also explain why Worf was never promoted to commander or above.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2009, 03:03:59 PM by DJ Doena »

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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