Author Topic: Arrested Development Marathon  (Read 8478 times)


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Arrested Development Marathon
« on: August 08, 2007, 04:46:41 AM »
The story of a wealthy family who lost everything, and the one son who had no choice but to keep them all together.
Thanks to for the picture

I was one of the many who did not watch this show while it was on the air. I'm just glad I found it on DVD. It was a blind buy that I purchased only because it hit my magig number for TV sets - $19.99. I am so glad I did. It is one of the most enjoyable comedy series I have had the pleasure to watch.

Following Pete and Karsten's lead I'm going to post my thoughts here, one episode at a time. I going to format this a bit differently. I'll continue to edit this first post with new episodes as I watch them so they will all be in one post when I am done. I will add a new post whe I update this one so you can tell when something was added. Make sense?

To start off I should point out the entire series is narrated by Ron Howard (who happens to be an executive producer as well). He does a great job setting the scene as well as adding to the comedic value of the script.


Moments after Michael Bluth decides he's leaving the family business because he was passed over for a promotion, his father is arrested for shady bookkeeping.

What I Thought:
This episode just begins to let you into the world of the Bluth Family. It introduces the characters and their quirks and sets the stage for the series. It was one that the first time I watched it I said  ??? Trust me. You have to continue to watch the series. It grows on you (a bit like a fungus  :laugh: )

Michael realizes that running the company isn't going to be as easy as he thought, especially since his father seems to be pulling some strings from inside the joint.

What I Thought:
Alright, now we're getting into it. The flashbacks, the cut scenes when a reference is made. Great work. It's the little things that make the show funny. This episode has Tobias crying in the shower as Lindsay gets the job he wanted. Gob defies Michael when asked to mail a letter. His futile attempt to throw it into the ocean (against the wind that is) is only made funnier at the end of the episode, when you find out what was in the envelope.

Buster moves in with Michael after their mother kicks him out of her penthouse and a distraught George-Michael realizes he has to kiss a boy in the school play.

What I Thought:
George-Michael's obsession with his cousin continues. The character is played by Michael Cera. This kid does a great job. I'd like to see him in something else to see if this is his natural demeanor or if he really can act. While this episode is titled Bring Up Buster it is actually more about Michael and his relationship with George-Michael. OF course we end with Tobias once again crying in the shower.

Jealous when his girlfriend is nominated for a "daytime Desi," Gob decides to stage a publicity stunt for his magic act by breaking out of the same prison where George Sr. is being held.

What I Thought:
Buster gets himself a girlfriend...He's so happy she's nothing like his mother.  :-\  Gob's escape goes just how you thought it would go.  :slaphead: Loved the "Ta Da" when he does escape. A nice guest appearance from Clint Howard. IMO this was not the best episode of the season. Only laughed out loud a couple times.

Sex is in the air as Gob seduces his father's former secretary, Lindsay and Tobias go see a marriage counselor, and George Sr. and Lucille have a bizarre conjugal visit.

What I Thought:
Ahh... Kitty. Gob trying to get her to look just right in the storage room.  :laugh: Again we have a character that will obviously play a part in the Bluth family story. So.... is Tobias gay after all? Lindsey's calling the "scene" at the marriage counselor's office was great. "Now there's two Men I want to leave" Good stuff. More of the Maeby and George Michael story in this episode. That's always great. Great episode. Lot's of wheeling and dealing between family members.

Lucille's scheme to upstage her rival, Lucille Austero, at a bachelorette auction backfires when Gob mistakenly bids $10,000 on the wrong Lucille.

What I Thought:
All I can say is I love the way these stories revolve around a theme, sometimes hidden, but always comes together at the end. On to disc two.  :thumbup:


If Lindsay is disappointed that none of the inmates yell out obscene catcalls when she visits her father, Lucille is outraged when none of her children show up at her surprise birthday party.

What I Thought:
Just how dysfunctional is this family. Words can't describe this episode.

The family attorney announces that if $20,000 in bail money is raised, George Sr. can be released from prison in time for the Christmas "Living Classics Pageant."

What I Thought:
Henry Winkler reprises his role as Barry Zuckerkorn. Personally I don't like the character. He's too normal to be bizarre but to bizarre to be normal. There are times in future episode where he is just plain bizarre. That would have worked better throughout the series. We learn a bit more about Tobias this episode as well. That storyline continues.... and continues... and continues.

Michael is so smitten with Gob's girlfriend that he decides to let her know that Gob has been cheating on her, and Lucille tries to break up Buster and Lucille Austero.

What I Thought:
OK Episode. Not great. Tobias goes yet another step closer to.....

When Buster asks George-Michael to score him some marijuana, Michael asks some male "cop" strippers to stage a phony bust to help scare his son straight.

What I Thought:
Now this is an episode. Would love to say more but would spoil it.

Convinced that the family's image is hurting his son's future, Michael hires an attractive publicist who proceeds to write a scathing article after Michael rebuffs her advances.

What I Thought:
Oh Tobias... you wacky wacky guy.  :hysterical:

Despite his crush on Marta, Michael agrees to help Gob figure out if she has a new lover while George-Michael tries to figure out his feelings for his cousin Maeby.

What I Thought:
Enjoyable episode but not the funniest. The George-Michael/Maeby relationship gets a nice new direction though.  :-X

As Tobias struggles to overcome his nude phobia so he can accept the movie role of "Frightened Inmate #2", Michael, Buster and Gob fight over who gets to go out with Marta.

What I Thought:
Good Episode. George-Michael continues his new quest regarding his relationship with Maeby. Very funny story arc (in a bizarre sort of way). Great interaction between the Bluth brothers this episode. Almost a genuine moment between Gob and Michael at one point, but will anyone actually remember to show up for George Senior's Court date? 

Things get awkward after Michael dates George-Michael's ethics teacher then learns his son has a crush on her. George Sr. receives a visit from Cindi, a fan of his "Caged Wisdom" tapes.

What I Thought:
Great episode, although adding Heather Graham doesn't hurt. We are also introduced to yet another member of the Bluth family.


After discovering that most of the family picks up weekly paychecks from Bluth Company even though they don't have jobs, Michael trys to put them all to work.

What I Thought:
These guys are so inept at life it's comical. This episode however is a bit too much. Definitely not one of the best.

Michael finally stands up to George Sr. and fires his old secretary, and Gob performs the ultimate magic trick when he makes the family yacht disappear.

What I Thought:
Lot's of family twists and set ups for future twists. An episode not to be missed.

While Michael experiences the first one-night stand with a blind woman named Maggie, George Sr. learns that Cindi is actually an undercover agent who has fallen in love with him.

What I Thought:
Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Amy Poehler (real life wife of Gob (Will Arnet)) both guest star in this episode. Love the stroll through the park. Good episode

Michael attempts to do the right thing and end his relationship with Maggie, the prosecutor on George Sr.'s case, but sex keeps getting in the way.

What I Thought:
Another good episode.

Gob tries to scare a company accountant who notices a discrepancy in the company's bank account and threatens to reveal the truth if asked to testify in court.

What I Thought:
watched it and can't think of anything to say...  :-\

When the family begins fighting over company funds that have recently become available Michael decides it would be best to invest the money in land their Uncle Oscar is selling.

What I Thought:
The Tobias references hinting at a sexual preference really begin to take root here. They get better as the show continues. Great stuff. Another character introduction, George Senior's brother (twin brother actually). Good episode.

While Michael is questioned by the police about Kitty's disappearance, Gob takes George-Michael shoplifting at the department store where Lindsay just got a job.

What I Thought:
Great episode. Has all the pieces that make this show great.

After learning that his father is in prison for doing business with the old Iraqi government, Michael decides to wash his hands of the whole family and leave town for good.

What I Thought:
Tobias reading his book was great. He is clueless that's for sure. The use of the "scene switching" to reinforce or contradict what was just said is really use a lot in this episode. Love the "footage not found" shots. Very good ending to the season. Leaves you wanting more next season.

What I Thought:
Unlike many TV shows that take a season or so for the characters to fully develop this one nails them from the 1st episode. The casting is superb. The writing is great. This is either another case of a network screwing around with the shows schedule so it doesn't have a chance at grabbing an audience or it's just a bit too bizarre for the mainstream. Either way it's a shame this series didn't last. It's definitely off to a great start.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2007, 03:39:41 PM by lyonsden5 »

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Re: Arrested Development Marathon
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2007, 01:20:33 PM »
Another marathon started! cool!
This is another series I have never seen a single episode of... I have seen some clips advertising the show... and I must admit... it looks a little on the stupid side to me. But it seems it is highly popular. I have thought on a few different occasions to give it a shot and always scared away from it.

And now I am considering again.  :-\


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Re: Arrested Development Marathon
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2007, 01:47:47 PM »
Another marathon started! cool!
This is another series I have never seen a single episode of... I have seen some clips advertising the show... and I must admit... it looks a little on the stupid side to me. But it seems it is highly popular. I have thought on a few different occasions to give it a shot and always scared away from it.

And now I am considering again.  :-\

Sledge Hammer is stupid humor (though I do get a laugh out of it, just can't watch more then one or two episodes at once). While this has some stupid moments most of the humor is pretty sharp or just flat out wrong, if you know what I mean.

You can pick up the season one set pretty cheap. I would grab it and try it out.

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Re: Arrested Development Marathon
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2007, 02:12:25 PM »
yeah... I bought both seasons of Sledge Hammer! during a buy 1 get 1 free sale... and discovered the same thing... I can only watch so much of it at a time... but it is something that I can enjoy... so will probably check this one out too before too long.


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Re: Arrested Development Marathon
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2007, 09:50:18 AM »
Added a few more episodes. Almost complete with season 1 disc 2


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Re: Arrested Development Marathon
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2007, 03:41:31 PM »
Season one now complete. Season Two up next. Hopefully it wont take as long for me to get through. Been an interesting week for me that's for sure.

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Re: Arrested Development Marathon
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2007, 12:41:52 AM »
Here I been thinking about giving this one a try... no excuses now! I got all 3 seasons for free! :) looking forward to checking it out. :)