Author Topic: PC Gaming  (Read 63182 times)

Offline Achim

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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #225 on: November 14, 2008, 06:05:17 AM »
Sorry to hear about your troubles. Maybe they are selling so many these days that, additionally with Christmas coming up, they worry they don't have stock for you... :-X

It's also funny how when you mention to them that you've had to call multiple time, they all say the same thing "Don't worry sir, this is the last time you have to call. I'll personally make sure it gets through." Yeah right!!
They have cue-cards for those...


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #226 on: November 14, 2008, 01:24:05 PM »
It's also funny how when you mention to them that you've had to call multiple time, they all say the same thing "Don't worry sir, this is the last time you have to call. I'll personally make sure it gets through." Yeah right!!
They have cue-cards for those...

Yeah I know about the cue cards... You know what's funny though? She turned out to be right! Not even 1 hour after after the call, I already had an email telling me an empty box is on the way. Now, why did it go through this time so fast, and never did before, I'll never know. But at least, finally, things are moving along!

But I think I have bad karma these days. First it was my new Rock Band drum pedal that never got to me. After 33 back and forth email, I finally for them to ship a replacement (most of those were actually working together with the post office to find the first onet hat was sent). Now the problem with the Xbox... I'm also buried under tons of work (approbation drawings and documentation need to be completed for monday morning, and nothing has been done so far. So in comes the IT guy to the rescue!)


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #227 on: November 14, 2008, 08:00:24 PM »
Yeah, anyway, back here is me. On a proper games console called a "PC". :laugh: Today I decided to feed it, with a hearty meal of the new Call of Duty: World at War... :yahoo:

Offline Achim

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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #228 on: November 15, 2008, 02:23:44 PM »
Good to hear you're back on track! Hope that it will now be resolved rather quickly.

What do you mean, "IT guy to the rescue"? You also do documentation and handle CAD drawings.... ???

Yeah, anyway, back here is me. On a proper games console called a "PC". :laugh: Today I decided to feed it, with a hearty meal of the new Call of Duty: World at War... :yahoo:
Reviews are up and while (understandably) not quite up there with CoD4 it apparently comes close. From what I read a very, VERY violent game. Had it in my hands yesterday, decided to purchase Resistance 2.

Decided today it ma be a good idea to play Resistance: Fall of Man first, which I had purchased in February :bag: (well, at the time I just couldn't handle those FPS controls sufficiently yet).

The last 6 weeks have ripped holes in my wallet; after a rather dry summer they have released an abundance of games throughout October. I purchased:
Saints Row 2 ()
Bioshock ()
Dead Space (, but :fingerchew:)
LittleBigPlanet ()
Fallout 3 ()
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm
« Last Edit: November 15, 2008, 02:25:16 PM by Achim »


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #229 on: November 15, 2008, 02:38:19 PM »
What do you mean, "IT guy to the rescue"? You also do documentation and handle CAD drawings.... ???

Yeah, among other things. But you know what? I like it that way. It's not like the IT department has much work, seeing as I'm a 1-man department, managing 10-15 PC hehe. So the CAD drawings and documentation are a nice distraction. I also do promotional material (flyers, brochures) as well as dabble in logo design and web site development. I'm also known at times to be a "deluxe" secretary! (I can handle typing a letter or build a quote much faster than anyone else around here, so I'm usually the goto guy for pretty much anything that is last minute), even sometimes, so far as going out to get parts for projects!

I love my job. Doesn't pay all that well (well enough, but still..) but I wouldn't have it any other way! (except a better pay :laugh:!)

Dead Space (, but :fingerchew:)

Guess I wouldn't even be able to play that without having a heart attack!  :-[ :hysterical:

Offline Achim

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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #230 on: November 16, 2008, 05:47:45 AM »
I love my job. Doesn't pay all that well (well enough, but still..) but I wouldn't have it any other way! (except a better pay :laugh:!)
That sounds very, very lucky.  :cheers: Most important about a job is, that you must like going there everyday!

Guess I wouldn't even be able to play that without having a heart attack!  :-[ :hysterical:
Well, I played through chapter one so far and then put it aside... because, ...I am somewhat scared to go on! :hysterical:

So yes. it's a very intense game which can make you feel worried about making your next in-game step! And that after chapter 1! Playing the game in the dark just makes it's worse :laugh: The surround sound is used to great effect, too.

Well, another reason I haven't played it, because I feel this game deserves undivided attention for 2 hours or more (you know, unlike something like Saints Row 2), not exactly casual gaming. So, I am kinda waiting for getting into the right mood.


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #231 on: November 16, 2008, 05:06:44 PM »
Guess I wouldn't even be able to play that without having a heart attack!  :-[ :hysterical:
Well, I played through chapter one so far and then put it aside... because, ...I am somewhat scared to go on! :hysterical:

Haha! I'd probably take three steps in the game and put it aside right there!

Well, another reason I haven't played it, because I feel this game deserves undivided attention for 2 hours or more (you know, unlike something like Saints Row 2), not exactly casual gaming.

I feel like that about Fable II. It's casual enough for average gamer, yet, if you invest the time in the game, the rewards are quite interesting. Yes, it's stll a rather short game, but the interaction with the NPCs are nice. And it's actually fun to even just sit there and watch the people go about their lives (kinda like GTA IV actually)

And the graphics in Fable II are marvelous. It's not like all those game who claim that reality is all in shades of gray, brown and black. The color palette is actually vibrant and interesting. So far, each and every sunrise/sunset I've witnessed in Fable II, I actually stopped playing and just watched it. The light effects are awesome. Ray of light streaming in between tree branches, that sways in the wind. I love it!

Can you tell I miss my Xbox?
« Last Edit: November 16, 2008, 05:16:24 PM by RossRoy »

Offline Dragonfire

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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #232 on: November 19, 2008, 11:40:57 PM »
I started playing World of Warcraft back in...March I think.  I do enjoy the game, though there are some things that irritate me.  It's been crazy trying to log on since last Thursday when the new expansion came out.  I've had to wait over an hour to get logged in.  I think I was like 1420 in line to log on my server on Friday.  It has been a little better the last few days, but I'm guessing it will be bad on the weekend again.

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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #233 on: November 20, 2008, 08:30:54 AM »
It has been a little better the last few days, but I'm guessing it will be bad on the weekend again.
In a few weeks it will be back to normal. I remember the days WoW came out, 2000, maybe 3000 people were in the login line before me....

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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #234 on: November 20, 2008, 08:23:21 PM »
Well, the defective Xbox arrived at the processing center today

We'll see how long it takes them to return it... Hoping it doesn't take as long as it did to get the shipping box

Offline Dragonfire

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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #235 on: November 21, 2008, 02:09:40 AM »
In a few weeks it will be back to normal. I remember the days WoW came out, 2000, maybe 3000 people were in the login line before me....

I figured it would settle down once everyone in a mad rush to get to 80 got there and got back to more normal playing hours.  Last night there were like 200 in line ahead of me and I think it took about 20 minutes to get in the game.  The worst was last Thursday night.  I was like 1240 and it took over an hour.  Friday I was at like 1085 or so..still took about an hour. 

Do you still play the game?

Offline DJ Doena

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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #236 on: November 21, 2008, 08:33:22 AM »
Do you still play the game?
Nay, I played a few weeks a few hours a week, made it to level 30 or 40 and then lost interest.

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Offline Dragonfire

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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #237 on: November 21, 2008, 10:07:05 PM »
I can understand that.  It isn't a game that everyone will want to play all the time.  I don't play as much as some people.  With the new expansion, the top level was raised to 80 and there were people hitting 80 less than 24 hours later which I can't imagine.  One of those people got banned for cheating though.  But still within a few days there were all sorts of people at 80.  I got my main character to 70  at like the end of September.  She's still at 70, but I am making progress to 71.  I'm not in a hurry and I'll get to 80 when I get there.


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #238 on: November 21, 2008, 10:30:10 PM »
Personally, I can not understand what attracts so much about MMO type games. I just don't get it. The only one I took part in that I thought actually made sense was something set in the FASA/MechWarrior universe where when you created a character, you had to choose a side to enroll to, and then you were in perpetual war against the opposing side as a mercenary, and eventually as part of a coordinated unit when you got "known" enough. It made sense because you had a goal: conquer the planet. And I found it fun because you didn't have to invest countless hours into the game. You just hop in, choose a battle and join. At the end of the battle, the winning side takes control of the land but that's it.

Now, with these new MMO it's all about socializing and forming clans and spending every waking hours into the game to aimlessly wander around looking for whatever piece of legendary weapon has to be found, and once you do find it, you get butt raped by a 70+ lvl wizard who steals the item you worked your ass of trying to get. Not worth my time.

I played WoW for 5 minutes when it first came out in the beginning. Just as I got out in the "wild", I got killed and looted right there by people who were at least 20 levels higher than I was. Talk about a fun game! whoppo dee doo! And they expect me to PAY for that to actually happen? Needless to say, I turned off the game and never looked back.

From what I understand, they now have implemented measures against this kind of things now. But I still can't shake the feeling of being completely cheated by some lame ass loser who's about to die of dehydration and sleep depravation just to get to the next level.

(yes, I'm over dramatizing but that's how I feel, no matter how exaggerated my words are :tease:)

(and yes, I do realize some more "normal" people play these games just for fun.)

Offline Dragonfire

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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #239 on: November 22, 2008, 12:22:04 AM »
I play on a PvE server which means that other players can't attack you like that.  That stuff happens on the PvP servers which I wanted no part of.  If I want to spend some time fishing in the game to get food for my pet, I don't want to worry about a player on the other side attacking me.  People still do the PvP stuff on my server, but that is mostly confined to battlefields.  I haven't done any of it and don't think I will.  Players can turn on their PvP anywhere in the world which means that the other side could attack them then.  I don't do that either.  So as long as you are on a PvE or regular server and don't turn on your PvP, no lame ass loser can kill you. :)  I think you can turn off the PvP on a PvP server too but I'm not sure.  I fully understand why you didn't play any more after that happened.  That crap doesn't appeal to me either.  I have been killed by a few monsters, but not any other players. 

I'm not in some big group that is obsessed about running dungeons 3 million times to get the high level armor or special mount or whatever it is.  I have seen some of those mounts and like them, but it isn't a priority to me to go after them.  I just have fun doing the quests and exploring areas.  There are a lot of jerks playing who do like to run around and try to bully others around but I just try to avoid and ignore them.  It seems like the more obnoxious players that I've encountered have been horde characters instead of alliance. 

I haven't gotten in any other groups because I don't want to be...umm...obligated to go do a specific thing on a certain day. Like I know that some guilds always run a certain instance or dungeon or whatever on specific days.  I usually don't know what I'm going to do until I log on.  I'm not going to be pushed by other people and frankly I couldn't care less if someone else thinks the armor or weapons my character have aren't good enough or up to their standards.  I play to have some fun and not to impress anyone.  I do get a sense of accomplishment when I finish some of the quests or find certain things.  Eventually I want to get my reputation with certain groups higher, but that's just for myself, not for anyone else.  I don't obsess over anything about the game, though sometimes I have ended up playing longer than I intended. 

I have done a lot of stuff completely on my own and I've done other stuff with my boyfriend.  He's not into the PvP stuff either, but things about the game bug him how people who do PvP get the best armor and stuff like that.  I don't care about that and I'm not going to get worked up about a game.  I don't know how the people who rushed to get through 10 levels in just a few days could have enjoyed it.  They just wanted to be able to brag about how fast they did it which doesn't mean squat to me.

I really don't socialize that much in the game.  I've talked to a couple of people who were nice, but I tend to keep to myself - much like I do in real life.  The game can be time consuming, but I usually just play a few hours a night.