Author Topic: PC Gaming  (Read 63075 times)


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #75 on: April 29, 2008, 02:27:56 PM »
I have previously heard about GTA and decided it may be something I may want to get.

Wouldn't it be better to get a copy of San Andreas, which you can probably find either used or really cheap, and get a feel for what GTA is all about, instead of jumping in right into GTA IV?

Though I'll admit, from what I'm reading and the comments I'm hearing from friends, GTA IV is quite simply one of, if not THE, most stunning game ever.

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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #76 on: April 29, 2008, 02:42:32 PM »
Wouldn't it be better to get a copy of San Andreas, which you can probably find either used or really cheap, and get a feel for what GTA is all about, instead of jumping in right into GTA IV?
Or even "Vice City". SA is base on the 90's black culture and the music if you don't like hip-hop or rap can really get on your nerve. I continue to play with Vice City, mostly as a stress reliever (never tried to complete it) and the music in it is great.


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #77 on: April 29, 2008, 02:54:16 PM »
Wouldn't it be better to get a copy of San Andreas, which you can probably find either used or really cheap, and get a feel for what GTA is all about, instead of jumping in right into GTA IV?
Or even "Vice City". SA is base on the 90's black culture and the music if you don't like hip-hop or rap can really get on your nerve. I continue to play with Vice City, mostly as a stress reliever (never tried to complete it) and the music in it is great.

I don't like Vice City on consoles. The aiming system is all but broken. On the PC it's a great game, yeah, but I still prefer San Andreas. So many new things you can do that you can't in Vice City.

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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #78 on: April 29, 2008, 03:39:52 PM »
Wouldn't it be better to get a copy of San Andreas, which you can probably find either used or really cheap, and get a feel for what GTA is all about, instead of jumping in right into GTA IV?
Is San Andreas available for the PS3? I'll have to look

...and what you mean by "jumping right into"? Is there a story line I may miss or so? Is SA easier to play and it may help me to get a grip on the controls?

Though I'll admit, from what I'm reading and the comments I'm hearing from friends, GTA IV is quite simply one of, if not THE, most stunning game ever.
That is what I thought it would be a good thing to have this game... I have read the same. pretty much; admittedly, I only read little beyond the IGN review though

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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #79 on: April 29, 2008, 03:56:07 PM »
Is San Andreas available for the PS3? I'll have to look
I'm sure that all the PS2 game are compatible with the PS3, like all the PS1 games were on the PS2.


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #80 on: April 29, 2008, 04:02:08 PM »
...and what you mean by "jumping right into"? Is there a story line I may miss or so? Is SA easier to play and it may help me to get a grip on the controls?

No, nothing storywise (as far as I know, although there are nods to previous GTA games I'm sure) but more to get a feel of what GTA is all about. I understood from your post that you have never experienced GTA before. So I thought maybe getting San Andreas (or Vice City, or GTA3 even) for dirt cheap to get a feel for it may either make you love it, of hate it.

I'm sure that all the PS2 game are compatible with the PS3, like all the PS1 games were on the PS2.

Not necessarily. I don't have a PS3 myself, but from what I've read and seen so far, not all PS2 games are compatible with the PS3. PS2 could play PS1 games because it had PS1 circuitry inside of it. From what I understand, PS3 emulates the PS2 (kinda like what Microsoft did on 360 for the big-black-box compatibility). I know there's a new model of the PS3 that is not compatible at all with PS2 games.

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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #81 on: April 29, 2008, 04:28:58 PM »
An interesting article on video game. I agree completly with the last point, I find the old game more interesting and fun even if the graphics aren't great. I'm a fan of the Final Fantasy serie, I have played the first one on the good old NES and the best one in the serie is the sixth one. I own the X and X-2 on the PS2 and they are not as fun. Sure the graphics are better, but it's just one cinematic after another and a "go there game" where I have no choice of what to do. I replay frequently the #4, 5 and 6 in the serie, but for the PS2 one I've completed them and don't see any reasons to replay them because there are just one way to do them.

The 7 Commandments All Video Games Should Obey


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #82 on: April 29, 2008, 04:55:08 PM »
I'm a fan of the Final Fantasy serie, I have played the first one on the good old NES and the best one in the serie is the sixth one.

Personally, my favorite one is the seventh. But I must say, the seventh is basically the only one I've played from beginning to end.

But in general, I prefer Western-style RPG over Japanese-style RPG. What I especially don't like most of the time in the Japanese type RPG is how set in stone the story is. For instance, I don't remember in which game it was, but there was a scene where the game asks you "Will you save <whomever>?" with the choice to answer Yes or No. I hated that character, so I was so happy to choose No! Well, the game replied that I can't do that, and proceded to ask the very same question again. Turns out it is a Do Loop Until Answer = Yes! Why ask the question then?

I loved Knights of the Old Republic, Jade Empire and Mass Effects exactly because of that. There are sections that are set in stone, but you are still free to create your own story, especially in KotOR. And the choices you make affect the story.

I haven't played any of the more recent Final Fantasy after the seventh chapter, but every recent Japanese-style RPG suffer from the same ailment, from Enchanted Arms, to Blue Dragon, and even to the more recent Lost Odyssey. It's only an interactive movie, and not even a make your own adventure. I still like them, but the RPG I keep coming back to turn out to be more open ones: Fable, KotOR, Jade Empire, Mass Effect.

On that note: CAN'T WAIT FOR FABLE 2!!

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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #83 on: April 29, 2008, 05:24:41 PM »
So I thought maybe getting San Andreas (or Vice City, or GTA3 even) for dirt cheap to get a feel for it may either make you love it, of hate it.
Ah, that was your point... And a good one as that! But given the older ones are not available to me I'll have to go for the new one straight away. Good thing is, I am paying with Taiwan Dollar. While I exactly know its value, it usually feels less irritating to spend NT$1,500 than US$60 (even though it's basically the same) :devil: So, it won't hurt me as much if I should hate it.

I know the idea; that I will be playing the bad guy and can do all sorts of illegal, bad, immoral stuff. That part doesn't have me worried (better do it on the console than in real life, right?). Only thing that could throw me of, I think, is that I can't handle the controls... (as I said, not really a gamer, so if too much sleight of hand [correct word...?] is required, I may be in serious trouble).

From what I understand, PS3 emulates the PS2 (kinda like what Microsoft did on 360 for the big-black-box compatibility). I know there's a new model of the PS3 that is not compatible at all with PS2 games.
...and I have one of those new models :shrug:


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #84 on: April 29, 2008, 05:39:44 PM »
Only thing that could throw me of, I think, is that I can't handle the controls... (as I said, not really a gamer, so if too much sleight of hand [correct word...?] is required, I may be in serious trouble).

Well, if it's any comfort, my Dad discovered GTA from Vice City, immediatly bought GTA3, and bought San Andreas on release day (all on the PC), and insists on playing with a controller (which completely baffles me). And he's pretty good at it, even though he can't really handle a controller all that well. He managed to finish San Andreas long before I did.

If they kept true to Vice City and San Andreas in any way, it should be fairly easy to handle. I thought they did an awesome job mapping all those controls to the 360 controller for San Andreas. I don't why they couldn't do it just as well for IV.

Non-News flash: My game still hasn't shipped!  :weep:

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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #85 on: April 29, 2008, 06:10:23 PM »
But in general, I prefer Western-style RPG over Japanese-style RPG. What I especially don't like most of the time in the Japanese type RPG is how set in stone the story is.
That's why I love FF6. You can do wathever you want and complete it. The first world is more restricted since you have to follow the storyline, but in the second world the storyline is what you want it to be. You are not force to do anything and you can go for the final fight when you think you're ready. Everytime I play I find something new... But I agree with you on the recent RPG they are not fun (I don't play computer RPG), when you prefer an rpg made for the girls market something doesn't sound right  :laugh:. I talk of FF X-2 : the story is stupid and the gameplay is ridicule, but you can do whatever you want (this is not a great game anyway).

But it's sure that the 3 girls is a big plus

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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #86 on: April 30, 2008, 04:56:03 AM »
Well, if it's any comfort, my Dad discovered GTA from Vice City, immediatly bought GTA3, and bought San Andreas on release day (all on the PC), and insists on playing with a controller (which completely baffles me). And he's pretty good at it, even though he can't really handle a controller all that well. He managed to finish San Andreas long before I did.
Any comfort? It's a GREAT relief and I immediatley look even more forward to getting it... Thanks for that! Regards to your dad. :celebrate:

Non-News flash: My game still hasn't shipped!  :weep:
Sorry to hear that.

I didn't find it last night, but I think it's because the shop I looked at sucks. I'll try again tonight at a dedicated game shop, keeping my fingers crossed they aren't sold out (not sure how poular such game is in Taiwan). :fingerchew:


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #87 on: April 30, 2008, 05:42:41 AM »
Non-News flash: My game still hasn't shipped!  :weep:
Sorry to hear that.

News flash: It is on its way!  :celebrate:

Can't wait!  :clap:

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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #88 on: April 30, 2008, 03:18:50 PM »
News flash: It is on its way!  :celebrate:
:dance: YEAH!

I bought mine today as well... Arrived in the shop I mentioned before, the guy said: we don't have any right now, but they (a new batch? I suppose they already had some yesterday...) should arrive at 9pm. So I strolled over to the other shop, where they said they expect the package at 7pm. It was 6:56pm :laugh: Well, it's taiwan, so needless to say there was delay and I finally held GTA IV in myh hands at 7:45pm :yahoo: Looking forward to try it out and see what the fuzz is all about (apparently I am not all that fuzzed as I still came here before opening the package :bag:).


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #89 on: April 30, 2008, 03:44:38 PM »
Newsflash: It's heeeeeeere!!
Now the wait to get home to actually play!

Why do I have to work on days like this?  :voodoo: