I'm a saveaholic too and I LOVE THIS GAME! It's bloomin' amazing. I'm still slogging through the medical facility after dealing with my first "Little One" (go on, what did you do? Kill or cure?) I was going to go straight back through but found the iced up door to the funeral parlour (dunno how I missed it first time around). The story is very good, it's brilliantly atmospheric and great fun with all the upgrades. Clever little twists, like getting the fire plasmid then finding the iced up doors to melt with it! And not going through doesn't hinder the game; they're just little off-shoots for collecting cool stuff and getting yourself killed lots and lots of times. Must admit I spent a long time with telekinesis trying to kill the toerag with the grenades on the balcony before realising I should throw them at the collapsed door instead...
The Sims, are pretty void of violence.
I've never understood the appeal of The Sims. I look on it like the PCs answer to Big Brother! I don't like that either. Actually I'm a bit worried about myself because all the games I like seem to involve shooting people and all the games I don't like, e.g. The Sims, are pretty void of violence.
Quote from: Najemikon on September 01, 2007, 06:41:04 PMThe Sims, are pretty void of violence. Oh The Sims can get violent, in a very cartoonish kind of way
(Farenheit or Indigo Prophecy depending on whether your European or American being a case in point).
Quote from: Lithurge on September 01, 2007, 08:31:45 PM(Farenheit or Indigo Prophecy depending on whether your European or American being a case in point).This was a really nice game, although i hated it on the PC. The DDR-like key things were HELL on the PC, much better on Xbox.