Author Topic: PC Gaming  (Read 63052 times)


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2007, 07:23:28 PM »
Probably should point out that Bioshock apparently needs a dual core CPU as a minimum though. Luckily for me it's being released at the time I was getting my new PC.


You see, Kathy? My two year old, high end PC, has just been rendered useless by my small gaming problem!  :-[

Well I should know by now not to trust everything I read on the internet, even when posted on the official forum by a 'rep'.  :badidea:

The 'good news' is that the min specs on the back of the box state a normal 2.4ghz processor.


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2007, 07:41:15 PM »
Good-o! That said, it does imply that if the games worth playing, it has to be at dual-core. I hate it when you go into a game and it auto-detects performance at 800x600 and all effects at lowest setting or even off!  >:(


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2007, 08:44:08 PM »
I've not actually seen anybody discussing what the benefits of dual core vs single core are for this game. That's only based on reviews rather than forum discussions, I've been avoiding the latter as I don't want to spoil the game. Roll on tomorrow and the long weekend.  :clap:

Stalker apparently does make use of multi-cores if available, but what I've seen on that is just a bit of a speed improvement, rather than anything drastic.


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2007, 09:03:03 PM »
So much depends on the rest of the system. We discussed RAID not long ago and I configured my last PC with two extra drives in a striped array because of the benefits for gaming. When I built my next PC with SATA, I compared performance with a SATA RAID array and there was no difference.

The best thing you can do with drives is have a dedicated, single, fast drive. Now that, plus decent memory will surely reduce a dual-core CPUs benefit?


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2007, 09:32:31 PM »
I think you're right with games that are available at the moment and in the near to mid future.

It's only when the developers program for multi core as their main target, which means multi-core being standard in most pc's that we'll actually see the real difference.

A lot if the stuff I've read about multi-core use is that they can use one to drive the graphics, one to drive the AI and one to cope with physics etc... etc... so it improves the game experience overall. Valve have been experimenting with this, but when we see it in a Source update is anybodys guess.

The main benefit of multi-cores at the moment is you can game whilst downloading and doing other stuff in the background without getting a performance hit.


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #20 on: August 27, 2007, 08:03:30 PM »
Whoa, big surprise! I bought Bioshock (£22.99 bargain at Morrison's) and it plays well. Better than well in fact. The graphics settings are all medium to high 1024x768 and I'm getting no stutter. And it looks good. Very, very pretty. I'm truly shocked as I honestly expected to have to bring all the settings down.

The opening sequence is astonishing and I kept expecting to see it conk out, but no problem at all. The next test were opponents and again, smooth as anything.

The minimum spec from the case:

P4 2.4 single-core (though the manual contradicts the case, saying it's 2.2 dual, 2.5 single)
1gb RAM
DX9.0c Video Card with 128mb RAM (Nvidia 6600/ATI X1300 or better)
DX9.0c 100% compatible sound card

The recommended spec:

Intel Core 2 Duo
2gb RAM
DX9.0c Video Card with 512mb (Nvidia 7900 GT or better)
Creative Labs EAX Advanced HD 4.0 or 5.0 compatible sound card

I'm leaning heavily toward the low end:

AMD 64 3500+
2gb DDR RAM (but in unmatched pairs so the overall speed has been dropped by the system)
Nvidia 6800 GS
Creative Labs Audigy 4

I'm definitely within the margin (even overclocked as I have been for some time), but I'm within the margin for Rainbow Six Vegas and that stutters. This doesn't even blink. I have updated to drivers which were only released August 20th in response to a known problem with Bioshock so I will go back to the other games and see how they play now. I finished F.E.A.R. the other day and that performed better than alright, but not as good as this.


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #21 on: August 27, 2007, 10:26:51 PM »
Good to hear it's running ok. I've was starting to see a few posts at Rage3d which were giving me the impression it was quite scaleable and apparently somebody has created some sort of SM2.0 patch to get it to run on even olders cards, although there are a few missing textures.

Having just finished it this afternoon I'll say you're in for a treat. Just make sure you take your time to explore and find the diaries, so you really understand what's going on.


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #22 on: August 27, 2007, 10:43:06 PM »
You've finished it already?  :laugh: I'm pretty slow. I'll play for an hour then leave it for a few days, but I am seriously impressed so far. I'm making my way through the medical facility at the moment. I'm only typing this because I hacked a security gun and four splicers appeared and blew it up while I was stood next to it! Not conducive to a healthy outlook, that!

How long is the game anyway?


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #23 on: August 27, 2007, 11:34:51 PM »
awww stop talking about BioShock! I don't want to buy it!  :help:


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #24 on: August 28, 2007, 01:32:21 AM »
Why? Just give in!  :laugh:

Does it help if I say that, so far at least, I personally think it is the first game worthy of rivalling the powerful story and atmosphere of Half-Life 2?  :tease:


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #25 on: August 28, 2007, 02:35:23 AM »
Does it help if I say that, so far at least, I personally think it is the first game worthy of rivalling the powerful story and atmosphere of Half-Life 2?  :tease:

Well, I wouldn't know, never player HL2  :bag:

But I already have on pre-order:
- Halo 3 Legendary Edition
- Mass Effects
- Blue Dragon
- Eternal Sonata

Enough is enough!  :surrender:

I have DVD to buy too!

Actually, I may go to my local EB Games and sell a few older title. Might give me enough credit to get BioShock at a decent price


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #26 on: August 28, 2007, 09:41:46 AM »


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #27 on: August 28, 2007, 04:09:39 PM »
It probably took me about 20 hours to complete, with finding most diaries and areas you can access. I did miss a few of both though as there were a few code doors I didn't find the codes for. I am a saveaholic though, I hate games that don't allow quicksaves  :bag:

I deliberately kept the weekend free, as I thoughtthis was one of the few games that was going to keep me hooked. It certainly goes on to a small list of those I've completed compared to those that I haven't.  Although some of those have been very lengthy, Morrowind & Oblivion have consumed far more hours than I care to think about, especially as the saves show the length of time played.  :o

Of course I have to play again at some point to see the alternative ending (which apparently varies depending on how you treat the 'Little Sisters' when harvesting Adam).


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #28 on: August 28, 2007, 04:10:38 PM »


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #29 on: September 01, 2007, 12:14:34 AM »
It probably took me about 20 hours to complete, with finding most diaries and areas you can access. I did miss a few of both though as there were a few code doors I didn't find the codes for. I am a saveaholic though, I hate games that don't allow quicksaves  :bag:

I deliberately kept the weekend free, as I thoughtthis was one of the few games that was going to keep me hooked. It certainly goes on to a small list of those I've completed compared to those that I haven't.  Although some of those have been very lengthy, Morrowind & Oblivion have consumed far more hours than I care to think about, especially as the saves show the length of time played.  :o

Of course I have to play again at some point to see the alternative ending (which apparently varies depending on how you treat the 'Little Sisters' when harvesting Adam).

I'm a saveaholic too and I LOVE THIS GAME! It's bloomin' amazing. I'm still slogging through the medical facility after dealing with my first "Little One" (go on, what did you do? Kill or cure?)  :devil: I was going to go straight back through but found the iced up door to the funeral parlour (dunno how I missed it first time around). The story is very good, it's brilliantly atmospheric and great fun with all the upgrades. Clever little twists, like getting the fire plasmid then finding the iced up doors to melt with it! And not going through doesn't hinder the game; they're just little off-shoots for collecting cool stuff and getting yourself killed lots and lots of times.  ??? Must admit I spent a long time with telekinesis trying to kill the toerag with the grenades on the balcony before realising I should throw them at the collapsed door instead...  :bag:
« Last Edit: September 01, 2007, 12:16:48 AM by Najemikon »