Author Topic: PC Gaming  (Read 63221 times)


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #300 on: July 08, 2009, 05:05:36 AM »
I come home form work.. Practice a little Piano.. Get on the computer, and what do I find?

Tales of Monkey Island Episode 1 is out!!  :clap:


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #301 on: July 08, 2009, 05:25:57 AM »
I don't do much PC gaming.  I have a couple of games which I never play anymore...Duke Nukem 3D, a baseball title...where the heck did I put my old copy of Redneck Rampage?  "Get offa my land!"  The only games I still play on my PC anymore is the occasional game of You Don't Know Jack.  :)


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #302 on: July 08, 2009, 05:33:59 AM »
You Don't Know Jack.  :)

I loved that game! Haven't played it in ages! Wonder if I still have my CD laying around...  :hmmmm:

I'm too tired to keep going, but Tales of Monkey Island is looking good! The funny dialog, atmosphere, wacky secondary characters.. they all seem to be back and kicking!

Offline Achim

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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #303 on: July 08, 2009, 06:07:46 AM »
I read a review today and except for this "point and click" game is missing the, erm, point and click mechanic, it seems to be good all the way through. Almsot mad eme want ti again, but somehow I don't want to play games at the computer anymore, when I can play on my sofa instead.

There have been rumors that it will come to XBLA and maybe even PSN later on. I have my hopes up.


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #304 on: July 08, 2009, 01:30:42 PM »
There have been rumors that it will come to XBLA and maybe even PSN later on. I have my hopes up.

I thought it was getting a simultaneous release on PC and XBLA? Oh well, doesn't change much for me, both my Xbox and PC and connection to the same screen ;)

I read a review today and except for this "point and click" game is missing the, erm, point and click mechanic, it seems to be good all the way through.

What the heck were they smoking?  ???
The only difference between the "traditional" point and click adventure is that you used to have to click where you wanted to go... now you have to click-drag to move.
The rest is all there. Click on items, click in the world, click to combine item in inventory, click, click, click.

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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #305 on: July 09, 2009, 06:17:13 AM »
Hmmm, maybe I made a mistake about the XBLA then.  But it's definitely not on PSN now and I read that it may be coming there later.

I understand that besides the dragging you can also set it to use the arrow keys...?

Well, besides not liking to play games in the computer room I also have the problem of my Windows running on a VM within my OS X. So, I was happz to see today that they put out a demo as well, which I have downloaded and will at least try on my computer.

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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #306 on: September 01, 2009, 07:52:28 PM »
You certainly know that the only computer game that I play is a strategic baseball game that I buy every year. So on the forum of the game (Out of the Park Baseball) I've learn today that the version 8 is now free. So if you want to try it this is your chance, sure the game isn't as complete as the most recent one but you will have a lot of fun with it. Be warned that it's a simulation game and not an arcade game a la Triple Play Baseball.

Follow this link


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #307 on: September 05, 2009, 02:13:33 AM »
Any of you know Space Rangers 2? (warning: there's sound on that site! I hate that! but you can at least turn it off - bottom right)

I saw a post about this and it sounds interesting. From what I could gather, you're basically a spacer and you can do you thing in the world. Explore, trade, fight, pirate, name it. The game world looks huge, and it's NOT a MMO!  :clap:

I looks like something I might like, but I'd like other opinions, preferably people I can trust ;)
(click to show/hide)

Anyway, I might try to acquire it through the "usual channel" to see if I like it or not...


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #308 on: September 21, 2010, 05:17:12 PM »
A full year before anything interesting happened  on the PC front? Wow!

Anyways, Civilization V is out today!!!

I have that I have to work.. Especially since it's now unlocked on Steam  :voodoo:


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #309 on: September 21, 2010, 09:05:11 PM »
A full year before anything interesting happened  on the PC front? Wow!

Anyways, Civilization V is out today!!!

I have that I have to work.. Especially since it's now unlocked on Steam  :voodoo:

Only because I forgot about this thread! :laugh:

Just finished Mafia II, now playing the add-on. Mafia was one of my all-time faves, I just love the atmosphere. The sequel is much the same except for some dire gameplay. Combat is great, driving great, but there is so much crap to do like answering phones, or following people, that amount to little more than cut scenes. Of which there is already a huge amount.

But the story and acting is superb. Really, really well done. And the atmosphere still works. Even when you are evading the police who have possibly the worst AI I have ever seen!


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #310 on: September 22, 2010, 12:35:27 AM »
Even when you are evading the police who have possibly the worst AI I have ever seen!
Intentionally, for realistic gameplay??  ::) :hysterical:

Offline Achim

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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #311 on: September 22, 2010, 06:05:42 AM »
Jon, I was really interested in Mafia II, among others because a colleague also kept praising the first one. The reviews were in general were rather mediocre and what had me turn away was the fact that they give you an open world, which is stunning, and then they don't fill it with stuff to do :shrug:. I would now get it second hand (maybe I will...?) but there is so many other games coming up that require my attention and are promising to be rather long (Dead Rising 2, Fallout: New Vegas, LittleBigPlanet 2). I played the demo and agree on combat and driving to be rather solid experiences...


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #312 on: September 22, 2010, 10:32:13 AM »
Did you ever play the original? It was very clever at disguising a linear game in an open world and there were multiple side missions. The enemy AI was very neat. Mafia II just doesn't measure up considering it's 8 years on. If it wasn't for the story, forgedaboudit... ;) It's still fun, you can still mess around in the "open world", but in a very restricted sense. The add-on called Jimmy's Vendetta is almost what was missing from the main game. Driving around picking up missions, earning points even while not doing one of those missions, not having to perform what could be done as a cut-scene, getting to play what would have been a cut scene. But the AI is shit... 

Even when you are evading the police who have possibly the worst AI I have ever seen!
Intentionally, for realistic gameplay??  ::) :hysterical:

Ha!  :laugh:


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #313 on: September 22, 2010, 01:58:35 PM »
Finally played Civ5 yesterday!

The game's gorgeous. Sometimes too much so. There's so much details it's sometimes difficult to make out what's actually there. Good thing there are tooltips all over the place telling what each sqaure is (and they can be turned off once you know everything)

I love that you can't stack units anymore. No more will the war be won by sheer numbers, you have to use strategy. Especially now that ranged units are actually ranged! I love decimating a town's defense using boats attacking from 2 hex away (yep! hex isntead of squares! Also a great improvement) and then capture said town with a puny warrior  :laugh:

Settlers and workers can now be kidnapped by Barbarians. So you have to plan ahead before sending them out of your borders. Yes, you can save them by taking over the village that kidnapped them.

Well, that's about it for now (I only played 2 hours). Can't wait to get back to it!

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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #314 on: September 22, 2010, 02:02:55 PM »
Did you ever play the original? It was very clever at disguising a linear game in an open world and there were multiple side missions. The enemy AI was very neat. Mafia II just doesn't measure up considering it's 8 years on. If it wasn't for the story, forgedaboudit... ;) It's still fun, you can still mess around in the "open world", but in a very restricted sense. The add-on called Jimmy's Vendetta is almost what was missing from the main game. Driving around picking up missions, earning points even while not doing one of those missions, not having to perform what could be done as a cut-scene, getting to play what would have been a cut scene. But the AI is shit...
No, haven't played the first one, just keep hearing good things about it. And I agree, 8 years later we should be allowed to expect more, not just more of the same.

Hmmm, I have seen it for cheap(er) in the store I use, maybe I'll grab it, keeping in mind that I'd have to add the DLC to the cost... It'll be a spur of the moment thing though, since the next time I'll be in the shop is to pick up another game (Dead Rising 2).