Author Topic: PC Gaming  (Read 63142 times)


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #210 on: November 07, 2008, 04:28:50 AM »
The DVD reader of my Xbox 360 is slowly dieing. It will regularly give my "disc unreadable" errors on immaculate discs, especially in Rock Band 2 after playing a downloaded song (which doesn't use the DVD), but it also happens a lot on Fable II, NHL 09, Lost Odyssey (sometimes the music cuts out in cinematics because of it), etc.

Nooooooooooooooo!  :weep:

My Xbox officially died on me tonight.

I received the code for the 20 free songs for Rock Band 2, so I entered and started the download, and felt like playing a little. So I start a few songs. I noticed the game stuttering a bit, but nothing serious. Got fed up with Rock Band, so I switched to Fable II. So I was doing my thing, hacking and slashing at hordes of bad guys when the game suddenly froze. I left there a few minute, hoping it would recover. It didn't. I turned the box off, unplugged it from the wall and left it unplugged for about 5-10 minutes. Plug it back it, fire it up. Starts up fine. Load Fable II. Choose "Continue". Of course, I'm sent back where I first started. Image comes up... bang! Grey screen!

Turn off the box again. Unplug again. Leave it there a few minutes. Plug it back in. Turn it on. Seems like it's loading.... wham! RROD (Red Ring of Death) or if you prefer:

Yep! General hardware failure. I'm off to call Microsoft....


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #211 on: November 07, 2008, 05:18:40 AM »
Well, to Microsoft's credit, the Xbox itself might have a rather high failure rate (I'll already be on my third console), at least, they don't ask too many questions. All they ask is:

Rep: Hi, my name is <WhateverHisNameWas>. Who am I speaking to?
Me: Hello, I'm Sebastien.
Rep: Hello Sebastien, how can I help you?
Me: I have the three red lights on the Xbox
Rep: Ok. What is the console's serial number sir?
Me: <ReadsOutSerialNumber>
Rep: That console is still under warranty. We'll do a little test.
Me: Ok
Rep: Plug the Xbox in and turn it on.
Me: Done
Rep: Do you still see the 3 red lights?
Me: Yes.
Rep: Look on the power supply, is the light green or amber?
Me: Green.
Rep: Alright sir, we'll exchange the console.

He then proceeded to confirm my home address (which they had on file already from the previous claim). Said I'd be receiving an email tomorrow with the procedure. Basically, just throw the console in a box, get to the closest UPS Store, and ship it out. And I'll receive a replacement in 2-3 weeks.

Quick and painless.  :thumbup:

But I'm looking at 3-4 weeks without my console. That's not fun! At all!

Offline Achim

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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #212 on: November 07, 2008, 05:21:50 AM »
Sorry to hear about the loss, yet great to see the exchange is painless, if painfully slow though. But hey, I see 2-3 weeks of undiverted attention towards your DVDs :yu:


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #213 on: November 07, 2008, 05:29:28 AM »
But hey, I see 2-3 weeks of undiverted attention towards your DVDs :yu:

Funny, what I see is 199.99$ out of my pocket for a new console ;)

Actually, I've been wanting a second power pack for a little while now, because when my sister is over, we often play Rock Band and it's a hassle to get the power pack and console upstairs to play. (The console is in my room, and there's no way we can fit 4 people in there for a Rock Band session).

So maybe I should take this opportunity to get myself a brand new console, and leave the replacement unit upstairs with Rock Band and Scene It games.

I also still have to get a bigger hard drive.. though I managed to recover 3GB before the console crapped out.


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #214 on: November 07, 2008, 03:41:37 PM »
When that happened to our they told us it would be 2-3 weeks as well. The whole process took around 10 days is all. I was truly impressed.


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #215 on: November 07, 2008, 03:45:18 PM »
When that happened to our they told us it would be 2-3 weeks as well. The whole process took around 10 days is all. I was truly impressed.

Well, it's the 2nd time I'm having to go through this. I remember last time I was rather surprised by how quick the turn around was. I'm still waiting for the email with the UPS shipping label..

What I'm surprised about though is that the girl on the phone yesterday told me to ship the Xbox in any box I find laying around. Back then, I remember Microsoft sending me a box for shipping the console back (also, shipping was through Purolator instead of UPS)
« Last Edit: November 07, 2008, 03:49:21 PM by RossRoy »


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #216 on: November 07, 2008, 04:10:50 PM »
I received a box from them as well.

BTW - nothing wrong with having the 2nd x-box. I've considered it myself. My son has mine in his room sometimes and has it in "my" room sometimes (the room with the big TV). When it's not in his room it's basically sitting on the floor in our living room with wires all over the place. It would be much nicer if I had it with the other electronics. Then all he would have to do is swap out the hard drives. I'm just wait for a super sale to but a 2nd unit. Most likely black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving) I will be able to find one cheap.


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #217 on: November 07, 2008, 04:15:26 PM »
I was actually looking as getting a used one, but then, with the failure rate of these things, do I really want to get involved with the possible hassle of a used unit?  :shrug:

Actually, what I really need is a second power brick and a new, bigger hard drive. Moving the console itself around is not problem. What i hate is getting under the desk to unplug the power brick.


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #218 on: November 07, 2008, 07:11:09 PM »
I was actually looking as getting a used one, but then, with the failure rate of these things, do I really want to get involved with the possible hassle of a used unit?  :shrug:

Actually, what I really need is a second power brick and a new, bigger hard drive. Moving the console itself around is not problem. What i hate is getting under the desk to unplug the power brick.

Sounds like you need to find someone that's fed up with the hassle of "Red Rings of Doom" and wants to sell their dead set up.

On a side note, picked up Burnout Paradise and GTA IV the other day. Not had a bash on GTA IV but Burnout is a stormer of a game, one complaint is that when you shunt into the rear of stationary cars now it can potentially wreck you, before it didn't.


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #219 on: November 07, 2008, 10:26:59 PM »
Haha! I decided to do something unexpected: whip out the Fable 1!

Awwww just the opening credit song is enough to get me in the mood for Fable 1 all over again! Such a great song!   :thumbup:


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #220 on: November 07, 2008, 11:33:50 PM »
It's very Danny Elfman-ish


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #221 on: November 07, 2008, 11:38:00 PM »


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #222 on: November 07, 2008, 11:39:32 PM »
 :hysterical: :-[ :bag:


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #223 on: November 11, 2008, 05:31:10 PM »
Quick and painless.  :thumbup:

Hmmm looks like it's not as quick and painless as I thought... I have to call them again. The girl said I'd be getting an email within 24 hours. Well, I still haven't received said email  >:(


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Re: PC Gaming
« Reply #224 on: November 14, 2008, 05:12:53 AM »
The crap heads!! I have to call them again!!! I still have not received the email!!!!!

Not only that, while the girl is making the THIRD support request, her computer crashed!!! (or at least that's what she told me) ....

It's also funny how when you mention to them that you've had to call multiple time, they all say the same thing "Don't worry sir, this is the last time you have to call. I'll personally make sure it gets through." Yeah right!!
« Last Edit: November 14, 2008, 05:19:50 AM by RossRoy »