Author Topic: goodguy's Watch Log  (Read 131745 times)

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Re: goodguy's Watch Log
« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2009, 12:13:52 PM »
   The Dark Knight (2008)
Written by: Jonathan Nolan & Christopher Nolan
Directed by: Christopher Nolan
Starring: Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Aaron Eckhart
DVD: R2-DE Warner (Dec 22, 2008)

My rating:

Disappointing mess whose only saving grace is Ledger's performance as the Joker. There is no dramatic structure, no characterization, no mood or atmosphere - nothing what could make a movie compelling. Nolan can neither establish nor develop a scene, so this is just a lot of stuff happening, mostly boring, with a few unexpected but inconsequential twists (e.g. Gordon). I've read a lot about how dark and complex TDK supposedly is, but I can see only very few glimpses of that (Dent/Joker). And after the ferry scene, I thought it couldn't get any more embarassing, but the cheesy voice over at the end easily topped that.

BTW, I liked Batman Begins. While it was flawed, it took a maybe less "complex" theme and managed to do something with it that (at least to me) was fresh and original. TDK on the other hand is all pseudo-edginess without depth.

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Re: goodguy's Watch Log
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2009, 12:17:57 PM »

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Re: goodguy's Watch Log
« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2009, 04:19:23 PM »
The Dark Knight

My rating:
Finally someone here recognize that this film isn't that great. I've only seen the trailer and it was enough for me : this isn't the Batman that I've known when I was young (in the comic books and the tv series). Batman is not suppose to be depressing and dark, he is suppose to be a good funny time just like the films made before were (yes, even Batman and Robin is a good time movie). I found this so ridiculous to see the fanboys said that this is "the best of the greatest movie ever made in the entire universe"... I think that it is even in the imdb top 5 (now this is stupid). I'm tired too of the Heath Ledger bandwagon : he is dead, so what! That doesn't make him the greatest actor to appear on the screen and seriously how many of those fanboys care about his other films? Not so many, so why create a legend with a not that great actor died of a drug overdose...


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Re: goodguy's Watch Log
« Reply #18 on: February 11, 2009, 05:31:39 PM »
The Dark Knight

My rating:
I'm tired too of the Heath Ledger bandwagon : he is dead, so what! That doesn't make him the greatest actor to appear on the screen and seriously how many of those fanboys care about his other films? Not so many, so why create a legend with a not that great actor died of a drug overdose...

In this role - he was great.


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Re: goodguy's Watch Log
« Reply #19 on: February 11, 2009, 06:44:43 PM »
The Dark Knight

My rating:
Finally someone here recognize that this film isn't that great. I've only seen the trailer and it was enough for me : this isn't the Batman that I've known when I was young (in the comic books and the tv series). Batman is not suppose to be depressing and dark, he is suppose to be a good funny time just like the films made before were (yes, even Batman and Robin is a good time movie). I found this so ridiculous to see the fanboys said that this is "the best of the greatest movie ever made in the entire universe"... I think that it is even in the imdb top 5 (now this is stupid). I'm tired too of the Heath Ledger bandwagon : he is dead, so what! That doesn't make him the greatest actor to appear on the screen and seriously how many of those fanboys care about his other films? Not so many, so why create a legend with a not that great actor died of a drug overdose...

Rubbish! As Richie said, Ledger was great in this role. I have an excellent bullshit detector and I'm not remotely influenced by what happened to him. The fact is he was magnificent as the Joker. I'm not sure posthumous awards mean a damn thing, but if he were alive, I honestly believe he would still be getting the nominations. It's easy to be cynical in a situation like this, but I think that whole film defied the hype in many respects. But he was always a very good actor anyway, from A Knights Tale to Brokeback Mountain.

As to the film in general, I agree it's nice to see someone with another opinion. I also agree it isn't good enough for top 5, but the fact remains it is a marvellous film. Interesting that you happen to picking up an a similar thing that Lovemunkey was saying in another thread; that people judge comic book films wrong because of their preconceptions. It doesn't match up with your idea Batman, but it fits perfectly with mine! The Batman comics I know are very dark. Without checking, I'm talking the original 30s stories, the 70s, 90s and Frank Miller's books. The fun Batman does exist, but to me the character only makes sense when he's a miserable bastard!

The Batman in the 60s TV show was a laugh, but overall utter crap. Actually Burton's (very dark) version is possibly still the best compromise. I prefer Nolan's, but I think the surreal vein in the first one is probably the closest to the comic.

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Re: goodguy's Watch Log
« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2009, 04:30:39 PM »
   Repo! The Genetic Opera (2008)
Written by: Darren Smith & Terrance Zdunich
Directed by: Darren Lynn Bousman
Starring: Alexa Vega, Paul Sorvino, Anthony Head
DVD: R1-US Lionsgate (Jan 20, 2009)

My rating:

Cover blurb: In the not-so-distant future, a worldwide epidemic of organ failures devastates the planet. Out of the tragedy, a savior emerges:  GENECO, a biotech company that offers organ transplant... for a price. Those who miss their payments are scheduled for repossession... and hunted by the REPO man!

"Rocky Horror meets Blade Runner" was Bousman's (of the Saw franchise) own pitch for the movie. The latter can indeed been seen as a an influence on the visual style, the comparison with the former is only wishful thinking of the "this will be cult" variety. A more apt musical point of reference would be Sondheim (may he forgive me), with the atonal music and the sung dialogue. But the music is rather dull and the lyrics are really, really aweful. And while the overall visual style has some appeal, Bousman is a lousy director, who often goes for largely static arrangements that resemble bad music videos more than anything else.

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Re: goodguy's Watch Log
« Reply #21 on: February 17, 2009, 04:31:50 PM »
   The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
Written by: Richard O'Brien & Jim Sharman
Directed by: Jim Jarman
Starring: Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon, Barry Bostwick, Richar O'Brien
DVD: R1-US Fox (2000)

My rating:

Cover blurb: The Rocky Horror Picture Show is an "erotic nightmare beyond any measure." Relive Richard O'Brien's sinfully twisted salute to horror, sci-fi, B-movies and rock music - a "sensual daydream to treasure forever" - starring Tim Curry (in his classic gender-bending performance), Barry Bostwick, and Oscar winner Susan Sarandon. Do the "Time Warp" and sing "Hot Patootie" with Meat Loaf again...and again...and again. Pull up a slab and let the madness begin!

I guess you have to be at one of those whacky screenings to fully enjoy this. The movie is great for the first half hour, after that it rapidly deteriorates. Still, even then it retains a certain silly charme and the occasional catchy song (e.g. Eddie's Teddy) makes sitting through the remaining parts worthwhile.

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Re: goodguy's Watch Log
« Reply #22 on: March 03, 2009, 01:03:08 PM »
   Reefer Madness: The Movie Musical (2005)
Written by: Kevin Murphy & Dan Studney
Directed by: Andy Fickman
Starring: Kristen Bell, Christian Campbell, Alan Cumming, Ana Gasteyer, Steven Weber
DVD: R1-US Showtime (2005)

My rating:

Cover blurb: Inspired by the legendary 1936 film of the same name, Reefer Madness is a tongue-in-cheek raucous musical comedy about clean-cut kids who fall into a twisted, hilarious downward spiral of reefer, sex and mayhem! A straight-laced high school lecturer (Alan Cumming) seeks to impart his wisdom to frightened parents about the "demon weed" by telling them the frightful tale of two innocent teens. Mary Lane (Kristen Bell) and Jimmy Harper (Christian Campbell), who fall under the spell of the public's enemy #1 and quickly find themselves in a world of evil jazz music, dance and madness. Filled with outrageously funny and musical performances by Neve Campbell, Christian Campbell, Kristen Bell and Steven Weber, Reefer Madness is the feel good event of the year that should not be missed!

I have watched this now for the 6th time, but it continues to be such an entertaining blast that sweps me away every time with its mix of goofiness, satire and energetic musical numbers. I'm almost tempted to state something absolute like: Best. Musical. Ever. At least it is certainly much funnier than "Rocky Horror" and "Little Shop" combined (to both of which it owns a little debt).

BTW, as a teaser for those of you who don't like musicals, but can occassionally be found here drooling over pretty lady pictures: Can you really say No to a scene with Kristen Bell as a dominatrix?

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Re: goodguy's Watch Log
« Reply #23 on: March 03, 2009, 08:19:51 PM »
Maybe a nude Kristen Bell!... Then even I would watch it!  :P Of course my finger would remain on the mute button!  :laugh:

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Re: goodguy's Watch Log
« Reply #24 on: March 06, 2009, 04:07:47 PM »
   The Sopranos (Season 1, 1999)
Created by: David Chase
Starring: James Gandolfini
DVD: R2-DE Warner/HBO (2008)

My rating: -

I'm almost through the first season (2 episodes to go): Great acting, reasonably well written and directed, yet I'm not very impressed and I honestly don't get the hype that surrounds this show. Again, it isn't that the show is bad, I just cannot bring myself to really care. I adored Six Feet Under, another portrayal of a dysfunctional family. I loved the short-lived Profit, which might have been the first show with a bad guy as the protagonist. Compared to those, the Sopranos are an underwhelming affair so far.


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Re: goodguy's Watch Log
« Reply #25 on: March 06, 2009, 10:05:29 PM »
I loved The Sopranos, and can't quite say why. I do think Tony is a fascinating character and that aspect only gets better across all seasons. He does some despicable things, but has this honest, "who me?" attitude. Then I found the writing in general so funny.

All that said, I'm continually disappointed by how the media can only focus on one series. They'll say The Sopranos was the absolute best, or The Wire as current fave. But there are several things in the show I thought were handled badly, even lazily. On the other hand, other shows, especially Buffy, keep pushing the boundaries but everyone dismisses them. And sticking with Joss Whedon shows, maybe if Firefly got all the attention BSG had, it would have had a longer run. It certainly deserved it just as much...

Final example, it's currently fashionable to retrospectively highlight Seinfeld as the best a sitcom can possibly be. It's good, but not that good!

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Re: goodguy's Watch Log
« Reply #26 on: March 09, 2009, 12:27:28 PM »
After watching the final two episodes of The Sopranos S1 I was about to slightly up my rating. But now I'm 3 episodes into S2 and watching this really becomes a chore. Maybe it all will be better in the later seasons when Matt Weiner joins the show (I really liked Mad Men), but I doubt I have enough patience to go that far.


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Re: goodguy's Watch Log
« Reply #27 on: March 09, 2009, 07:56:36 PM »
Season Two was a chore for me as well, but then I saw it again and for some reason couldn't remember why I disliked it. The pacing is different, so maybe it's a case of getting used to it. I'd bought both seasons cheap from Oz and decided not to carry on. Then lent them a friend, but watched them before handing on the discs... I went out and got the third then. :shrug:

Apparently Matt worked on seasons five and six? I have to say my favourite episodes are in season 3 (Pine Barrens! :hysterical:). Five and six has some incredible revelations, but the mood and pace doesn't alter, so honestly, if you don't like it by season 3, I doubt his input will change your mind. Mind you I'd seriously like to hear your take on the very final episode and the way they end the whole thing. Controversial, in a way... ;)

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Re: goodguy's Watch Log
« Reply #28 on: March 16, 2009, 08:35:11 PM »
I finished season 2 of The Sopranos and the only episode I thoroughly enjoyed was D-Girl (with Chris on the movie set), but that was probably the most un-sopranoesque episode of all I have seen so far. Well, I bought the first three seasons, so one more to go, including Jon's favorites.

For some reason I keep comparing this to Six Feet Under. While SFU too is a sometimes bleak and sometimes hilarious family drama, it has in almost every episode moments of stunning beauty and tenderness, something that's completely missing from The Sopranos. Another thing I'm missing is a certain transcendent and poetic quality that elevates the characters. With The Sopranos, even the dream scenes are rather dull.


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Re: goodguy's Watch Log
« Reply #29 on: March 16, 2009, 08:43:18 PM »
I seem to remember Season 3 having more "spin-off" episodes rather than sticking to one theme, which might be why a handful stuck in my mind more. AJ becomes a more interesting character as well from here on in. I think you're right that it can be too bleak, but as the seasons go on, I felt some characters were reacting to that bleakness as well, which I found quite interesting.