As we all know, most of the popular Internet forums attract their fair share of the pedantic and sad, frequently venting some long pent up frustration about spelling or whatever. So what's the weirdest, funniest or otherwise most memorable random comment you've ever read on the Internet? Obviously there is nothing to stop you posting something from this site, but even though we attract some strange individuals

, I don't think any are bad enough to go here.
Only today I was reading about the new Fast and Furious trailer over at Empire Online and found this gem:
rodriguez is lookin' good though and the chick who plays Vin's sister is always good for the wank bank.
"wank bank"?

But so far my favourite was in a thread about Vanishing Point on IMdB, always a hotbed of balanced film criticism. In the film, the driver, Kowalski, stops to pick up two men who have been seemingly stranded with a broken down car. We quickly realise they are gay, which doesn't bother Kowalski, but it does bother him when they pull a gun and try to rob him. He smacks them about and kicks them out of the car.
The thread was started by someone concerned that this was condoning beating up homosexuals, especially in comparison with a later more serious scene showing the black, blind DJ getting beaten. He has a point in suggesting that they were stereotype gays used for fun in a scene that surely wouldn't be allowed today (hopefully not even conceived), but he seemed to miss the point that they deserved their beating because they were thieves. Someone tried to explain why Kowalski was justified...
...but the clear implication is that after robbing and killing him they would most likely have raped him and broken his anus.
Erm. Ouch.

And by the way, in defence of the film, rape was certainly not implied!