Author Topic: David Lynch  (Read 1562 times)

Offline Kathy

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David Lynch
« on: July 17, 2007, 08:36:33 PM »
SailorRipley mentioned David Lynch might make a good topic. :yep: What a great idea since I started a David Lynch movie marathon last night!

Forgive me for stealing your idea but I didn’t want it to get lost. As such, the opening commentary is yours….

As for me…back to the show. :tv:


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Re: David Lynch
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2007, 09:39:17 PM »

I dig David Lynch.

No, seriously, I do, don't laugh.


Hmmm. Good question.

Come to think of it... I have no idea.

So what's up with me, you say? What do you mean I do drugs or something?

The above scenario may not be at all uncommon if you seriously dig David Lynch. People will think you are... well, weird. To some people eyes, you are beyond defense. You have no inherent reason or motive to like David Lynch's work, not if you consider yourself someone with at least one gram of common sense. Because, you know, there's nothing that could describe common sense in a David Lynch film. He is so OUT THERE. At one point in his life he LOST IT. He's nuts, he must do drugs, I'm sure he must do drugs. Have you even seen any of his movies? Gawwwwd, what a rumble, what huge pile of shit. If you say you like him or his work, I guess you must be exactly like him. A nutjob. See, you're not normal, not like me. Do you even have the nerve to pretend you get some of it? I don't.

Well, to the Lynch haters (Lynch Mob!) I say this: Guess what. I don't get it either. But that's just one of the many reasons why I dig this guy. What he does, and fairly well at that, is to challenge the senses. I don't see any other way to look at his work. He is a sense-challenger.

I think my very first introduction to him was his first one, Eraserhead. To my young mind, what a beautiful, haunting film this was. To describe it plotwise would mean an exercise in futility, it's the power of images, of unsettling, to disturb you any way he can. His films are everlasting, thought-provoking enigmas, and I just happen to like that. It's all so obviously rooted in surrealism, the more clichéd-infested art movement ever, but in his eyes, it is transformed into mini-machines of plot and dark twists.  He has a way with sound design as well, unique to his movies.

Count The Elephant Man and Dune (two of his more plot-driven films) among two great examples of narrative, but I would guess this element bothers Mr. Lynch, he's more interested in what's inside of your head than what outside actions can do. So, from Blue Velvet to Inland Empire what we have are magnificent assault to every part of your mind and in between you can almost hear him laughing when he makes something as wonderful, subtly moving and surprising as the appropriately titled The Straight Story. That's like, HA! FOOLED YA!

I would go on individually about each of his films, but I'd like to know more about what you guys like/feel/hate/vomit about his films and the guy himself. So bring in the comments! I say, it's all a matter of who you are, and what your take is in art, film, life (all synonymous to me). If you like your movies nicely wrapped in a package you can digest in minutes, and this is the only kind of film you like, and you believe anything else is just a huge ball of pretentiousness, thread carefully with Lynch. Well no, in fact, you know what? If that is the only kind of film you like, don't even bother, it's almost a given you're not going to like it.

I've had numerous people being critical of the fact that I dig Lynch, some of those coming from people who like strange things like Big House Momma 2, well... I would rather be shot with projectile diarrhea than watch that, but that's me. And then I'm the weirdo.

I just know that I dig David Lynch, I don't entirely have a coherent, facile reason for it, but I just know that I do.

Because I'm just weird like that.

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Re: David Lynch
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2007, 03:16:36 AM »
If “weird” is required to appreciate the David Lynch experience – call me weird. It’s an honor to be a member of the club. David Lynch films, to me, reflect and illuminate different facets of life through film. He shakes things up knowing that chaos is a part of living.

Most films are fairly typical fodder for the masses. I like to think of them as people that live in the suburbs – married – kids – own a home; that can be a wonderful life. Many movies are like that – straight forward, typical, and you know what usually happens along the way. That life, and those films are great, I don’t take anything away from them…but it’s not enough for me...give me more.

David Lynch movies illuminate the lives of people who don’t live that kind of life – whether by choice or circumstance. He sets out to explore that which is unconventional. Lynch wants you to look, open your mind, see the reality that is a part of us. The Elephant Man is the perfect example. There is honesty, clarity, and beauty in the muddle and chaos of David Lynch’s visions. Life can be messy and looking away doesn’t change that. I’m always overwhelmed at the intensity that is intrinsic in all of his films.

There is an underlying balance in life that is fundamental in nature. This ebb and flow is one of the basic principles of life. You see it in science, politics, sex, war; it’s a vital part of living. One can not exist without the other. Yin & yang – black & white – light & dark, there are thousands of examples to illustrate this basic concept.
It is this duality that best exemplifies and explains the importance of David Lynch’s films.  We need to bring to life to all aspects of living. The traditional film maker fills the yang part of the universe…but in order to achieve balance we need the Yin…we need David Lynch.


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Re: David Lynch
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2007, 03:39:34 AM »
Beautifully put, Kathy.
