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My Weekend Marathon: Saturday Morning Nostalgia
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Topic: My Weekend Marathon: Saturday Morning Nostalgia (Read 6019 times)
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My Weekend Marathon: Saturday Morning Nostalgia
August 08, 2008, 04:34:00 PM »
My Weekend Marathon
Saturday Morning Nostalgia
This weekend... instead of doing my normal movie marathon... I decided I wanted to do something a bit different. In my last DVD order I bought a couple old Saturday Morning TV Shows that I used to watch as a kid. I also have other such shows from my childhood... so I decided to have a bit of a nostalgia weekend... and watch a bunch of my favorite Saturday Morning Kid Shows from my childhood. This will include episodes from shows such as
The Adventures of Aquaman
The Secrets of Isis
Land of the Lost
... and a few others. So here I sit in my pajamas, with a bowl of my daughter's sweet cereal... ready to take a trip down memory lane.
The Adventures of Aquaman: Complete Collection
Disc 1
When fiendish foes and marine menaces threaten the peaceful undersea world of the lost city of Atlantis,
Aquaman, King of the Seven Seas
, dives to the rescue! Aided by teen hero
and their aquatic friends
the walrus and sea horses
, these brave water warriors battle astonishing creatures like
Volcanic Monster
Ice Dragon
Devil Fish
. Using his superior strength, cunning wit and telepathic communications abilities,
faces evil villains like
Black Manta
Vassa, Queen of the Mermen
to fight for justice on the ocean floor. Plunge into this two-disc collector's edition featuring all 36 action-packed cartoons from the fatastic TV series in original airdate order!
My Thoughts:
When I ordered this I was wondering how well it would hold up for me. I am happy to say it held up pretty well. I enjoyed revisiting this show after so many years. And they did a great job on it too... the picture and sound is in great shape... especially considering this series is a good 40 years old.
A couple things I noticed about this series. First thing I noticed is Aquaman seldomly called Aqualad as such... he had a couple different nicknames for him they he used... Tadpole and Minnow. That seemed a little strange to me for some reason... but ok. Then the next thing I noticed was in the credits. Some of the voices was done by someone I am familiar with... Ted Knight! These episodes are also really short. Each episode has 2 stories each story about 7 to 8 minutes... making the average episode only 15-16 minutes. I don't remember if this show was shown along with another show or not... but I have to think it must have... or they used a lot of commercials during this show!
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Re: My Weekend Marathon: Saturday Morning Nostalgia
Reply #1 on:
August 08, 2008, 09:13:56 PM »
Spider-Man: The '67 Collection
Episodes 1-7
Here they are - all 52 episodes of Spider-Man's original classic television series, now completely restored in full color and bursting with spectacular Spidey action!
Experience every amazing moment of Spider-Man's first appearance on TV in the animated series that electrified Saturday morning audiences from 1967-1970. Featuring the Web-Slinger's greatest foes, including Dr. Octopus , The Green Goblin , Mysterio , The Rhino , Dr. Magneto , and so many more.
My Thoughts:
Now this one really brought back some great memories. This is one of my all-time favorites when I was a kid. I think it is a little odd for someone that has such a bad case of Arachnophobia as I have to love this show so much... for some reason Spider-Man has always been my favorite Superhero. I got to see a nice handful of episodes today... several of the old-time villains like Scorpion and Vulture... a couple villains I actually forgot about there for a while until I pulled out this set.
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Re: My Weekend Marathon: Saturday Morning Nostalgia
Reply #2 on:
August 09, 2008, 01:12:37 AM »
Land of the Lost: Season 1
Disc 1
Free-fall through an open time portal...to a world where menacing dinosaurs roam free! Get reacquainted with Cha-Ka even if it means having to come to blows over a gigantic vegetable or two. Then stumble once again onto the ruins of Lost City. No matter which path of adventure you choose to follow-above all else: Beware of the Sleestak! For heeding that last little bit of advice alone should assure you survival in this anything-but-routine expedition with Marshall, Will, and Holly. Hang on, now! You'll soon be glad to have rediscovered the Land Of The Lost.
My Thoughts:
This is the first time I have seen this show since I first watched it as a kid. So I was wondering how well the show would hold up for me. I also wondered what Brittany would think of the show. I am happy to say not only did the show hold up well and brought back some fun memories for me... but also Brittany watched it with me... and even though she thought the quality of the effects (the dinosaurs and such) was pretty laughable compared to today's standards... she really enjoyed the series over all. This is definitely a series I plan on continuing my collection of. I am hoping I will have the entire series (3 Seasons) by the end of the year.
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Posts: 17685
Re: My Weekend Marathon: Saturday Morning Nostalgia
Reply #3 on:
August 09, 2008, 05:51:30 PM »
The Super Power Team: Galactic Guardians
Disc 1
All your favorite heroes and villains line up for amazing animated action in this beloved series debuting in a must-own two-disc compilation full of fiendish plots, dazzling rescues and everything you loved about Saturday morning heroics! 'Batman', 'Robin', 'Wonder Woman', 'Superman', 'Firestorm' and new recruit 'Cyborg' face out-of-this-world dangers to protect humanity from the wicked ruler 'Darkseid' and his plans for galactic domination. Criminal masterminds 'Lex Luthor', 'Scarcrow' and 'The Penguin' scheme while 'The Joker' and 'Mr. Mxyzptlk' cause mayhem and destruction across the galaxy. Featuring the voices of 'Adam West' as 'Batman', 'Casey Kasem' as 'Robin', and 'Frank Walker' as 'Darkseid', these 10 legendary sagas captured in their original airdate order serve up one memorable showdown after another!
My Thoughts:
There has been several incarnations of the Super-Friends. If I am not mistaken... this was the most recent one. In this version Cyborg joins the team. He is pretty cool on here... but I personally prefer Firestorm. For some reason he was my favorite out of the couple versions of the show that he was in. Brittany watched this disc with me today... and she really enjoyed the show as well.
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Posts: 17685
Re: My Weekend Marathon: Saturday Morning Nostalgia
Reply #4 on:
August 09, 2008, 11:49:18 PM »
The Secrets of Isis: The Complete Series
Brittany's Picks
She was Saturday morning's first live-action super heroine, saving lives and stopping crime in a mini-skirt and go-go boots on 'THE SECRETS OF ISIS!' When science teacher Andrea Thomas unearthed a lost treasure on an archaeological dig, she found that the mystical amulet endowed her with the powers given to the ancient 'Egyptian Goddess, Isis!' Now granted the powers of animals and the elements, Isis soared as the falcon soared, ran with the speed of gazelles, and commanded the elements of the sky and the earth. Although her secret identity was unknown to even her closest friends, fellow teacher Rick Mason, or students Cindy Lee and Rennie Carol, Andrea used her powers as Isis to stop criminals, save lives, right wrongs, and teach valuable lessons... Sometimes with the aid of fellow hero 'Captain Marvel (Shazam)!'
Now available on DVD for the first time, the entire two seasons of 'THE SECRETS OF ISIS' contains a treasure-trove of special features, and all the super-powered goodness that the heroine represented. Now, you too can be the heir to... 'THE SECRETS OF ISIS!'
My Thoughts:
Being one of Brittany's favorites of my old series I decided to let her pick her top 4 favorite episodes to watch with me. The first one she picked was the episode
. In this episode after the death of his dog... a young boy goes into a depression and finds himself in danger... danger only Isis can get him out of. It was a good... but sad episode. Then we watched
Big Foot
where a group of school kids believe that they spotted Big Foot in the forest... and go looking for him. Another good episode... was enjoyable. After that we watched the episode
Girl Driver
. Was a pretty good episode. Was interesting watching the driving contest between the girl and the boy. Amazing how dated some of these episode plots are. And then finally we watched the episode
Seeing Eye Horse
... this was a really interesting episode. The idea of training a horse for the blind was interesting at least. Of course since these were all Brittany's Picks... she enjoyed every minute of it.
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Posts: 17685
Re: My Weekend Marathon: Saturday Morning Nostalgia
Reply #5 on:
August 10, 2008, 12:18:48 AM »
Warner Brothers Commemorative DVD Vol. 8: Shazam
1. The Joyriders
A young man must figure out what to do when his friends insist on stealing cars and going on joy rides. Moral: It's important to do what you know is right, and not get conned into doing something dumb just because somebody calls you names. It often takes more courage to do what's right than to go along with the crowd
My Thoughts:
Since we watched Secrets of Isis... I thought we should go ahead and watch the partner show to it as well. I only have the one episode of this series... it is a disc I got free as a bonus for buying another Warner Brothers season set. I used to never miss this one when I was young. This is actually the pilot episode of the series. Brittany watched this one with me too... and she did like it... but she prefers Isis to Shazam!
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Posts: 17685
Re: My Weekend Marathon: Saturday Morning Nostalgia
Reply #6 on:
August 10, 2008, 07:03:15 PM »
The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries: Season 2
Brittany's Picks
It's the world's greatest teen super-sleuths to the rescue as Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys return in 22 episodes of 'The Hardy Boys / Nancy Drew Mysteries: Season Two'! Based on the hugely popular books and starring teen idols Shaun Cassidy, Parker Stevenson and Pamela Sue Martin, these thrilling episodes follow the determined detectives on spooky mysteries in Dracula's Castle, at Mardi Gras in New Orleans and even in the Bermuda Triangle! Contributing to the fun and excitement are seven hit songs from Shaun Cassidy that made him a pop music sensation, including "That's Rock 'N Roll" and "Hey Deanie." Also along for the chase in Season Two are such special guest stars as Casey Kasem, Rick Springfield, Melanie Griffith and Valerie Bertinelli. Follow the clues to fantastic music and adventures with TV's most famous teenage detectives!
My Thoughts:
Brittany wanted to watch some more of my old shows again today. So like I did on
The Secrets of Isis
... I let her pick her favorite episodes of this set. First she picked the 2-part episode
The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew Meet Dracula
... what can I say... she is a chip off the old block... and loves anything horror/Halloween related shows. In this episode we get all 3 detectives... The Hardy Boys and Nancy drew (as you can tell by the title)... and they end up in Transylvania at Dracula's Castle. Next we watched another 2 part episode called
The Mystery of the Hollywood Phantom
... where once again we have The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew together. in this one they end up in California at some sort of a detectives convention. These were a lot of fun as I used to love this show when I was a kid... and to be completely honest... I still do!
OK... This is where I am going to end my marathon this weekend. I really had a great time watching all these shows that really was special to my childhood. Talk about bringing back some memories!
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My Weekend Marathon: Saturday Morning Nostalgia