Author Topic: Classic TV: The Hardy Boys Nancy Drew Mysteries  (Read 2171 times)

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Classic TV: The Hardy Boys Nancy Drew Mysteries
« on: June 13, 2007, 02:02:02 PM »
Anyone else here collecting this show? I remember as a little snot-nosed kid being glued to the set whenever Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew was on! A couple of years ago when the first season came out I was... I would say... a little less then excited about it... but definitely wanted it... if for no other reasons then nostalgia. Well... I ended up enjoying it very much... it actually held up well for me... I couldn't believe it!

A year later I was getting pretty concerned that season 2 was never released... then several months later the news hit the net of a new Nancy Drew movie coming out... I thought well just maybe there is a chance for season 2 to come out to help promote the movie. Sure enough Season 2 was finally announced.... and released yesterday. I pre-ordered my copy from Amazon several months ago... and my copy should be getting here any day now.

One of the best things I enjoyed about season 1 was showing it to my daughter and sharing with her one of my favorite childhood shows. Season 1 even came with a mini poster of The Hardy Boys... which is still inside the season 1 boxset. So I am hoping season 2 will have a mini poster of Nancy Drew... that one just may make it up on my wall!

Thanks to a back scan of season 2 that was submitted into Invelos this morning I see this set even has an extra mentioned... which is more then season 1 had! It says...
Bonus Feature: America's Top Sleuths - A Sleuths Channel Countdown of the top sleuths in television and film

Sounds like a TV Special... I don't get the Sleuth Channel so I can't be 100% sure what to expect here... but sounds interesting.

Now I just have to hope that season 3 will be released to complete the series. Which would be just 8 to 10 episodes of The Hardy Boys as for some odd reason they dropped Nancy Drew part way into season 2. There is hope however... as I have read that there will be a Hardy Boys movie being made as well... it will be called The Hardy Men... and will be showing us The Hardy Boys once they have aged to adulthood. Not a great premise in my opinion... but hopefully enough to get the 3rd season released!