Author Topic: I hate Future Shop  (Read 2149 times)


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I hate Future Shop
« on: June 02, 2007, 01:21:09 AM »
I just went to Future Shop to get my copy of Wonderfalls on sale at 18.99$.  I've never seen it, I have this bad tooth ache which I have to live with until I see my dentist monday and it's gonna rain this week-end so I thought it would be the perfect time to watch it all at once while I stuff myself with pain killers (maybe I'll see talking animals too).

So I walk in and of course it's not on one the front displays so I have to walk around to find it and on my way to the cash I walk by this basket where they have DVD's at 12.99$ or 2 for 20$, I dig in, some nice stuff but not crazy about it so I'm not gonna buy anything........until I read the whole sign and find out it 2 for 20$ or 6 for 50$  >:(

It would of course have been wrong to refuse "the call" so I ended up getting

Dark water - The Darker Cut (Yes RossRoy, I know, it's with Jennifer Connelly)
Gone in 60 seconds

And I spent 70$ instead of 20$.......I hate Future Shop.................Not.


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Re: I hate Future Shop
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2007, 02:17:28 AM »
Good thing I didn't go! Those 2 for 20$, 6 for 50$ are wallet killers!  ;)

Don't know if you've seen it, but I really liked Dark Water.


Come to think of it, I'll be in the vicinity of a FutureShop tomorrow.... <gulp!> Must.... resist.... temptation.....

(we'll see tomorrow if I resisted!  :-\ )
« Last Edit: June 02, 2007, 02:24:27 AM by RossRoy »


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Re: I hate Future Shop
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2007, 02:44:49 AM »
Come to think of it, I'll be in the vicinity of a FutureShop tomorrow.... <gulp!> Must.... resist.... temptation.....

(we'll see tomorrow if I resisted!  :-\ )

Spending alert !!!! Spending alert !!!!

Lock up all your credit/debit cards and swallow the key immediately, it's your only way out.


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Re: I hate Future Shop
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2007, 03:28:28 AM »
Spending alert !!!! Spending alert !!!!

Lock up all your credit/debit cards and swallow the key immediately, it's your only way out.

 ;D ;D

We'll see tomorrow! Especially since the reason why I'm in the vicinity of a FutureShop, is because I have to pickup some DVD (one of the Transformers set) that just arrived by Purolator!!  ;D


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Re: I hate Future Shop
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2007, 04:59:03 AM »
I've been a victim of that kind of sale (it was at Best Buy). Since then, they've had one or two more of those sales but I have so many damn DVDs that I already owned like 90% of what was on sale and the others I didn't, I had no interest in...


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Re: I hate Future Shop
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2007, 06:45:16 PM »
My wallet survived the trip! I didn't buy anything..  ;D

Mostly because I could only find 1 or 2 that were somewhat interesting, the others I either had no interest, or I already had them.