Here's my completed series:
Arrested Development
Babylon 5 (the whole series, plus all the movies)
Band of Brothers
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Carnivàle (will have this on Christmas morning

Forever Knight
From the Earth to the Moon
Homicide: Life on the Street
Kung Fu
The Lone Gunmen
Nowhere Man
Sports Night
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stargate SG-1
Tripping the Rift
The X-Files
Almost completed:
24 (I have everything that's out as of today)
Lost (I have everything that's out as of today)
Monk (season 1-4)
My Name is Earl (have the first, still need the second)
The Office (have the first two)
Scrubs (have 1-5)
Stargate Atlantis (I have everything that's out as of today)
Supernatural (I have everything that's out as of today)
Veronica Mars (have 1 & 2)